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Random thought: Did you know that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory comes out today? I didn't even realize it. I know I liked CCF when I was younger, but Johnny Depp looks so odd in the previews that I don't know what to think. Tim Burton directs, too, which always sort of scares me. Guess we'll see. Going up against HP, though it doesn't stand a chance.

So tonight at midnight is the release of the . I'm excited. It's about damn time. I decided, since it was the second to last book release, and I really like the books, I would go ahead and buy the hardcover at Harrypalooza, the release party held at Left Bank Books. It costs a little more than Amazon or even Borders, but it's going to be a big party. Streets closed off and everything. People from the Science Center and City Museum will be there doing scientific magic stuff. One restuarant is having a HP-themed menu. Awww. I do get a goody bag with purchase, and since I've already paid I can get it right away. Yahoo. Cece's coming with, which makes me happy. You might know by now I hate going places by myself.

So, at the risk of showing you once again how much of a geek I am, I made myself a Gryffindor robe with an iron-on patch (now that was a fun thing to do *sarcasm*), a tie with markered stripes, and a wand. I don't have anywhere to put the wand, so perhaps that should be remedied, and there are no pockets in the robe which I should have thought about before I sewed up the seams. I feel like I made a graduation robe. It's not quite movie quality, but I'm proud of my efforts. I have fabric for a skirt, but unless I have a lot of motivation in the four or so hours between getting off work and heading downtown, I doubt it will get finished ;) I was up too late and needed to be awake too early to try to finish it last night. Besides, I made Quidditch-inspired tshirts for me and Cece so we can look goofy together. I'll try to get pictures.

Tomorrow after the two of us are exhausted we'll go down to Johnson's Shut-Ins with some of Cece's friends. I'll read on the way ;) Should be fun. Went down there last year with Kate, which was fun, so hopefully the water will be high enough to make some slides.

On a more Sirius serious note, pray for my car and that it's just the battery and not some other piece of heinously expensive part that requires more heinously expensive labor to put in. I realize that in the grand scheme of things, $150 for an alternator isn't bad, but when you just spent twice that for fixing *other* things in the car, it sucks. The repairs are worth more than the car. My dad got me a new battery, so hopefully that's it and the car will work again, but it's sort of like, is this a time bomb or what? Gotta keep a close watch on the dash for those scarily boring warning lights. *hopes car lives*

We won another softball game last night, 14-2. Poor things. It's tough when you're not getting the best pitches *and* you can't quite get the ball in. Oh well. Yay for the statistics to slowly tilt back in our favor. Paige came back into town as well, which made me happy. Cece came over after her first tap dance class *so jealous* and we talked about tshirts and moving and such. Hopefully I can get out early today and work on the things I mentioned above for the costume. I'm such a dork.

Wish me luck with the study. 13 hours to go!

listening to   , Rob Thomas

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