
PromoGuy dot Net: Monday Mission 3.51

1. Last night, I had a nightmare that my car had been stolen. I and a female companion were leaving a party and my car, that had been parked in the street, was gone. It was so real, that my pulse was quickening. I panicked, and said to myself “It must be a dream, I have to wake up!” I crouched down on my feet, grabbed my head and with all my might fought to wake up. Finally, I did, and it really was a dream, but my heart was pounding so bad that it took a while to calm down. Have you ever had a dream so real, that inside the dream you had to fight to wake yourself up? Do you remember the dream? Mmm. I’m sure this has happened to me but I almost never remember my dreams once I’m awake so I end up knowing that I had a very real dream but not knowing what it was about.

2. I’ve mentioned this before, but I really don’t believe in the concept of a “soul-mate.” Maybe this is because I’ve never really felt like I have met mine. Once I thought maybe, but she felt someone else was hers. Could be that in another relationship I met her, and for some reason it didn’t work out, but then, we wouldn’t really have been soul-mates, would we? So, when I hear someone say “I’ve met my soul-mate” I cringe and roll my eyes and mumble “yeah, right.” How would you define the concept of a “soul-mate” is? Do you believe in such things? Have you met your soul-mate? I think there are soul-mates, but it’s pretty much up to fate. I hope I meet mine someday. Someone who is in tune with you, but not so much so that you lose your sense of self. You enjoy doing things together and there is quite a lot of physical attraction but you’re also well matched mentally. Couldn’t do it with a stupid guy. And no, haven’t met him yet.

3. What does it take to make men happy anyway? Wish I knew. Perhaps then I’d have a bf already.

4. What is your favorite piece of electric hardware, and why? Probably a cross between my dvd player and my computer…too bad my laptop doesn’t have a dvd drive or I’d be all set. I like the dvd player because it lets me see Orlando Bloom in slo-mo and my computer because it helps me make cool webpages. That and write my novel.

5. Yesterday in our adult Sunday School class, a lady was telling us about a woman with car trouble she had stopped to help. Now, the lady who stopped had her own 2 small children in her car. With so much uncertainty out there, I am not so sure I would stop to help a stranger if I had 2 children in my car. Turns out though, that the motorist was a mother who had a 15-month old in the car and was on the way to church. She also had just lost an infant and was having the service the next day, but now would have no way to get there. Eventually she got the lady and her child to her church. It left me wondering how many people I had just driven by that I could have helped. But at the same time, I felt like she was taking too big of a risk stopping to help a stranger when it was just her and her children. Have you ever stopped to help a stranded motorist? Has anyone ever stopped to help you when you were stranded? Isn’t there some element of risk involved when helping someone with car trouble, or is it better to just “do unto others as you’d have them do unto you?” Thank the Lord God Almighty that I have not been stranded by myself. One time after a piano recital our tire blew and a nice man stopped and helped my mom fix the tire. That was a little bit nervewracking because we didn’t know him, but we couldn’t change the tire by ourselves and this was before cellphones became common. So it’s nice to look out for people, thank God that man stopped, because it was late and cold/rainy, but I don’t know how comfortable I would feel about stopping, since I’m a girl. Been a little potential-mugging-shy recently. Gee, I wonder why?

6. Just for fun, what is the one present you’d like for Christmas, but you know there is no way you will? A new Apple iBook. Or Powerbook. Of course, what I really want right now is an electric keyboard, and I seriously doubt that I will get one.

7. What are you thankful for this Christmas [or your current holiday this season]? That my mom is still here to celebrate with us. And my uncle.

BONUS: Could you hurry, sir? Daddy says there’s not much time. Egad, this song made me tear up in the car yesterday. Because it talks about the kid’s sick mom and how she might not make it to Christmas day so the kid wants to buy her some nice shoes to wear to meet Jesus. I can just pray that my mom is around for a long time.

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