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so, who wants to travel?

HP Fan Trips || Where Magic Travels Together
Remember how I said I wanted to go to London? Yeah. Wouldn't this be a great way to do it? lol. Of course I'd like to do the Scotland part as well...bah. what happens to all my money? Boo. Because I am really needing a new laptop now. I've noticed that my faithful little iBook is dropping pixels on the monitor...doesn't bode well for future graphics...and I want a keyboard. The Mesnier (elementary) school music teacher wrote a song for her kids and the high school choir and us alumni in the show (tonight! Tonight is the show! eek!) and she has one of those huge concert-type keyboards with all sorts of neat synth sounds. Of course I realize I won't get one of those, but man, it's neat to hear.

I'll probably head out shortly...I'm so tired from this week and I have to get to the high school early for call. I heard that it's supposed to be a full house, so get there early if you're coming ;) wish me luck! *shoos away sore throat*

reading   , Gene Wolfe
file under: movies


Oo that sounds really fun, I hope it goes well for you. Just swung by to say thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it. And your layout is spectacular, very eye catching *grins*

Good luck tonight!

That so awesome for the fans. I hope you get your new laptop. I've never been too fond of them though. They're such a hassle when the screen changes focus at different angles. Have fun at the show.

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