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piano girl

"Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Not quite where I should be, but that's not unusual, is it?

Anyway, I actually got off my duff and played a bit on that keyboard I bought months ago, inspired by Josh Groban's and an uptick in the number of times that Five For Fighting's The Riddle has been playing on the radio again. It's a beautiful thing when it works.

Do you ever have the feeling that you have to put the things that you want to do off so you can do the things you should do? Why is it that I'm so much more interested in writing and reading fantasy the the science that I trained in? Why do I want to play music and read and write and draw and hike and whatever else so much that its hard to focus on the things I have to to make money?

I muse, then I write. See you at 20k.

listening to  House on TV

file under: music

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