I hate politics


Bands Gather to Stump Against Bush
Just heard this on the Today show this morning as well. Should be pretty cool. I guess they’re hoping that some of their republican fans will come and be converted. I’d probably go just because it looks like there’s gonna be some good bands, like DMB and Dixie Chicks and James Taylor.
But on the bad side of politics…most of the people/things I voted for/against last night didn’t make it/pass. Suckage. McCaskill overturned Holden for the gubernatorial primary (Holden’s wife was a strong supporter of the arts, and who knows what will happen with McCaskill, who seems a bit of a witch with a b). Gephardt’s congress seat was still up in the air last night but it wasn’t between who I voted for and someone else, which is a shame. He was a WU teacher, too. Meh.
But the big sad sorry deal is that while Amendment 1 (the casino for Rockaway Beach) did not pass, Amendment 2, which would put A SINGLE LINE in the MO constitution saying marriage is between a man and a woman, passed. I think this is terribly silly, why do you need to put that line on paper when it’s already illegal for gay marriage in MO anyway? I just don’t think it’s right that the people in the capitol can say who you can call your partner. But I guess it’s the people’s choice: it passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 70-something percent. Guh. Stupid conservative people. I hate it when MO is a trendsetter in these ways. I love my state, I love being here, but man, some of the things that happen just make me want to leave. Don’t know where I’d go though…meh.
I’d love to get a paid LJ. I just don’t want to pay for it. yeah. I did get sorted into Ravenclaw, btw. Like it was a surprise. Now they’ve got to just let me into the common room…

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