Earth day and other things
It's the 35th Earth Day today. Recycle something. Reuse something. Er, Reduce something. *laughs half-heartedly at the organic chemistry joke she just made* Orgo is driving me mad.
One more Saturday lab, then write the paper for Check-out a week from tomorrow. Orgo test next week, which not quite ready for, and might not be before next week, as friends coming into town. Yay friends. Boo not studying. Thank goodness test is on Wednesday and not Monday.
Orgo final May 11. Thank goodness no orgo lab final, as would have been the day after Kingdom of Heaven premiere. KOH's soundtrack out Tuesday, shall have to pick that up along with Rob Thomas' solo effort.
So, it's the parents' anniversary, Kate's birthday, and yours truly's website's 3rd birthday on Sunday. Awww. Also, sunday being the full-moon day, BPAL will offer Flower Moon. Will have to see if I remember to check it out. Could be interesting. Will be busy. Hope I can see some of the UAA conference meet this weekend, as it's held at WU this year. Strange to think that three years ago I was in Atlanta and running the best races of my life, becoming conference champion in both the 100 and 200 m dashes, placing 3rd in the 100 hurdles, and helping the 4x1 team win gold and nearly make it to nationals. Wow. What a difference three years makes. *cough* *lazy bum*
Still worried about orgo lab. I guess I've done what I needed to do, but hopefully will get all needed things done tomorrow. These last few weeks I've just felt like I didn't know what I was doing. And I have no idea what to write this paper on. It will be a bitch. And since it's due three days after the aforementioned orgo test, it will be doubly bitchy. Wish me luck.
I just have to keep telling myself that there are good things coming my way, in the form of friends and new music and Orlando Bloom, but man, it's hard when there's the stress of orgo/job/apartment worries. I'd really like to know where I'll be in a month.
Happy Birthday to your website!!!
LMAO Organic Chemistry sounds horrible and yet interesting at the same time.
Posted by: Stella | April 23, 2005 9:27 PM