A new place


It’s hard to believe that I own a house. I don’t really, not for another thirty years, but that I can claim I bought a house is a pretty strange prospect for me.
I didn’t think I’d buy a house on my own. I thought that I’d have a friend or a husband doing it with me. I’m so glad my boyfriend has been around to help out, but it’s just my name on the deed, and it’s a little weird. Eh. I can say I bought a house before I turned 30. I guess that’s one accomplishment that I can be proud of. Sure doesn’t seem like I’ve done all that much sometimes.
There are lots of boxes downstairs and I think I know what’s in most of them. Organizing, that’s what I need to do, yes.
On the fun side, it’s almost September, which comes before October, which means there’s not too much time before November and NaNo. I have a couple of ideas floating around, and while it looks like I won’t get to do a collaboration with my friend, I think I can figure something out. Better get cracking on that research! Yes, writing fantasy does require research. It has to be believable fantasy, you know.
Interested in spending 30 days and nights in literary abandon? Head over to NaNoWriMo and see what all the fuss is about.