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It had to happen sometime

I'm hanging out here in the Denver Airport, waiting for a plane. I was supposed to be leaving right about now, but the plane was delayed two hours getting into LAX, and therefore it will be about an hour and a half late getting here. I know I was going to get home late...but now it's really late.

This hasn't happened to me before, I don't think. I'm pretty sure that all the times I've flown I've never had a delayed plane, so in the grand scheme of things, it's not horrible. It's not like I won't get to sleep in my own bed tonight (though the beds in the Hyatt were pretty darn good), like the person who was suppposed to be on a 5:30 pm flight to Chicago and didn't leave until slightly before 8 and will have to spend the night there. I've got plenty to do (knitting, iPod, laptop--go free WiFi @ Denver, boo not-free @ STL--several books, some of which are personalized with author signatures and of course that little thing called writing) and I don't have to go to work tomorrow, but I do wish I was home. And I'll have to have some food here eventually, which I'm not too happy with, because I've had to buy every single meal since after breakfast on Thursday morning, and I'll be quite glad to go home to actual food that doesn't cost me money every time.

Denvention (Worldcon) was a lot of fun. I got to stalkhang out with Carol Berg quite a bit and I roomed with one of my friends from last year's Archon/NASFiC, so that was cool. Not quite as many writing-centric panels as I would like, and I definitely want to go to World Fantasy now, to compare the two, but this year's WF is out, since it's in Calgary and I don't have a valid passport, so I'll have to wait for next Nov...and eek, it's in Nov, which is NaNo time (eek, NaNo is only three months away) and wow was that a run-on sentence. I'll try to do better next time.

I like Denver. I could live here. But I'd like to be at home.

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listening to  Mischief Managed, HP3 sdtk
reading  Blood and Iron Elizabeth Bear (bought at Worldcon)
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