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if I had money, I would

Scotland's Lochs and Forests Trail | Adventure Travel & World Travel That link is for a HORSEBACK RIDING trip through SCOTLAND. OMB. *wibble* You have no idea how many levels that appeals to me on. Sigh. If only I had an extra $2000 lying around. Sheesh. I barely have enough to even think about seeing Big River at the Fox (which I really really want to, but no one can go with) much less a trip like that. Even my (very small) tax refund is already earmarked for a (working, non-squirrel-eaten) bike. Sigh.

I would pick up the so I could lay down some nice tympani beats. Yeah. Also get *some* keyboard that would have MIDI input so I could play directly to the computer. I've got this lovely GarageBand software but it's so gosh-darned hard to "play" piano on a computer keyboard.

Want more?

I would spend a month or two or three just writing. I'm excited about Artorius Rex Novare again. I want to talk about it but I know all of you haven't read it, so I can't. Sigh. I want to fix Moonstone so it doesn't sound like a 13-year-old wrote it. Not that it was bad, but it could be better. I was a pretty smart 13-year-old, but obviously I can write much better now that I'm in my 20s.

I would go to Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio and visit my lovely cousin Corey.

I would design lots of fangirl websites because I could. I would buy fun things like a video connector so I could watch/record things on my computer. Course, then I'd probably get DSL and cable.

I spent most of the free time I had today looking at pictures of Orlando, old and new. Dear Lord please let Kingdom of Heaven be as good as it looks!

I would fly to wherever Orlando is filming at the moment and meet him. And actually have a conversation.

I'd find a bunch of people who want to get wet and exhilarated (hey! pull your mind out of the gutter!) and take them all whitewater rafting. And climb a few mountains in Colorado.

I'd see several Broadway shows. And actually see New York, as opposed to the track of Rochester University, which is all I ever saw of the state.

listening to  Paul McCartney: Live and Let Die/Howie Day:
reading  Orgo is waiting for me, but I just finished , and I can't wait to start ...
file under: dreams


Ahh, so many things I'd want to do, but really can't at the moment. At least you have it all planned out what you want to do, so that's a start ahead of me. I'm just confused in my small corner down here.

In reply to your question. The words summer/january and summer/july are set as backgrounds in a containing DIV and then positioned so that it is always at the bottom of the DIV.

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