so I've determined that for some odd reason AIM doesn't want to let me change my buddy icons on my laptop. Boo. I might have to reinstall it, see if that works. Weird.
Another weird thing, on saturday morning as I was leaving for lab, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye under the tire of a car parked near my apartment. I looked back and saw it was a rather big something, but I didn't have time to take a closer look. The car was still there when I got back from lab, and this time I did take a better look: someone had run into the rear driver's side bumper, really hard, hard enough to drive some of the bumper over the rear driver's side wheel and another part of it under the front driver's side tire. That's what I'd seen earlier. You could tell it had been done there because there was all sorts of debris around the car, and it looked like it had been hard enough to bump the car up onto the (admittedly low) curb. When I came outside the next day someone else was looking at it and the person who lives in the house next door said that it had been a drunk hit-and-run, but it wasn't his car. I wonder whose it was, and if they knew about it over the weekend, because it didn't get towed until yesterday afternoon. It was a nice car, too.
While I was on my way to lab, I noticed this car parked horizontally across an alley, and I was like, "wow, that's rude," but then I saw that the entire front tire had been shredded. I mean, it looked like it had exploded, which is possibly what happened. I didn't have time to examine it, as I was driving, but when I came back after lab I had to stop at the stoplight and could look at it a little longer. I don't know what the person ran over, but wow. I guess the alley just happened to be the easiest way to stop, but I would have thought they could have pulled a little farther forward. At least the car wasn't totally blocking the way. I have no idea if it's been towed yet, I'd assume so, but it's kinda funny how I only go that route if I'm going directly to the hilltop from the apartment, which I only do on saturdays. Weird.
and just so you know, lab was terrible. I think I'm doing ok, but I didn't get out until quite late, and I feel really bad. It's probably going to reflect on my grade that I left late so many times. Boo. And of course, our paper is due a few days after our last test (not the final, but the fourth test). Of course. Just the luck.
I just have to keep telling myself, just a few more weeks. And there are some bright spots in there, like the Kingdom of Heaven premiere, parents' anniversary/Kate's birtday/friends in town/et.com turning 3
but there's two tests and a paper. Sigh. Still feel crappy.
Yay for happy things!
Posted by: your former roommate | April 19, 2005 3:18 PM
Gaaahh school work.
Good luck Jen! And thanks so much for all the help! I'm so happy our site is hosted on etoiline!!!
Posted by: Stella | April 19, 2005 7:38 PM
lol...you have to wonder why the person may have said that...you never know if they did it... usually people kind of figure that out for themselves... but maybe I am looking into it a bit much.
Sad that people just get up and do not take responsibility for actions...
Posted by: Nile | April 19, 2005 10:47 PM