a year ago


Someone pointed out on one of the numerous LotR livejournals that this time last year we were all waiting for the King… ahh, LotR nostalgia. It makes me very sad that there isn’t anything else to wait for, except perhaps a massive soundtrack collection of all the music from the movies, which I would adore, but it won’t be the same…this is the first december without a midnight premiere, and I don’t know why, but it makes me sad. Just had to slip in a LotR quote there. I don’t know when or if there will be something like these movies that so inspires the fangirl in me. Spider-man and Harry Potter perhaps approach it (I have seen both the Spidey movies on opening night/midnight, after all) but they’re not at the same level.
so who’s up for a movie marathon? 😉
Oh, and happy birthday Miranda Otto (Eowyn)! I can’t believe it’s past the ides of the month. sigh. *keeps telling herself that there’s still four days until the orgo final*