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As I was driving home tonight, I came across an accident under the highway near the trainyard. There was at least one wreck, smashed front bumper facing our direction of traffic, never good. It must have just happened, because there were no police, no ambulances yet, but there were people on the side of the road, surrounding someone lying on the ground.

I followed the car in front of me around the wreck, making sure there were no other cars coming the opposite direction, and felt horrible for not stopping. There were quite a few cars that didn't look as if they were involved in the accident, so perhaps they stopped. There was nothing I could have done; I don't have a cell phone to call for help, and I'm not a doctor, not yet and not by any stretch of the definition, however much I would like to be. But I still felt awful.

I stopped at the gas station just down the street, as that had been my goal all along, and saw an ambulance drive past (rattling, natch) from my hometown, without its sirens going. It's never good when the ambi goes in the direction of an accident without the sirens; means there's no rush to get where they're going. I hope everyone is alright. Maybe it wasn't going to that accident, because I heard nearby sirens after that.

Sigh. Really, what could I have done?

On the upside, I got my new printer today. Snazzy. On the downside, I missed meeting someone, but God works in mysterious ways, so perhaps we can find that connection again.

listening to  Simon & Garfunkel: A Hazy Shade of Winter

file under: serious
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