snaggage from Meg


…who snagged it from May.

1)Spell your name with bands…

Jars of Clay

E.S. Posthumus

Nirvana (bleh)

No Doubt (also bleh. really don’t like them)

Incubus (not doing too well here)

Five for Fighting



2) Have you ever had a song written about you?

Not me personally…but there are a few songs about people with my name 😉

3) What song makes you cry?

Well, just recently, Into the West. Songs don’t normally make me cry. Sometimes Bonnie Raitt’s “I Can’t Make You Love Me.”

4) What song makes you happy?

Just about anything John Mayer.

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?

whatever has been in the player all day at work

6) What’s your name?

Doesn’t this mean you should have read question #1?

7) Do you know if your name means anything?

White Wave/Phantom, from the Welsh

8)Would you change your name, if given the chance?

Possibly to something a little less common…but I like the way my name works together.

9) Do people ever mispronounce or misspell your name?

Not my first name, usually (though I’ll get the occasional Jeniffer) but my last name just confuses the hell out of people.

10) Have you ever made up a memory trick for your name?

Um. You people out there who need a trick to remember your own name, I’m sorry for you.

11) What’s your nickname?

Jen, or my last name.

12) Did you make it up, or did everyone just start calling you it?

People always called me Jenny. Then as I got older it seemed better to be Jen, which I guess people figured out. My parents still call me Jenny. Ever since I was on the softball team people in sports call me by my last name. It’s just easier that way when there are other Jens on the team. I didn’t like it though. I want people to know my name! Silly, I know.

13) Do you like it?

I don’t really mind. If someone’s asking for me with my full name they’re either my parents, a professional at work, or a telemarketer.

14) Does it mean anything?

I think you can all figure out where Jen comes from…now, if you call me Cal you’re pretty special and you know how I got that nick.

15) What do you think the prettiest girl’s name is?

Arienne. I’m not so good at girls names.

16) The prettiest boy’s name?


17) What do you think the ugliest name is?


18) Are simple, common names better than beautiful, long, foreign names?

how about short beautiful foreign names? Those are great.

19) Do names like “Squibibibile” and “Lala” and “Cokie” annoy you?

As long as no one professional hears about it, no.

20) Is your name really common?

#1 girls name for 10 years the year I was born. But my parents didn’t know that when they named me.

21) Have you ever met anyone else with your name?


22) Have you met anyone else with your initials?

I think so. Most of the Jennifers I knew had the same first two initials.

23) Do your names fit you?

Seems like it.

24) Have you ever wondered what your parents were on when they named you?

At least they didn’t name me after a sneeze. I think they did pretty well.

25) Were they actually on anything?

Absolutely not.

26) Do you enjoy naming things?

Eh. not really

27) Does your computer have a name?


28) Have you ever named something as stupid as a yogurt?

um. *resounding no*

29) Do you name all your stuffed animals?

As I only have one right now, yes. Reddy the teddy bear.

30) Have you ever whacked someone for spelling your name wrong?

no, no whacking has occurred. Especially since most of the misspellings come in the mail. Hard to send a whacking by mail.

31) Do you tend to give everyone nicknames?

Only if they tell me to.

32) Do people know they’re your friend once you’ve given them a nickname?

er. possibly that I’m just in a hurry and can’t say the whole thing 😉

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