I have written exactly 4,444 words today. That seems like a good time to stop. #stlnano #nanowrimo
#whatnanomeanstome is writing the book I want to read. Why do you NaNo? #stlnano #nanowrimo #donationday
Standard#whatnanomeanstome is writing the book I want to read. Why do you NaNo? #stlnano #nanowrimo #donationday
It’s #nanowrimo Donation Day! Help OLL raise $50k in one day…and there are prizes!
StandardIt’s #nanowrimo Donation Day! Help OLL raise $50k in one day…and there are prizes!
Into the 15k realm I venture on this eve.
StandardInto the 15k realm I venture on this eve. #3000wordsbehind #stlnano #nanowrimo #buttinchair #unlessitstimefordinner
Wow, #stlnano has written over 6 million words! #nanowrimo
StandardWow, #stlnano has written over 6 million words! #nanowrimo
StandardHuzzah! Finally breached the 10k barrier. Only 1667 words to go to reach today’s word count goal… #stlnano #nanowrimo
#stlnano The #nanowrimo site is down (no surprise).
Standard#stlnano The #nanowrimo site is down (no surprise). Use this time to plot, or write! I’m trying to figure out what will happen. I may have to resort to Suddenly, Dinosaurs!
Lesson learned from the #stlnano midnight kickoff: writers like Dr. Pepper. How’s your #nanowrimo going?
StandardLesson learned from the #stlnano midnight kickoff: writers like Dr. Pepper. How’s your #nanowrimo going?
I’m annoyed that it’s cold enough in the lab to warrant wearing a hoodie, and thus no one can see my cute star…
StandardI’m annoyed that it’s cold enough in the lab to warrant wearing a hoodie, and thus no one can see my cute star graphic tshirt. At least it’s my #NaNoWriMo hoodie.
I’m contemplating running another obstacle course 5k during #nanowrimo . I may be crazy.
StandardI’m contemplating running another obstacle course 5k during #nanowrimo . I may be crazy.