I must be insane


I signed up for the MCAT again. In a little over two months, I’ll subject myself to eight hours of hell. Again. All for that nebulous goal of medical school.
Don’t get me wrong. I *think* I want to be a doctor. (Rousing endorsement for my self-esteem, I know.) But geez, the hoops to jump through to get there. That and the $210 it costs to take the damn test. Why oh why can’t I be independently wealthy?
If by some miracle I make it through this, I’ll have to finish a book before I go into debt up to my eyeballs (and beyond, really). That way I could have some sort of cushion to live on, you know, assuming that people would actually *like* what I write…
Must buckle down and study like the bookworm that I am. If you don’t see me online for the next two months, you’ll know why. But feel free to send me encouraging messages. I will treasure them always.