
Merry Cinco de Mayo! Have a shot for me.

PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.18

1. Are there any confrontations you have been avoiding that you know you will eventually have to deal with? What’s that all about? Well, just now there is one…once again caught between two jobs. Fill you in on the other blog.

2. When was the last time you surprised yourself by being more brave than you ever thought you could be? Umm. Rock climbing? I’m not that brave.

3. You know that sickly feeling you get when are speeding and out of the corner of your eye you realize you just passed a hidden police car? It is that “deer-caught-in-the-headlights” feeling, where you are so busted there is no way out. When was the last time you were in a situation like that? Just the other night before the X-men premiere. I was going a little too fast. I always heard that you’re not supposed to put on your brakes, just take your foot off the accelerator. I guess that’s worked for me, cause even with those silly traps on Big Bend I’ve never gotten stopped for speeding…

4. One of the things I’ve had to do recently, is clean out my attic. I have an amazing amount of things I’ve collected over the years, and I am almost embarrassed that I still have so much of it. I realized that I may as well sell it, since it does me no good in the attic, and when I die, my family will probably sell it for a dollar a pound at a garage sale anyway. May as well enjoy the money now. Do you have any things stored away that you just can’t get rid of but will probably of no sentimental value to anyone once you are gone? Why do we hang on to that stuff? Do you think you could sell or auction it off? You are talking to a pack rat so of course there’s lots of junk here that means nothing to anyone else. I hang on to it under the mistaken idea that I might use it again some day or it will be worth something some day. It’s most likely not true. I could probably sell some of it, but that would require getting into it and going through it…ugh.

5. I’ve become the resident Handler at the house. Got bugs? Call me! Flies, ants, spiders, I’m your man. Vomit? Dog Poo? Toilet overflow? Yep, I get it all clean. Not much bothers me in that area, and I am glad really to be someone you can rely on. But the one thing that does make me squirm are injuries. Stitches, incisions, bloody puss-laden bandages, heavily scabbed areas, all that just about does me in. What are some of the things you have a strong stomach for, and what are some of the things that can turn your stomach? I’ve got a good stomach for just about anything. However, digging those robin’s eggs from my mom’s art was almost too much. I had to ask my mom to keep talking to me so I could concentrate on that instead of my archeology expedition. They were actual eggs that had fallen out of a nest during a storm, so the embryos inside were already dead, but when I dug them out of the art, they just squished. That…ew. I don’t want to gross you out so I’ll stop.

6. I am at the point where I am going to have to make some tough decisions about the future of this blog. I think this sort of moment comes to all bloggers at some point. For me, I am not very good at managing my obsessions (read as: things I enjoy passionately). Eventually they get too much focus and something that once was good begins to impact my life in negative ways. Something’s got to give. Have you ever been involved in an experience that started out as something good and enjoyable but eventually became destructive and bad for your health (mentally or physically)? Reading is my lifeline, but it gets in the way so much. I just want to read and read, but no one’s paying me…

7. Do you believe in evolution or creationism or something else? I believe in God and I believe in science. I think they are compatible.

Bonus: Are you trying to tempt me? Probably not. I don’t think I tempt anyone.

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