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June 30, 2003

A Love Story

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived; Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others, including Love.

One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.

Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself."

Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!

Suddenly there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.

Love realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder. "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

-- Author Unknown

Thank you to my website competition voting buddy Janice.

file under: memes

June 27, 2003

bumper car

but first, time for something completely different:

So the car was theoretically supposed to be finished today. All clean and spiffy and still looking used, but with a working trunk and bumper. Of course, they had just gotten in a few of the parts this morning, so of course it wasn't ready yet. Ah well. I didn't want to drive today anyway. It's funny cause the original part they got in was for the slightly later version of the car with taillights across the trunk. Except for that the two models are exactly alike, so it's easy to see how they made the mistake, but sheesh. We got to see the almost finished car without back trunk panel or bumper, and let me tell you, that's an odd looking car. At least they were able to re-use the taillights. Still amazes me that the lights didn't break. Small favors I suppose.

points excitedly to sidebar

file under: reallife

June 25, 2003

Ordinary Day

Alex finally got me to go to that kareoke bar he's always talking about. It was his birthday yesterday so I decided I might as well go. It's out in St Charles which is a heck of a drive from my house, and on the way there, Leona and I got caught in the lovely traffic jam that stretched from the onramp of 70 past the airport (I know this means nothing to most of you, but rest assured it's a long way). Lots of people wanted to sing. Which is cool. There weren't too many glasses broken because of off-key notes, but there were some doozies smile it's been a very long time since I sang kareoke. I think it must have been back in high school with TREND at the conference, and there were nine other people on stage singing 'Lean on Me.' This time, after waiting two hours, it was just me and Vanessa Carlton's 'Ordinary Day.' I didn't get the prompting at first, so the beginning of the song sounded like crap, but yeah. as long as I closed my eyes it was just like singing to myself wink

So, happy birthday, Alex. I hope you liked it.

Go visit Sara's blog. I just set up Greymatter for her wink And I got my first fansign! Check it out smile

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file under: celebration , music

June 24, 2003

Insight of the Week

Do you look on the bright side of things? If you don't, the sun soaked days of summer should give your spirits an added lift. Studies show that sunlight can brighten your mood and benefit your health. Sure, it may sound cliche, but a sunny disposition really can make a difference in your life.

So what can you do to start looking on the bright side? Besides catching some rays, you can also try adjusting your way of seeing things. When a situation doesn't turn out as you'd expected, try to see the upside as opposed to the drawbacks. Let's say a movie you want to see is sold out. Instead of getting upset that you can't see that movie, think of it as an opportunity to see a different film you might not have seen otherwise. If you don't get that job offer, believe that something better will come along. If your date doesn't go well, maybe you'll meet someone you're more compatible with the next day.

It'll take some active effort on your part to see the positive, but when you do, you'll be a happier, more satisfied person. So do your best to see the benefits instead of the drawbacks, and you'll find yourself feeling a whole lot sunnier!

For those of you who don't get bombarded with Emode emails.

file under: muses

It's funny

how much you miss your car when you don't have one.

Poll question: can you imagine me doing kareoke?

Wishlist items of the day:



Be nice to me, or buy for yourself...

file under: music

June 23, 2003

It's always "almost" finished

I'm always amazed, and I shouldn't be, at the time it takes to make things detailed. I sewed the sleeves on the jerkin today, and theoretically all I have to do is perhaps put in a few more grommets and sew the hooks and eyes on...good Lord do you know how long that takes? Thank God I'm not trying to sew in leather.

Wish me luck.

And is it really so hard to understand that the "got a question" box above is for you to input a question to *ahem* ask me anything...by clicking the button to the side of it? I keep getting these blank emails from that button. It's like a kid discovering a light switch: the kid gets to flip the lever while the adults get peeved. Feel free to really ask a question though...

oh, and if you noticed the last entry...I was very very drunk at the time, and immensely proud that I didn't misspell anything.

file under: lordoftherings , webetcetera

June 21, 2003

I am so drunk

this is what happens when I go over to alex's and get shit-faced. damn I'm good.

file under: miscellany

June 16, 2003

Amusement while working

Engrish TTT Captions

how do they get these so wrong?

file under:

June 13, 2003

Have you ever heard of this movie?

There's a new fantasy movie called Ancanar supposedly coming out sometime this year...it's an independent movie but it features a search for the elves...sounds interesting...and it's got some great trailer music! Check it out. I've never heard of it before, but it could be interesting...



file under: movies


Finally got the iMac up and running with internet, as some of you found out last night. Hopefully all will be well now and it will be a little less finicky than it was when it was at school...who knows.

I love it when I'm happy with my purchases. I went to Borders last night with my mom (got to drive the van home, whoopee) cause I had a coupon...of course I ended up spending too much, as usual, but I bought three cds and the two Merry Gentry books in paperback. Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown, Ricky Martin's new spanish album (great sounding but I have no idea what he's saying wink ) and Evanescence's Fallen. All quite cool.

I start working with Paige today because Luigi's gone back to Italy for a month to take care of his joint appointment over there. Hopefully everything will work out, cause if it doesn't, he will be leaving WU in Sept, I think. Sigh. But I'm sure there will be work to do. *crosses fingers*

I really need to make a new layout for this place. I swear, I will soon.

Aunt Carol and Corey are coming this weekend...hopefully it won't rain on us! I swear, we've had plenty of rain recently. I guess this means we'll have a good summer, full of green grass and such, but uggggh. We're drenched right now. I miss the sun.

*hums* here comes the sun, da da da dum, here comes the sun, I say...

file under: miscellany

June 12, 2003


So if you read the previous entry you know I was rear-ended on tuesday morning. (Speaking of days of the week, I've been so confused on what day it was all week. I kept thinking yesterday was tuesday, I guess because tuesday felt so much like a monday...) Anyway, I'm alright, my neck is a little sore, I should probably call the doctor right now and try to get an appointment, blah blah. But on top of all that, tuesday night about 7:15 pm our power went out. We'd actually gotten through the worst of the storm that had started a little after 5:30 (just after I got home and was able to tape a drop cloth over the gaping hole in the back of my car, natch) and my mom and I were watching Sister Act 2 when the power suddently went out. Gaaaah. It was out for 25 and a half hours. We haven't gotten to go through the freezers yet, hopefully some of it is salvageable...what a pain. Although I did get to break out some of my very nice smelling candles and attempt to read by candlelight.

We ate outside cause obviously no air was moving inside...it's eerie how quiet a house/neighborhood can be when there's no power. Also no fan at night to provide white noise. Needless to say I didn't sleep well that night, what with the silence and my neck being sore.

but all's well...it came back on while we were eating dinner, of course less than an hour after my dad had gone to the store so we'd have something to eat and some ice to keep the leftovers from going bad...I love irony, really. Good thing, because there seems to be a lot of that lately...

I think I've had a great week, don't you?

file under: reallife

June 10, 2003

I don't believe it

Well, it's official, I've had *my* first car accident, on my way to work. Not my fault. It's rainy and slippery today and I was stopped at a stoplight in the right-hand left turn lane, with cars to the left and a median to the right, and a Jeep Liberty sliding toward me in the rear-view mirror. Eeek! I had enough time to think that car isn't stoppi--oh shit!

Irony no. 1: This is my second week being a full-time driver with my own car insurance (nothing should happen to it as it's not my fault).

Irony no. 2: The accident occurred in front of an old auto repair shop with a sign reading "Collision repair center" directly across the street from where it happened.

Sigh. And here we were hoping that the Saturn wouldn't need any repairs while we got the new car paid off. The trunk is bashed in on the left side and won't open, but miraculously the taillight casings are intact. The left one is loose, but intact. The left passenger door could be a little sticky, but the car is driveable if you don't mind the rather gaping hole where rain could get in...Thank goodness it wasn't my fault (and I didn't hit the car in front of me) and thank goodness for seatbelts and thank God I'm ok. Nothing broken except the car; I can't tell if I'm going to be sore because of nerves or because of the accident. So worry not, I'm ok, just a little shaky. But I'll take your gifts or monetary donations or Amazon wishlist fulfillments joyfully wink

file under: reallife , serious

June 9, 2003

Eeegghh, it's official

I sent off my registration for Comic-Con today, and I bought my plane ticket, and I paid for my share of the hotel room. There goes most of my next paycheck...No turning back now!

I sewed the body of the silver frock last night. It looks almost like it could be the real thing, lol. I need to find pictures of the embroidery on the jerkin front and frock sleeves so I can attempt that. It's going to be painted on the jerkin cause it's not real leather...and I've got to find fabric for the trews, aka pants. and make the arrows. and finish the pin back. and find blue contacts. shape the ear points. lose weight. lol.

Maybe it will all get done...let me know you're rooting for me wink

file under: lordoftherings

June 4, 2003

Random musings

I haven't had time to write anything in a while. I've been pretty busy at work (gasp! finally! lol.) and the computer's still down at home so doing anything computer wise is tough. And I just can't seem to get myself to turn on the laptop...which has the lovely thing called Photoshop on it...I miss my photoshop! This computer which is always on just has Paint. Aggh. Paint! It's so not what I'm used to...

anyway. I need to make sure I focus on my work so I'm not getting distracted when I go to do the procedures. I nearly messed up some reagents today...hopefully the results aren't too screwed up. Luckily we're doing another one of these next week. But tomorrow I'm on my own because Luigi is out of town for a conference or somewhat, so I'll be here with no supervision! Ha. And we all know how that goes...kidding.

I'm getting very excited for ComicCon. I need to buy my plane ticket and start sewing! Maybe tonight. I finished the pin last night...not quite Noble Collection quality, but at least it's something, and it was a heck of a lot cheaper than you can get it anywhere else wink I sent in my Masquerade registration today, so I'm sort of committed and have to finish the costume! Eeek! lol. Not that y'all care. You just want to see the pictures of me making a fool of myself, I can tell. It's probably going to be a comedy skit between me and a warrior Eowyn...too bad I didn't fall in love with Eowyn's white dress first...

so now I've got a parking permit for work, I drove today. I parked in the lot that's "never full" (because it's so far away from everything else). I'm almost avoiding leaving cause it's so far away. Blah. I told you I'm lazy, right? Yeah. But I feel all official, almost. I just need a key to my lab. lol. I had to pay the first installment of the newly-raised car insurance (three cars, three drivers. Oh joy). I feel like I'm putting out a lot of money, but hey, that's what jobs are for, right? right.

Paul Walker was on Jay Leno last night. I really like his eyes. I'd almost see 2Fast2Furious (silly, silly title) just for those eyes. Mmmm. I gotta find me a guy with cool eyes. (and buy myself some blue contacts for assuming the role of Legolas...yes, I know, I'm crazy. I have to get an eye exam first, though, to get the prescription, so I'm waiting till I get my insurance card...ahhh, the joys of being a responsible adult.)

file under: muses