My friend: I did all this research on 18th century pirates, and my friend says to write a novel with it. Can I keep the magic? Me: YES. #stlnano #epicfantasy #theworldneedsmoremagic
Courtesy of ML Utoxin: There’s no such thing as failure.
StandardCourtesy of ML Utoxin: There’s no such thing as failure. Every word written is a success. #stlnano #nanotips #justkeepwriting
Your #stlnano prompt for the day: put this morning’s dense fog in your novel. Don’t forget to back up your words!
StandardYour #stlnano prompt for the day: put this morning’s dense fog in your novel. Don’t forget to back up your words!
I have written exactly 4,444 words today. That seems like a good time to stop. #stlnano #nanowrimo
StandardI have written exactly 4,444 words today. That seems like a good time to stop. #stlnano #nanowrimo
#stlnano Hang out with us during the Evening of Scribing Recklessly!
Standard#stlnano Hang out with us during the Evening of Scribing Recklessly!
#stlnano Good for writing, too. NSFW for swearing.
Standard#stlnano Good for writing, too. NSFW for swearing.
#whatnanomeanstome is writing the book I want to read. Why do you NaNo? #stlnano #nanowrimo #donationday
Standard#whatnanomeanstome is writing the book I want to read. Why do you NaNo? #stlnano #nanowrimo #donationday
Whoo! 3000 words today. Not quite on track, but close. Time to sleep, perchance to dream of plot. #stlnano
StandardWhoo! 3000 words today. Not quite on track, but close. Time to sleep, perchance to dream of plot. #stlnano
#stlnano #nanotip Writer’s block? Describe your character’s dream. Wacky or prophetic–plenty of words there!
Standard#stlnano #nanotip Writer’s block? Describe your character’s dream. Wacky or prophetic–plenty of words there!
Into the 15k realm I venture on this eve.
StandardInto the 15k realm I venture on this eve. #3000wordsbehind #stlnano #nanowrimo #buttinchair #unlessitstimefordinner