Roommate wanted...again
So, it's that time of year again. I figured I might make it a little easier on those people out there who, like me, don't want to pay some service to find a roommate but instead are smart and realize that Calenhiril, Etoiline, and I are the same person and are in fact looking for a roommate in St. Louis and can search for that. Sigh. Another roommate search. Two roommates in two years, boo. Not that I don't love my roomie or my former roomie. They are good people and friends. yay! Let's see if I can manage three in a row. I know as I get older it will be harder and harder to find a roommate, but it makes so much more sense. It's cheaper by a long shot. Until I can get a house, I guess. Seems weird to be even thinking about that.
Course, it's still faaaaar in the future as I still don't know what I'll be doing with my life. Wouldn't it be nice to study medicine in England? I could go to King's College
(For those of you who don't know why that makes me happy, it's the college I decided my King Arthur reborn character should go to for my NaNoWriMo story. It's a kick. I want a british accent.)
So, there's a midnight premiere for Star Wars Episode III tonight (why is it starting on a Thursday? Weird.) at the Esquire...dunno if there are still tickets but perhaps I can find someone to go with me. If not I'm sure I'll see it some other time. Technically I could go to the theater and see Kingdom of Heaven again before the midnight show
But I don't think I will. I really don't like going to the movies alone. Perhaps my new roommie will like fantasy/scifi like I do. I need more friends.
Ross leaves for Alaska on Thursday, so we won't be having any more movie dates this summer, alas. But at least I get to look forward to pretty pictures he's promised to send. Wish I was going to Alaska, though I doubt I'd do well in whatever sort of lawyerly thing he's going to be doing up there. I'd just want to hike some glaciers and stay up for the entire 22-hour day once or twice. See the whales, take a cruise, what have you, before Bush does his stupid drill-in-national-parks bit and destroys them all.
I really need a vacation. And a new bike. And a digital keyboard so I can play with GarageBand. And a digital camera so I can have better pictures of myself to post on dating websites, since I find myself getting more and more lonely without a guy. Especially when friends get married and ask me to bring a date to a wedding. Damnit, I don't have one! Sigh. Enough rant. Back to work.
If I lived there, I'd be your room mate.
Posted by: Stella | May 19, 2005 9:07 AM