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Waiting for Harry

Yesterday I bought my ticket to see the fourth Harry Potter movie on Friday. I'm begging off work early and will have to leave literally as soon as we finish the second part of the study. Hopefully it will be good, and people will appreciate my costume (I actually like costuming better in the winter...usually costumes are so hot, it's nice to have a reason to wear all the paraphenalia and not look like you just jumped in a pool), and I will get some writing done while I wait for entry. Here's hoping that I can make it in time to get a decent seat. Alas that I couldn't make it to the midnight premiere, as much as I would like to, since I'm being practical and giving myself a few more hours of sleep. And woe that I couldn't make it to an IMAX showing (since when did the theater I'm going to get IMAX?) since it would be cool to see this one in IMAX like I did with the 3rd movie. Though I recall that I said I wouldn't have wanted to see it for the first time on that big screen...too much to take in with such a huge surround screen.

This weekend will be hectic, starting with the fact that the very moment I get out of the movie I'll have to rush over to Parkway South to help my mother set up for her show. (You should come visit us.) Then two, count 'em, two shows on Saturday. And Sunday, right after the writer's meeting for NaNo, I'll have to rush off to P'Way S. again and help with take-down. Joy.

Of course, that's not even counting the sleep-deprivation I'm in for this week, as there are three studies this week (again) and wednesday's will be particularly brutal, given that it starts at 6:45 am. *shrieks* My poor little not-a-morning-person-self. Boo hoo. And the writing. Oh ho, the writing. I'm still about 3k behind where I *should* be, but I ought to be able to make it up. I'm ahead of where I was last year, anyway. Whoo!

Here's a , though. Lord knows I did. I rejoice in fast, but good, reads, and this fit the bill. It's an inspiration for NaNo, I tell you *sighs at feeling the need to justify staying up too late to finish a book*

Happy Monday.

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