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Roommate No. 5

I think I finally have another roommate I like. Thank goodness. Hopefully I won't have jinxed it by committing it to paper, er, blog. She's very nice, a grad student at WU, and has two cats. She's not too much younger than me, and we seem to have quite a bit in common (we even have the same laptop--go Apple!). Since I have someone to share the bill, we got hi-speed internet too, joy of all joys. Here's hoping we can actually *do* the self-install.

So, welcome to September. I can't believe school's back in session again. Seasons just keep marching on. I've had two Biochemistry classes so far, and luckily it's been stuff I've seen before, though I'll certainly have to break out my old Orgo book and take a look at things. Is it silly to be mad that we have to write a journal-review paper (at least I think that's what it will be) that's due on Dec 1? Recall that I've done NaNoWriMo for the last two years, and I already have an idea for it...I don't know if I'll be able to do classwork, a class paper, AND write 50k words worth of fluff all in November. Guess we'll see...

Tomorrow is my first Habitat for Humanity build. I've got to figure out what clothes I have I don't mind getting dirty. I wonder how many times I'll get to do it; Saturdays seem to be precious commodities these days, what with HfH and my mom's shows and finishing up the anthology (which I finally turned in, after much procrastination on everyone's part).

On a side note, I saw my cousin Trevor today. He just graduated from school and was interviewing for a job at the med school. I had decided to walk to work today instead of taking the shuttle, and I'm glad I did, or else I wouldn't have seen him. Good luck, cuz!

Hopefully I can get my med school app in this weekend. And cross your fingers on that one.

listening to  A Million Years, Teddy Geiger
reading   , Robin Hobb
file under: muses


Yay for high-speed internet! If you were online right now, I would IM you to say that instead.

As a different kind of side note, I've been saving up old clothes that i can use in just those kinds of situations. I remember painting our walls back during high school...

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