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show off

So, yeah. I have pictures of the hat! And me in the hat! And I found out that my saturday orgo lab doesn't start until the 29th! Whee! Hah. I CAN go out partying after the AHS show! :(

and me in the hat...

Found this little gem of php over at Lost-dreaming and I'm very grateful for it. Yay for a quote script!

PHP: rotate your quotes

By now, you may have noticed the rotating quote I have above this content column. Previously, I achieved the effect by using Javascript, but after all, PHP is more convenient and fast.

Copy and save the following snippet of code in a file named quotes.php.


$quote[] = "example1";
$quote[] = "example2";
$quote[] = "example3";
$quote[] = "example4";
$quote[] = "example5";
$quote[] = "example6";

srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$randomquote = rand(0,count($quote)-1);

echo "" . $quote[$randomquote] . "";


Replace the example1 to example6 codes with your quotes. (One quote per line.) To accomodate more quotes copy and paste the following code after example6.

$quote[] = "example";

To include the quote paste the following code where you want it to appear.

<?php include('/quotes.php');?>

file under: celebration


I think the hat looks lovely. I need to start actually making something, instead of simply reading my book...

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