#stlnano #NaNoPrep Write for the senses. During November, it’s okay to describe the scenery and the food (pic=1000words)
#NaNoPrep #stlnano
Standard#NaNoPrep #stlnano
Originally shared by Melissa Walsh
Another thing for my #NaNoWriMo friends.
#stlnano #nanoprep Think about how you’d write if the power goes out, just in case: find pencils, paper, candles,…
Standard#stlnano #nanoprep Think about how you’d write if the power goes out, just in case: find pencils, paper, candles, fingerless gloves
#stlnano #nanoprep Author Jim Hines’ NaNo pep talk post: http://www.jimchines.com/2012/10/nano-pep-talk/
Standard#stlnano #nanoprep Author Jim Hines’ NaNo pep talk post: http://www.jimchines.com/2012/10/nano-pep-talk/
#stlnano #nanoprep Make sure that your various computer programs are updated PRIOR to Nov 1 and that none of them…
Standard#stlnano #nanoprep Make sure that your various computer programs are updated PRIOR to Nov 1 and that none of them are broken in the process.
#stlnano #nanoprep Try looking up cities in Wikipedia for easy worldbuilding.
Standard#stlnano #nanoprep Try looking up cities in Wikipedia for easy worldbuilding. Remember to describe food for lots of words