
Monday Misson 3.24

1. (Promoguy speaking) The most hateful comments I’ve ever had are from the post I made taking a stand against Cock Fighting. How do you respond to hateful mail and comments? I have to say I don’t think I’ve gotten any terribly hateful comments. No one really reads my blog anyway, so it’s a little hard to know what people are thinking…I’d probably respond to it in a nice way in a following post.

2. I often think twice about taking a stand on things, because I get this nagging fear I will loose some of my readers or become a target of those who disagree. But I usually ignore it and post on it anyway. What sort of topics have you taken a stand on in your writings? Did it get the reaction you expected? What subjects have you avoided? Why? The things I post that I expect to have comments on almost never have very many. It always surprises me. But I think this ties into the fact that not too many people come by, so it’s hard for them to comment on it, eh?

3. I read a post over at SnarkyB****.com where the author describes “The Top 10 Reasons I Won’t Read Your Blog.” While I try not to commit these sins, there are things I do that cause folks to drop me from their Blogrolls. What would you add to the list of “Reasons You Won’t Read a Blog?” What are some of the reasons that you stopped reading someone’s Blog? Do you tell them you’ve stopped reading? Wouldn’t you like to know why someone quit reading yours? Or do you care? I don’t really read all that many blogs, truth to tell. There are some that I try to visit pretty regularly, but I fail at that rather often. I know, I shouldn’t complain about not getting hits when I don’t go out and visit other blogs. But anyway, there are some certain general things I don’t like about websites, like bad spelling (spellcheck works…so does the delete key), typing like DiS caUse U don’ kno how 2 type…come on. it’s not instant messenger! clashing colors, and consistently inflammatory posts.

4. Do you like to tweak and tinker with your website and blog? Or would you rather have a simple solution so you can concentrate on other things? I love to work on them, it’s just finding the time to do it.

5. Would you take a ride into outer space if given the chance? Sure, if I didn’t have to pay anything to do it…

6. Are there any songs, that when you hear them, make you just want to get up and start dancing? Usually, yeah. I can’t name any right off the top of my head. Course, I’m more likely to belt out the lyrics than to start dancing.

7. Speaking of music, I read a humor article recently where the author said he can’t stand it when people give him “Mix CDs.” (In case you don’t know, Mix CDs are audio CD compilations that folks make of music on their PCs and give to you for your listening pleasure) He said it reminded him too much of teenagers who made love song “mix tapes” in High School. Have you ever made a “Mix” CD or tape for someone special? What was on it? Did they like it? Are you sure? Has someone made a”mix” just for you? Did you like it? Which one comes to mind? What made it so memorable? What songs were on it? I read that article 🙂 I actually like mix cd’s. I make them occasionally for myself. I don’t know how appropriate of a gift they are, as if you’re going to give it to someone, you ought to just buy a cd. But if you have sentimental reasons, then go for it. I don’t think I ever made a mix tape for anyone, and definitely not a mix cd. I’ve copied some cds for friends, but that’s it…

BONUS: Where does my hope come from? The eternal well of the soul…

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