there's no one here
There's no one here yet, and it's already's a little weird being here in the lab with no one around. I just love going to work so much! *just a little bit of sarcasm* sigh. I'll leave early today and hopefully get some cleaning and laundry done. Something that doesn't require going outside. It's SO cold! And it didn't snow. *pouts* No white Christmas this year, I guess. Though why I keep hoping for one I'm not sure, as we almost never do have one...ah well. I didn't want to drive in it anyway.
Thank you to all of you that sent Christmas cards. Hope you're having a nice holiday! *can't wait until tomorrow even though she has to get up and go to work*
pssst: what an ignoble post for #500! I've been doing this way too long. Thanks for the comments, guys
Although I did manage to finally get Categories displayed after the entry. Not yet on the individual ones, I'll work on that sometime...
Fiona made me a gifte
Whee! That reminds me, haha. Gotta get working on mine...
Merry almost Christmas! It snowed here, so we should have at least a somewhat white Christmas... let me know your holiday plans so I can give you a call when you aren't busy :-)
Posted by: Alex | December 23, 2004 2:07 PM