Irony sucks. (Was: ready for the weekend)
ATTENTION! If you're in the St. Louis area this weekend, stop by the Affton Arts & Crafts fair. My mother will have a booth, and you'll really like what she does. Pick up an Easter gift for someone.
After that nice public service much things can change in such little time. The end of the entry was written before I found this out...
I just found out that my position will be terminated in April. Tax day, no less. The irony is that I'm 3 for 3 with lab jobs running out of money. The grant they pay me from has been frozen because we're between phases. Joy. There is hope though...a lab down the hall is looking for techs, and I'm supposed to talk to them on Monday. Luigi said good things about me, which is great, so hopefully I'll be able to just go from one to the other.
Huh. Now I guess I won't be able to take that vacation. I doubt they'll be able to pay me for it, either. Perhaps they'll carry over to the next one. My luck, I guess.
Now onto the stuff that was written before I had that most disturbing news.
Moon Names, in relation to the lovely scents that BPAL puts out. Incidentally I just got my shipping confirmation, so hopefully I will come home one day and see a nice little package for me. Also hopefully it will not be in the form of a post-it note on the front door saying "We could not deliver your package" grumble. Just because we have a locked Just buzz around, people, someone's usually home...
This book looks interesting...gonna head to the bookstore tonight and see if it's around. Robots comes out today. Whee! Perhaps I'll get to see it with my family when they come into town next week. Well, in two weeks, really. It's not quite next week yet...
Your vacation days are your right. If they won't carry over, and they can't pay you them when the job ends, you should have the right to start taking them RIGHT NOW. They'd better let you!
Posted by: your former roommate | March 11, 2005 7:27 PM
What position were you in that you were terminated? You might have mentioned it, sorry, I must have missed it.
Hope all is well Jen!
Posted by: Stella | March 14, 2005 12:45 AM