still here
Finally, the blog is back up again. You might not have noticed, since the index page was still up, but I had to go back in and reinstall everything before I could get the entries I made last week to show up. So yes, I'm still here, but just now had time to download and reupload everything. Cross your fingers that things continue to work.
Tonight is the writer's meetup for the month and I feel bad. I did very little writing, and I can't claim the MCAT as an excuse this time
I do have a story idea for this year's NaNo, but it would involve me learning about religion, which I don't know if I would feel comfortable doing. It's not that I'm not religious; I just don't want it shoved in my face for a month. If that's not it though...I need a new idea.
And I shouldn't be thinking about that anyway, since med school application should take precedence. But I'm sure you all know how good I am with precedence...Right now my problem is knitting/crocheting. I learned how to knit sometime last year, but the very first project I did (forgive the link, the gallery isn't working correctly right now so the picture links are crucked. Just saving the place for future reference) was lost, so I wanted to try to make another hat out of the same yarn, with a matching scarf. Turns out that they don't make that color yarn anymore, so I'm going to improvise and make a hat and scarf with fuzzy trim. Yeah. And I got a free pattern for easy crochet, so I'm trying to do that too. It's darned hard to keep the number of chains right. In knitting you can usually clearly see where the next stitch is, but the yarn that I'm using for crochet is very bulky, which is usually good, things go faster. But in this case it obscures where the next loop I've got a very lopsided scarf begun as I try to increase and decrease...I've got a shawl in the works too. Maybe if I ever finish you'll get pictures.
Since I couldn't post here for the past week, I put an entry on LJ asking why YOU think I should be in med school. So far the only response I got (feel free to add to this here
) was from my loverly friend Punz, who contributed the following:
Subject: Why Jen Should Go To Med School
1. because she wants to
2. because she's clever
3. because she has lots of medicalistical/sciencey experience (ie labortaory work)
4. because she's compassionate and cares about people
5. because she listens well and would therefore have a great bedside manner, and because talking about bedside manner can lead to silly jokes about in-bed manner, and so on, and who would want to pass up that opportunity?
6. because she knows she wants to and isn't just like hmm maybe?
7. because she's worked in a related field thinger for a while and has proven her gumption and ability to stick it out. even though med school is hard.
8. because she's awesome and [insert school here] would be goshdarn lucky to have her.
If only the med schools were nice like Punz. I doubt she would charge me $160 to send an application, either. Help me out, huh?
I think I'll get a credit card sometime soon, because I sure don't want to have to pay all of these application fees at once. And I suppose it would be good to have something for Vegas. We'll see. Seems like I'm venturing into realms unknown quite a bit lately. I hate the feeling ouf floundering, being out of my depth, but I think I just might have to get used to it.
At least I can fix my MT installation and finally get Thunderbird (Mozilla's answer to Outlook Express; download it now!) to work on both my home and work computers. Silly strange plus sign in username. Now if I could only get the old gallery links to work.
Off to work.