Color me unsurprised, we’re not having a softball game tonight. #rainout   #thanksbill   #itsthursdaymustberaining


Color me unsurprised, we’re not having a softball game tonight. #rainout   #thanksbill   #itsthursdaymustberaining  

Jen reads: The Just City


Jen reads: The Just City

In which Jen reads THE JUST CITY and wonders if there ever can be a perfect society.

I don’t care if it’s a college thing, I still love ramen.


I don’t care if it’s a college thing, I still love ramen. If I ever go to Japan, I want to search out this place.

So, who wants to talk Game of Thrones spoilers?


So, who wants to talk Game of Thrones spoilers? I have to stay hopeful, because there’s been a whole lot of buildup for little payoff if certain folks are done for.  #GoT  

Thankfully, I passed with distinction, though I had to dig deep into my memories for some of the questions.


Thankfully, I passed with distinction, though I had to dig deep into my memories for some of the questions. #civics #citizenship

In which Jen has the JURASSIC PARK theme stuck in her head, which is not a bad thing.


In which Jen has the JURASSIC PARK theme stuck in her head, which is not a bad thing.

Dinosaur kid


JURASSIC PARK was the movie that started my love of soundtracks. It’s the first movie I could remember coming home from the theater and humming the score. Thank you John Williams.

I went through the “I’m going to be a paleontologist!” phase hard when I was a kid (oh yes, I went to Dinosaur Day Camp–my first sculpture, which my parents still have in the basement, was a papier-mache triceratops), and I loved JURASSIC PARK. I don’t recall being scared by it, though maybe that’s because I read the book first (you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?). So perhaps JP was also my first experience with “the book is better.”

I’m looking forward to seeing JURASSIC WORLD this weekend, and I hope it’s good. I can’t help but feel a little manipulated, though, feel that my childhood nostalgia is being taken advantage of. I’ll just have to console myself with oogling Chris Pratt in that case.

What will be the “Hold on to your butts!” quote of this movie?

There are over 300 books on my Goodreads to-read shelf.


There are over 300 books on my Goodreads to-read shelf. I may have a problem. #bibliophile   #toomanybooks   #notenoughtime

If you like Rothfuss or Butcher and you want the warm fuzzies that come with making the world better, take a look at…


If you like Rothfuss or Butcher and you want the warm fuzzies that come with making the world better, take a look at this.