Indulging my fandom
...that's what I did this weekend.
I helped my parents set up the Parkway West show on Friday, then went home after being with my parents for the night. Thought I might try to make it to an "interactive" Pirates of the Caribbean showing (in the style of Rocky Horror Picture Show) but it was at midnight and there was no way that was going to happen, especially if I was going back to that same place at 10 tomorrow morning...
because I spent Saturday at Archon, the "St. Louis" sci-fi convention (it's actually in Collinsville IL, but close enough). All day. I was there (well, at Bob Evans for breakfast) at 9ish, then the show opened for the day at 10. Was there until the masquerade was over around 9:30 pm. Looong day.
It was expensive, though only because of the entrance price. I didn't buy anything there, which is sort of surprising for me. It's too bad that I didn't know I was going until the week before; the writer's group I'm in met on Tuesday and we all talked about going. I'm glad I did, because I had a lot of fun. Saw some art, some dealers, went to some panels, watched a D&D game (that I could have played in, but decided not to. Fun to watch though) went to some more panels, and then watched the masquerade. I wore my Harry Potter outfit. I was asked for two picture poses, so that's cool. I only actually met one other "student" from Hogwarts, which I thought was odd, considering that the fourth movie is coming out in november. I'm glad I went, and especially glad that I was able to go with a group, even if said group didn't exactly stay together for the whole day. It would be nice to go all four days, but a) that's expensive and b) I don't know if I would be able to last through all the parties, hah.
Speaking of parties...
Cece's birthday was on Wednesday, and she invited me to go out with her Saturday night. So I didn't even stay for the masquerade winners announcement, I just headed back home so I could catch a ride with her crew and not have to drive (since there was going to be drinking!) I made it in time, unfortunately with a pounding headache from not drinking enough water at the convention and only eating some gummy snacks and chips during the D&D game. But I was not going to let that deter me, no. Water and spaghetti were downed quickly and off we went. To the Landing, friends! We fit ten people into a 6-person truck (all in the cab, too!) Five people in front and five in back
It was an interesting ride, but not that uncomfortable, all things considered.
First stop was Morgan Street Brewery. No cover, yay. And I didn't have to pay for drinks either, since Cece's bf was being nice and put everything on his tab. Rum and cokes and Jagerbombs, wow. Dancing, whoohoo. And then off to Fat Tuesday's and 190 Octanes and dancing and Cindy (I think her name was Cindy) from Canada who is getting married in two weeks. My God I was drunk. Came home and felt ok, but this was at 4 in the morning, so straight to sleep. 21 hours awake, eek. But the next morning was not happy, in fact the whole day was pretty bad. See, I had intended to get up, study, help take down the Parkway show, come home and study some more (as the first A&P test is tonight) but none of those happened except for a little studying. My head didn't hurt, but man, anything I tried to put in my stomach came right back up. Sigh. All day. It was so bad and went on so long that I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it into work. But when I woke up this morning, I felt ok. Some twinges, but it's amazing what a few extra hours of sleep will do for you. Hope Cece is ok. Wish me luck on the test, I'll need it. Shame that the first test won't get its proper due of studying, since this is supposed to be the easiest both in content and ability to get a good grade. Sigh. I love the way my life works.
And for something completely different...
Sunday was the final regular-season home game at Busch Stadium. Soon the arches will be no more. I hope that the Cards make it far in the post season, perhaps even making it back to the World Series so they can make up for the rather poor four-game sweep by Boston last year. Oh well. Regardless, congrats to the Cardinals for winning 100 games for the second year in a row. Hard to believe that Busch is coming down...doubly weird to see the new stadium going up right next to the highway, in front of the old. Busch has always been there, and soon it won't I'm sure the new one will be good too. I just hope that somebody somewhere saves one of those arches. Going Out in Style.