
So yesterday I stayed in bed until noon and then I read in bed until 2. The best books I think I’ve ever read (well, right now anyway) are the books in the Rhapsody series but Elizabeth Haydon. Rhapsody, Prophesy and Destiny. Destiny just came out in hardcover in august. . . I really wish next august would come so I could get it in paperback. I feverently resist buying books in hardcover. It’s ridiculous to pay $25 for a book even if it is by the best author ever (Thank God for the library, I might just have to check Destiny out again over Christmas break). . . continuing to ramble here, I’ve spent the entire day reading the two books that I have. I should be starting to study for my (probably) horrible transport phenomena final on Monday.

Something I think is really cool is that I filled out a survey on Mrs. Haydon’s website and she actually replied! I just sent an email back, hope she doesn’t mind.

Gee, now I want to go into my favorite books of all time, but I really shouldn’t. That could take waaaay too long, and as it is, I’ve spent about an hour composing this post.

Monday, I keep telling myself, monday night it will be over and I can start really working on web stuff, hopefully getting paid at some point, get to see Lord of the Rings, and not worrying about school. . . and only have one semester of college left. And I’d better shut up before I start talking about how weird that is. 🙂 have a great evening/day/whatever it should be in your time zone. Wish me luck. And some day I will get to write my masterpiece. This isn’t it!

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