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eight thousand

I'm somewhere in the vicinity of 8000 words right now. Depending on which program I'm using, I have 8400+ or 8500+. At home I have more. I like that counter better. I'm still behind, though. I should have been at 10k last night, so I need to work harder. I did write almost 3500 words last night, though, so it can be done. I just have to get my butt in gear and do so.

I have a new computer at work. It's very pretty, for all its PC-ness. I had to remember all my passwords and programs that I had on the old one, but wow, it's fast. And in eight months it will be obsolete. Wow.

Guess I should get home and write some more...it's sad to see my potential progress go down on the meter, so I would like to make it go up...

see you on the flip side. (11 days to HP 4!)

file under: writings

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