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time for pi

Today being 3/14, it's National Pi Day. You know, everyone's favorite irrational number π. If you can actually recite any other numerals in said irrational number other than the classic 3.14, kudos to you. Now if I could only remember how to solve a cube root. And don't tell me it's whatever goes into the number 3 times. I know that. But when you have 5.2^-7 and you need to cube root that, I am FUBAR'd.

It's also Einstein's birthday. Here's to everyone's favorite wild-haired professor. Thank you for making advanced science much more complicated, but I suppose that's relative...

Getting evaluations is nerve-wracking, even if you know that you're doing ok. And yay for getting a day off, though isn't the purpose of taking a vacation day when you have oodles of them to not have to make them up? oh well. I will, and that's all.

So I have two weeks to figure out if I'm staying or going with this apartment. I love how I have to give nearly three months notice. Why oh why do they have to raise the rent? Things were going so well...what are your thoughts?

reading  MCAT Physical Sciences Notes, which my daddy procured for me even though I'm not taking a class. Joy.
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