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Happy Thanksgiving

...so I'm only a day late. Hope you all had lots of turkey and mashed potatoes. Sooo much food, as usual, at my grandparents' house.

Since it is actually the 25th, Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.

And in writing news...you knew there was going to be writing news, didn't you? I'm three-quarters (well, 76.76%)of the way finished, with 6 days left. Let's see if I can write 11k + in the next week, shall we? All while learning the numerous muscles of the body. Oh dear.

Family is in town so hopefully we'll get to do lots of fun things and I will avoid spending too much money, because unfortunately rent is due soon. Can't wait to see RENT in theaters and Wicked! this weekend. Whee!

Somewhere in there I'm going to have to figure out when to write. Wish me luck...and let me know who you think should be the winner of a fight between the archangel Gabriel and the Devil.


listening to  Ben Jelen, Give It All Away
file under: celebration , writings


You're doing so well! Keep it up!

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