Breaking Dawn
Yes, I finished another book in less than six hours.
Last year it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...this year it was Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.
I went to the midnight release party at my neighborhood Borders with my friend Josh. It wasn't that big of a deal, but there was a trivia contest with stickers as prizes and a costume contest. Josh had to wear a pink wristband (so did I, to show we preordered and thus got to get in line before some number of people there, but I didn't have to worry about my masculinity being threatened). We sat around and talked about writing and authors and the new Star Wars animated movie coming out, and I had a Vampire's Kiss smoothie (aka strawberry
). Then it finally got around to being 12:01 am and we got our books. I picked up Randy Pausch's book The Last Lecture and another YA book that had come out in paperback, and every!single!one! was on sale, because two were hardcover bestsellers and thus at a discount, AND I had a coupon for the other! Discounts for the win!
Since I'm catsitting for a friend who wants me to stay at her place a few times while she's away, I headed over there instead of home (there were happy kitties to keep me company, so it was all good). Started reading around 12:45 am or so. Found a good place to stop around 4:10, slept for four hours, got back into it around 8:30, and finished around 10:30. So approximately 5 1/2 hours for 754 pages. Yes, I am that insane. At least this time around I slept in the middle
Then Mike and I went to a pool party thrown by one of his coworkers, which was fun, if not exactly the most relaxing thing to do when one is going on four hours of sleep. And now I'm having a late dinner of sweet and sour tempura chicken and rice, and watching Shark Week. Life is good.
A very short review after the jump.
Nothing too spoilery here, but I liked it, mostly. There were some parts where I groaned and thought to myself, "I can't believe the author actually went there" during the just-a-smidge unbelieveable end of the first part, or "wait a minute, did I miss something" during the romantic bits...not that I expected anything graphic, but it's been a long time since the "closing the door" method has been so abrupt. I feel that she tied things up pretty well, though there could certainly be more. Bella is still a Mary Sue character that somehow still manages to get me to feel for her. I'm still a member of Team Edward. I'm sure at some point I'll reread it, but it will be a good long while. If you read the books with any sort of thought process going on in your head you probably figured out how the books would end long ago, and I bet you wouldn't be far off.