Waiting for the world to fall


New Layout Time! No particular reason, just thought it was time, and I’m still fond of the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (even after seeing it three times) so here you go. Hope you like it…should have everything it needs on there, finally got some issues worked out, so items should be in proper places. Let me know what you think.
I really need to tell you about Vegas, and find time to take pictures of my haircut (it’s not that short, really) but I’m finishing up the layout for the archives, so perhaps later.
Oh yes. Happy Royal Birthday, Cousin that I love 🙂

i-b-o-o-k spells relief


Yay! I got my iBook back yesterday instead of today (or later in the week) and it was just fine. They said the main logic board had failed, and was replaced, and since it’s still under warranty, it didn’t cost me a thing! Sweet.
Of course, the silly thing is, even though I got the laptop back last night, I still only wrote about 730 words. Unfortunately that’s less than half of what I needed. Behind already. Alas. But I’m working on it. I have more ideas still! I was just busy studying…you know, for that class I’m taking? We have a quiz tomorrow with twice the questions that are normally on the quiz, and that means I have to know all the parts of a skull. I’m screwed.
Oh well. I’m just glad that the comp is back and in working order. Of course it came back fine, but I don’t trust my luck enough to not worry about it. And man was it weird to not have access to one for the weekend.
This week starts off a very busy month at work…lots of important studies going on. Unfortunately I can’t take off work the day that the fourth HP movie comes out, nor can I attend a midnight premiere the evening before. Because while I can live with three hours of sleep, it’s probably a bad idea the night before wielding sharp instruments. I might be able to finagle it so I can leave early and catch a matinee showing on opening day, but that night I have to help my parents set up for the big Parkway South Craft Show. Saturday I’ll be at one of two craft shows, if my mom gets into the second one, so I might not be able to attend that day either. Sigh. I know that it’s silly to be attached to a fandom like this, but I really do want to see it, and I hate waiting. Did I mention how I’m very much pro-instant gratification?
Wish me luck on NaNo. Bad idea to fall behind on the first day, but at least I’ve got the time to make it up 😉 I must remember to actually cook something for dinner tonight, though. It’s been too long. Pasta here I come!

a heck of a place to find yourself


In honor of the new movie Elizabethtown coming out today, you have a new layout. Lots of new things tried in this design, and it’s not finished yet. I hope you like it…it took me a long time to learn the CSS. Please forgive the odd placement while I try to figure out which stupid DIV tag isn’t closed. Everything that you remember should be here, it just might be in an odd place. If you see something that you know absolutely cannot be right, comment, and I’ll see if I can fix it. And if you notice it, it’s most likely that I noticed it too, since it’s still being updated. I hope to have an archive page redesign up soon, but it might be a while. I’ve got a list that’s slowly but surely being checked off. If the colors are screamingly annoying, comment, and tell me what colors would be better. I like having my (ahem) fans’ input.
Tonight not only do I get to see a movie with Orli, I get to see it at the Moolah Shrine Theater which has couches in the first five rows. Hopefully we’ll snag one of those, but it’s first come, first served, so who knows?
And it’s official…I’ve got my tickets to Vegas. Now all I have to do is not spend any money from now until then, and I’ll be ok…though I really want an iPod Nano for the trip. Wouldn’t that be grand.

still here


Finally, the blog is back up again. You might not have noticed, since the index page was still up, but I had to go back in and reinstall everything before I could get the entries I made last week to show up. So yes, I’m still here, but just now had time to download and reupload everything. Cross your fingers that things continue to work.
Tonight is the writer’s meetup for the month and I feel bad. I did very little writing, and I can’t claim the MCAT as an excuse this time :blush: :rolleyes: I do have a story idea for this year’s NaNo, but it would involve me learning about religion, which I don’t know if I would feel comfortable doing. It’s not that I’m not religious; I just don’t want it shoved in my face for a month. If that’s not it though…I need a new idea.
And I shouldn’t be thinking about that anyway, since med school application should take precedence. But I’m sure you all know how good I am with precedence…Right now my problem is knitting/crocheting. I learned how to knit sometime last year, but the very first project I did (forgive the link, the gallery isn’t working correctly right now so the picture links are crucked. Just saving the place for future reference) was lost, so I wanted to try to make another hat out of the same yarn, with a matching scarf. Turns out that they don’t make that color yarn anymore, so I’m going to improvise and make a hat and scarf with fuzzy trim. Yeah. And I got a free pattern for easy crochet, so I’m trying to do that too. It’s darned hard to keep the number of chains right. In knitting you can usually clearly see where the next stitch is, but the yarn that I’m using for crochet is very bulky, which is usually good, things go faster. But in this case it obscures where the next loop is…so I’ve got a very lopsided scarf begun as I try to increase and decrease…I’ve got a shawl in the works too. Maybe if I ever finish you’ll get pictures.
Since I couldn’t post here for the past week, I put an entry on LJ asking why YOU think I should be in med school. So far the only response I got (feel free to add to this here 😉 ) was from my loverly friend Punz, who contributed the following:

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learn to be lonely…


…or make new layouts. (the title is from the Oscar-nominatee for Best Song from the movie version of Phantom, sung by Minnie Driver in the film and Beyonce on the show, for some unknown reason…) I’ve actually had this done for a while, just never got around to putting it up. I was a little busy, if you hadn’t noticed. Hopefully this layout will only be up for a few months, as I hope to do something cool for Kingdom of Heaven, and that opens in May…we’ll see, I suppose. I need good pictures first.
And on the computer front…things are going ok, mostly. There are some printer issues, but perhaps it will work out. It’s very pretty, though, and sometimes it jumps on someone’s wireless network, though it’s titled my apartment number. Weird. I have to restrain myself from playing with it, since there are more important things to do like studying for orgo (speaking of which, I think the lab midterm was a near total disaster; thank goodness it’s only worth a lab report). I could tell you all about the damn 3 am printing session last friday/saturday night, but that would take up too much time before orgo starts. Don’t you just love it when you’re very far behind in reading? Boo.
I still want a vacation, but I doubt I’ll get a raise anytime soon, so said vacation, if it happens at all, would not consist of a trip. Alas for me and my lazing desires. Oh well. Better study while I can. And yes, I know there are things wrong with the layout. I will fix them. Soon. Just not now. Now is class. Adieu.

Well, here it is…


Yes indeedy, here’s the first entry with the new iBook. Egad, it’s late, so shouldn’t really be doing this. Everything seems to be in its proper place, but for the fonts I had installed…I’ll probably have to search them out again. Oh well. If that’s the only thing that’s wrong with a new comp I won’t complain! Busy busy day tomorrow. Er, later today. Best get some sleep or I’ll be napping while I’m isolating…trust me, that would be a bad thing.

and there goes the savings


Well, I’m back…Now Leo can putter around here and procrastinate all she likes. 😉
And now for the Way to Have a Stressful Weekend; or the Way to Make All Emotions Related to Money Flash Across Your Face in an Instant; or How to Feel Wonderful About a New Purchase But Dread the New Number on Your Bank Account.
So, last friday night (after seeing Constantine all by my lonesome, which wasn’t a bad movie, as far as that genre of movies goes…) I was working on the part of my orgo lab that was due the next day. (Boo saturday lab. :O ) I realized that I had to print it out (which, really, I discovered, I didn’t have to, but it made more sense to have it printed out) and not having a printer at the apartment, ran over to work and printed it out (and faffed about, of course). Now, I left the computer on as I normally would, as it has a nice Phantom of the Opera screensaver which works as it should. The monitor has been flickering a little bit, but it always goes away. I fully intended to get a new computer soon…I realize I’ve been saying this for quite some time now, but the flickering really got to me. So it wasn’t quite a surprise when I came back and the screen was dark. Not dark like the computer was sleeping…so dark it was like the brightness had been turned way down.

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lookie, I did it!


I finally upgraded MT to version 3.15. Hopefully with the increased functionality of Blacklist 2.0 I can get a handle on this crazy spam. We’ll see.
I brought back the ‘ask me anything feature…has a snazzy little layout, it was, how you say, a quickie. I kill me with my little J-C reference. Check out the link at the top of the entries and ask a question! Perhaps I’ll have an answer for you 😉

for your last minute shopping needs…


…or for yourself.
Clickity-click on the banner, and select the 2-Day Shipping option during checkout, and get FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $60 or more. (good til Dec 21.)

Lord of the Rings merchandise - LOTRshop.com

So this isn’t solely an ad post, I can ramble a bit about studying for orgo, and how very sad I am that the stupid final is Monday so I won’t get to spend much time with the wonderful people coming into town for the holidays this weekend. I am finding it immensely hard to keep my mind on orgo, even without the temptation to pop in the RotK:EE, since I don’t have it 😉 Grudgingly I admit that it’s good that Mom is holding onto it for me. But I just want to touch it…lol. So sorry Molly and Alex and Leo that I’ll only be able to see you for a short time on Sunday. It looks like I really shouldn’t even go carolling with the AHS drama alums, as much as I would like to. I suppose I’ll have to resign myself to singing along with my Christmas cds and KEZK, the soft rock Christmas station.
I hope that Molly and I get to watch RotK together sometime, and Leo needs to watch HP 3…sigh. I keep thinking that I’ve got a break coming up or something, even though I don’t, really. Well, I guess I could take some vacation while there are no classes, but I guess I’m still stuck on the “christmas vacation from school” thing, even though it’s been two years. Bah. I really do need to take vaca anyway. Here’s to Jen and Lell going to NY! Yeah. Next summer.
Oh, why don’t you head over here and check out these story banners? Well, there’s only the one right now, hopefully there can be more uploaded later. I like hosting people.
I guess I should get back to voting and studying. Sigh. What a way to spend a friday night.

the little annoying things


Comment spam really sucks, and I’m worried that it’s knocking other (legitimate) people off the blog. Sigh. No one’s commented since the beginning of the month. I’ve done test comments myself and know that comments work…some people have reported getting 404s when they click the comment link. I don’t know what that’s from, because the site shows up fine where I am, on two different computers. If you are having a problem posting a comment and you can’t (for some reason) use the 404 form to send me where you got the error, please send an email to me at etoiline [at] etoiline [dot] com and I’ll see what I can do.
One of these days I guess I’ll break down and upgrade to MT 3, even though there are some things that I don’t like about it. And I’ve got to start thinking of a new layout, not that I don’t still love Peter 🙂 I know that the index page is a little slow to load, forgive me for being on the high-speed at work. But I like having everything there on the front page…alas. I’m just a wannabe techie. Whatever. I’ll shush now, as this too-long entry was just so I would remember that link about a possible spam-basher. We’ll see. Please comment so I know you’re out there!