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August 29, 2003

Stretch your mind

Thank you May for the birthday wishes and sending me on a quest:

The Da Vinci Code Quest

It's fun, really. And you can find the answers, I swear. If that whets your appetite (which it should) go get the book. It's highly recommended and reads quick! I even felt like I figured out things before the protagonist wink Great mystery. Read it!

file under: movies

August 28, 2003

An Amazing Performance

What a way to spend a birthday. I mentioned yesterday how my uncle might not be able to use his front row tickets to the Lion King playing at the Fox. Well, the reason for that was because my uncle's father-in-law's daughter had a heart attack. She was only 46 and had no history of heart disease or the other risk factors. I came back to the lab after doing some running around for Luigi and had an odd message waiting for me...the woman had died, and my uncle was definitely not going to be able to use the tickets as they were heading down to be with the father-in-law's family. Now, it may sound callous, but I didn't know this person even though I've probably spent at least a few Christmases with her...Alas. My sincere sympathy and thanks that you died. Agh. Sounds horrible...but once I sat in the darkened theater waiting for the really cool opening curtain to go up, I had to thank God. Remember how I'd said just once I'd like to be able to go up to the front without having to fight for it? Well, here it was. We were front row slightly left of center, on the aisle...we literally got brushed by some elephants and wildebeest, and some bird puppets (I want one of those)...we were close enough to see the makeup and all the fine details. Wow. The opening Circle of Life sequence made me tear up. Seriously. What's funny is the Lion King cartoon was the only movie I ever cried at (when Mufasa died...:sad: ) and now the musical. It was just so magical and harmonious and they were right there. The songs were very well sung, and I loved the puppets. There was shadow play like traditional chinese theater shows, which delighted my mother (my dad elected not to try to go, as we only had two tickets and he would have had to sit in the way back for half the show). The puppets were amazing. Instead of covering up the actors' faces, they were headpieces or part of a costume so you could still see the expressions.

All the emotions of the movie were there, with that added kick that live shows get. I liked the new songs on the whole. The scenery was spare but gave the impression of the lush jungle with just a few well-placed props. Gorgeous lighting and special effects. A simulated drought,

(and now we pause for a random question. If drought sounds like 'drout,' why doesn't draught sound like 'draut?' Or trough 'trou?' That bothers me because I remember reading 'draught' when I was little and thinking of drought and going, oh yeah, I know how to say this. Now back to your regularly scheduled gushing post.)

There's much more where this came from...and birthday gifties!

rainstorms, nearly-nekkid guys playing grass...lol. Some great acrobatic dancing. We were seated near one of the two drummers situated on either side of the stage, so we really got the percussion...and we could practically see into the orchestra. Wonderful sound.

After we had found our seats this old couple came to sit in the row behind us, and the woman said, "Let me see if I can see...oh, this one's got a lot of hair..." I don't think she was talking to me as I believe she ended up sitting behind me, but I thought it was funny how she didn't seem to notice that everyone in front of her could hear her...

My mom said she didn't want the curtain to come down. And it's true. It was a spectacular show. There'll be one extra ticket if we give ours to my uncle, but my mom said that they hadn't even really wanted to see this show, so maybe the three of us family will see it. My dad doesn't think he'd want to see it, but I think he'd appreciate the production. Who knows.

Maybe we'll go to Macaroni Grill tonight, but late last night when we got home we had Strawberry Cream pie...oh, thank you Sara Lee ;) I have to remind my mother to give me that Legolas statuette that she bought me over the summer. lol. TTT and a statuette...what more could a girl ask for! Aside from a LotR-loving boyfriend, of course ;) If you get a chance to see the Lion King I highly recommend it. It's worth the money. Failing that, try the soundtrack and get a taste.

Thanks for all your birthday wishes! Look at these:

From Jem

From Kate.

Thanks! I wanna go home and watch TTT again smile

file under: celebration

August 27, 2003


Happy Birthday Etoiline From Wizards Quest

Lookie! My friends at the Wizard's Quest gave me some gifties smile Feel free to sign the birthday book!

file under: celebration

It's my birthday and I'll watch TTT if I want to

Yes folks, it's true. I'll be 23 in a few hours. And wonder of all wonders, it rained a little today (isolated showers, of course...not on our house) so it's a tiny bit cooler. Still supposed to reach the upper 90s later in the day.

Yes, I got TTT last night (thank you Alex) and yes, we watched the whole thing. I managed to persuade my parents to go for the whole stretch instead of waiting until today...I'm sure it will get watched again very soon, regardless. Only watched the RotK preview and the TTT SE dvd preview...man, I can't wait for nov/dec. I got an Aragorn pin from the nice lady at the grocery store. Too bad it wasn't Legolas, lol. I swear I will get the Realm fixed up sometime soon. I've got to put all the new members on the new fanbase!

I'm dressed up today...wonder if anyone will notice. As far as I know, no one at work knows it's my birthday, which is a little sad, cause I bet someone would have brought cookies. But no big deal.

I'm quite excited cause my birthday gift from my parents is tickets to the Lion King at the Fox Theater in a few weeks. I've wanted to see this for a while so I'm very happy that it's in town and we get to see it. However....Due to some very unfortunate circumstances that I don't wish to go into today my uncle got some free front row tickets for tonight, and he may or may not be able to use them. Realize the tickets we bought are VERY expensive and not refundable, and as much as I hope I like the musical, it's probably not worth seeing twice in such a short period of time. But it's the front row!!!! Agggh. Maybe things will work out and my uncle will be able to use them and spare us the dilemma. Maybe I can sell ours on eBay if we do go. We'd be missing out on Macaroni Grill if we go as well. (lol. not that we can't go out to eat any time, but I've been waiting for some of that Macaroni's bread for ages)

It might be a pretty busy day, which is a little sad. I'm almost sorry to say I want to spend it on the computer messing with my forum...I upgraded it and lost all the modifications I'd made to the previous version (I knew it was going to happen that way so no worries) but who knows what's going on today. Gotta get my Sesquicentennial shirt from WU...how nice. they're giving me a gift on my bday! lol. Maybe I'll go out to lunch. Feel free to send your birthday wishes!

file under: celebration

August 26, 2003

More tinkering

The Aspire Forum is now blue. Go check it out, and post, damn you! lol. No one loves the forum. And remember the gallery is cool too. I'm trying to get back into that web-design mentality and fix up all my sites that haven't been updated in too long. Someone enjoy them.

It's just about midnight and there are people in this time zone buying the Two Towers right now. Sigh. I have to wait till tomorrow, but thank you Alex. It's a nice birthday present. Don't you want to get me something too? lol. You know what I'll be doing tomorrow, don't you?

file under: lordoftherings , webetcetera

August 23, 2003

Gallery goodness

The Aspire Gallery is up, in its mostly final phase, I think. There are a few modifications I could make (aren't there always?) but it's a mostly self-sufficient site wink Check it out and let me know what you think! You can leave comments on the images, even if you're not a user. If you'd like to post pictures just leave me a comment somewhere and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy!

The Evanescence concert is tonight. Should be interesting...I heard a rumor that there would be video games as pre-show entertainment. Forget the opening act(s...there are three, I think!) just get on the provided PS2 or xbox...lol.

TTT comes out next week!

file under: art

August 22, 2003

I know what would make me happy

Blades by Brown Cutlery: Legolas' White Knives Damn but I want these. It's not like I would do anything with them and I have no way or place to display them, but it's the principle of the thing, you know? Course, I also want Narsil and Arwen's sword...guess what the likelyhood of either of those happening is.

Wish Happy Birthday to John Howe (LotR Concept Artist), Alan Lee (LotR Concept Artist) and John Noble (LotR Actor), who all had birthdays this week. So did Jess Stra, if I'm not mistaken. Happy 22nd, Jess! (Remember, my bday is next week wink why don't you check out my Amazon wishlist?) Check out this article on LotR archery-ness: Films add a string to archer's bow. Yay for natural archers! I consider myself one wink More random LotR news: Pre-release sales of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers have broken all records at Amazon. The internet retailer says over 50,000 pre-orders have been taken ahead of the video and DVD's UK release on Tuesday, August 26. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets was the previous record-holder, with 40,000 pre-orders in April. (Thanks to TORn)

Today I designed and made a totally new layout for the gallery but I forgot about gif-ness so it's a little wonky. I'm quite proud of it nonetheless...you can take a look but I'd probably rather you wait a bit. lol.

Back to voting I go...

file under: lordoftherings

I feel all proud

Not that most of you would care, but I installed PHPFanBase for future members of the all about the ears clique. Feel free to join before the new layout goes up. lol. lots of copying and pasting for me tonight, and the computer was acting strange. sigh. please keep working, dear iMac...I need you!

why do people keep bidding on the scanners I need? Don't these people realize I need this type of scanner? It's not like I want it for some superfluous reason...it's the only one that will work with this comp! Come on. Let me win an auction. For not much. I'm still mostly broke, even if I'm not in college anymore.

And another thing to be proud of...I finished the redesign of my Roswell fansite, Surrender to the Stars. Be sure to stop by and let me know what you think of it!

file under: webetcetera

August 20, 2003

Eee! Legolas insanity! Save Me! etc

elf porn shack: animations hee. the captions make them so much better.

One Wig to Rule them All Parody sites rock, man.

The Real Deal on Legolas

and someone please rescue me:

Perhaps Legolas will find me, but for now I'm relying on you! (Anyone can save me!)

and a list of amazing fonts at Lord Kyl's.

file under: miscellany

August 19, 2003

Unrelated ramblings

Click here to decorate your dorm room! I finally got around to writing letters to people today. So, you select Filippino Fellowship members, you'll get a letter and a little gift or two sometime in the next two to three weeks...that is, if I can make it over to the post office tomorrow. Silly post office only open til 3 pm.

Saw one of my buddies from college today. She's working at the med school, same as me, but she's got a proper office, lol. Not the freezer room. Now, everyone looks at me funny when I say my desk is in the freezer room. But see, the "cold room" is where we keep things that need to be refrigerated or frozen. There's an outer room at 4 deg C and an inner room at -20 deg C. So that's where we keep things cold. But the "freezer room" has two upright freezers at -80 deg C, but the rest of the room is at well, room temperature. So don't worry about me getting too cold...that's just the silly air conditioning in the rest of the building. Anyway. Back to the friend. She's pregnant, and apparently married to someone else other than she was going out with all through college. Hmm. Didn't know how to ask about that, so I'll have to wonder. She did tell me that said previous bf was going to Ghana to interview refugees for immigration. Ghana. Whoa. Made me think of how I haven't really seen anyone from school, except for the random Ross sighting last week and a few people at the alumni happy hours last year. Sigh. Where did all the people go? I know they're still around...and still odd to think that I haven't seen people from high school at all. It would have been nice to have a five-year reunion this summer, and I'm rather surprised that we didn't, given the avid student council-ness of the people in charge. Ah well. Guess they've got lives too...and this way I have more time to become all famous and scientisty. Er. Or finish my book. We'll see, I suppose.

random commenter's question: what part of Moonstone do you like best so far?

file under:

I will remember you

better if you vote for me. lol. seriously. Back in the Challenge again at TWQ, and I'd really appreciate your vote. Tough competition this week, so I need all the help I can get. Just once I'd like to make it to the Tower on my own steam...of course, I'd take it any way I can get it wink

The etoiline.com network is in the middle of the first month of passing 1 GB in bandwidth. Yay! People are visiting. Please go visit my hostees, which is where most of the traffic is going to...course, that's why they're there. Feel free to promote, lol.

For some reason 54 people visited Aspire II last wednesday and I'm at a bit of a loss as to why. Was it because I posted the lyrics to the new John Mayer song? Eh. At least they came. Not one of them left a comment. Pah. Any ideas?

and because it was asked: When will I get a boyfriend? Honey, I am so not the person to ask about this. I haven't had a boyfriend since high school so I'm definitely asking myself the same question. Of course, if you really need an answer, I recommend your nearest Magic 8 ball. It's as good an answer about destiny as you're going to get wink

file under: competition

August 18, 2003


Forgive the pun. I just had to. I'm trying to make a skirt that will more closely match the bodice I bought at the renaissance festival last year. Or rather, two skirts, if I can swing it, along with another top. We'll see if I can make it in a month, which is hopefully when Jess and I are going. But re: the title...waistbands are a pain in the neck. They're enough to make me curse, which if you know me, takes a substantial amount of pissed-off-ness. Ah well. Hopefully no one will look too closely at the waistband. But dammit, I made it, so it's all good.

I'm working on a new layout for my Roswell site. Ain't that a kicker? I know it's over, but it's had the same layout for over a year, so I thought it was time to change. Also was inspired by the Dreamer reunion at the Roswell forum. And it's time for php. Yay programming. hah.

file under: miscellany

August 14, 2003

Questions that need answering

Or at least, the whopping three 'ask me anythings' that showed up in my inbox last night. How exciting big grin They're rather vague, so I'll interpret them as I see fit wink

Brooch making? Er. If you mean how to make the fellowship brooch from LotR, I used Sculpey clay: silver and two colors of green: dark green and iridecent seafoam green. If I had had more time I might have tried to work in a bit of real wire, but as it is it's only clay. Took me two practice leaves and a long time on the final one. Used my mother's clay modelling tools. Baked for however long in the old toaster oven retired for expressly that service (it stinks up your regular one). My mom glued the pin back on with hot glue, and secured it with a piece of leather. Savvy?

I saw a Shooting Star and I made a wish, will my wish come true? I hope so. Everyone should have their wish come true. And I'm a bit jealous. You got to see a shooting star? It's been a while.

John Mayer new cd? JM's new cd is called Heavier Things, and it will be available September 9th. It includes the great new single Bigger Than My Body, which is not at all what you think it's about. Also a great new song: Wheel. This song probably sounds better in concert, so you better find out when he's coming to town! Go buy it and support the stars.

and one from long ago:

Do you have a son? That would be a no. Need a guy to do that. Haven't had a boyfriend since high school.

file under: webetcetera

August 13, 2003

pretty pictures

The Aspire Gallery has moved! Sort of. Not that you knew there was a gallery, did you? Actually it wasn't common knowledge. But I found a nicer one that should allow for more customization. Only Orlando pics and some miscellanys up now. Feel free to ask and I will give you access to upload ;) But please feel free to browse.

file under: art

What happened?

I was walking to work today behind this guy in hiking boots, and it made me think (or try to) of the last time I went hiking/camping. I mean, I suppose you can count a little trekking at my grandparents' place, but really camping...as in setting up a tent for the night after hiking a few miles, cooking over a campfire...I miss that. I went with the Outdoor Club a few times frosh year of college, but then the lovely thing called track meets on weekends came about and there went my camping time. I remember right after I went whitewater rafting with the youth group that summer over five years ago, now, I swore I would do it again. And soon. Yeah. And I haven't touched a horse but to just go on a trail ride. Meh. I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, Mountains! I want to gallop or at least a nice canter with a sweet-tempered horse, I want to carry a 50-pound pack for eight hours and collapse on my mat just as the stars are coming out. I want to hear my voice echo in the valley. How did I move away from that? What forces conspired against me to keep me from indulging that side of myself? I miss it when I would spend two weeks every summer galivanting about with other Girl Scouts.

Anyone want to go camping, eh?

file under: muses

August 12, 2003

I could cry

You know, it's silly, but I'm quite peeved to have lost the auction for the scanner. If only I had checked my email a little earlier. Sixteen (sixteen!) people bidded within the last hour of the auction, and being busy, I didn't even have a chance. Argh! And of course there's not another one out there. Bugger. And now I'm really running into the stupid freaking "only supports system 8.6 and above" problem. We have system 8.1, just a step down, really, but it screws everything up. Gah. It galls me to have to look for older items. And we can't just buy a new computer because the scanner doesn't work, but we really want a scanner at home. Why did that stupid freaking flashing floppy have to show up? And why won't any of the "troubleshooting" methods work? ARGH!

It vexes me. I am sorely vexed.

file under: webetcetera


Eh. Run out of titles much? Hopefully I'll win the auction for a scanner that supposedly will work with the Biondi iMac we're using at home...it's quite annoying that our old serial port comp just went wonkers and therefore us having to use the USB comp, which has no serial port for the scanner...needless to say, I'm chuffed that we might have a scanner again. Yay technology. Soon hopefully I'll get my pics back from SD/CC and I can show you some pics of me looking silly in my costume (...savez? lol. inside joke.), as well as scanning in my latest Will Turner sketch...as soon as it's done.

Of course, I was the only person to bid on this scanner, and it has no reserve and started at $1...ends tomorrow. Think I'll win wink Even with the $20 shipping, not a bad deal, eh? I just hope it works. Supposed to be new in the box with all the manuals and software and cords. I hope. Eek. Just realized putting in new scanner means cleaning up area around old one. Meh. This is really just one big ramble so I'll shush now. Go read Fool's Errand, or better yet, buy it and the other six books by Robin Hobb. You won't regret it.

file under: miscellany

August 11, 2003

Pop culture, anyone?

Because people have posted this.

Bold means I've read it:

1984, George Orwell

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Animal Farm, George Orwell

Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy

Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery -long ago.

Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer

The BFG, Roald Dahl

Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks

Black Beauty, Anna Sewell

Bleak House, Charles Dickens

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley - We had to read this over the summer before junior or senior year of high school. Then we had to discuss it all year. I hated it.

Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh

Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding

Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres

Catch 22, Joseph Heller

The Catcher In The Rye, JD Salinger

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel

Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons

The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett

The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas

Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

David Copperfield, Charles Dickens

Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson

Dune, Frank Herbert

Emma, Jane Austen

Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy

Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson

The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy

The Godfather, Mario Puzo

Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell - Er. Part of it anyway.

Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman - FAVORITE!

Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian

Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake

The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck

Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald

Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, JK Rowling

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling - and OotP, as well smile

His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Douglas Adams

The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien

Holes, Louis Sachar

I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith

Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte - argh. eight grade english.

Kane And Abel, Jeffrey Archer

Katherine, Anya Seton

The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, CS Lewis - and the rest of the Narnia series

Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

Lord Of The Flies, William Golding

The Lord Of The Rings, JRR Tolkien

Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton

Magician, Raymond E Feist

The Magus, John Fowles

Matilda, Roald Dahl - one of my favorite books.

Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden - signed copy, natch.

Middlemarch, George Eliot

Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie

Mort, Terry Pratchett

Night Watch, Terry Pratchett

Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman

Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck - I think we read this in hs english.

On The Road, Jack Kerouac

One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Perfume, Patrick Suskind

Persuasion, Jane Austen

The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett

A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving

Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen

The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell

Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier - Spooky.

The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett - Another all-time favorite, along with A Little Princess

The Secret History, Donna Tartt

The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher

The Stand, Stephen King

The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson

A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth

Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome

A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

Tess Of The D'urbervilles, Thomas Hardy

The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough

To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee

A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute

Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson

The Twits, Roald Dahl

Ulysses, James Joyce

Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson

War And Peace, Leo Tolstoy

Watership Down, Richard Adams

The Wind In The Willows, Kenneth Grahame - I think I read this years ago...

Winnie-the-Pooh, AA Milne

The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins

Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte

Bold means I've seen it:

The Godfather (1972)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Godfather: Part II (1974)

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - of course.

Schindler's List (1993)

Citizen Kane (1941)

Casablanca (1942)

Seven Samurai (1954)

Star Wars (1977)

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

Memento (2000)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Rear Window (1954)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

The Usual Suspects (1995) - This movie has the best ending ever.

Amelie (2001)

Pulp Fiction (1994)

North by Northwest (1959)

Psycho (1960)

The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - one of the spookiest movies.

12 Angry Men (1957)

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

Goodfellas (1990)

American Beauty (1999)

Vertigo (195 :(

The Pianist (2002)

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

Apocalypse Now (1979)

Some Like It Hot (1959)

The Matrix (1999)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Taxi Driver (1976)

The Third Man (1949)

Paths of Glory (1957)

Fight Club (1999)

Das Boot (1981)

L.A. Confidential (1997)

Double Indemnity (1944)

Chinatown (1974)

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)

Saving Private Ryan (199 :(

All About Eve (1950)

M (1931)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

Raging Bull (1980)

Once Upon a Time in the West (196 :(

Se7en (1995)

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000)

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

2001: A Space Odyssey (196 :(

La Vita e bella (1997)

American History X (199 :(

The Sting (1973)

Touch of Evil (195 :(

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Alien (1979)

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

Rashomon (1950)

Leon (1994)

Annie Hall (1977)

The Great Escape (1963)

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (194 :(

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Jaws (1975)

Amadeus (1984)

On the Waterfront (1954)

Ran (1985)

Braveheart (1995) - one of my most favorite movies...start of my scottish craze + Chris...

High Noon (1952)

Fargo (1996)

Blade Runner (1982)

The Apartment (1960)

Aliens (1986)

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Strangers on a Train (1951)

Modern Times (1936)

The Shining (1980)

Donnie Darko (2001)

Duck Soup (1933)

The Princess Bride (1987)

Lola rennt (199 :(

City Lights (1931)

The General (1927)

Metropolis (1927)

The Searchers (1956)

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Notorious (1946)

Manhattan (1979)

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

Graduate, The (1967)

I've only seen part of the Godfather Part II, and I really have no interest in seeing any more of it or any of the other pre-/sequels. Just not a mob fan. Course, now they'll probably put a hit out on me so I can be suitably impressed...

file under: books

Bigger Than My Body

Someday I'll fly

Someday I'll soar

Someday I'll be

Something much more

Cause I'm bigger than my body

Gives me credit for

This song has been on repeat all weekend. I adore it. I can't wait for Sept 9, which is when John Mayer's new cd comes out. Check out Aspire II for the full lyrics. They're so meaningful...his songs always have some little tidbit of greatness buried in them, and you really have to look at them. There's so much to be appreciated. I've got to try to get copies of some of his live concerts. He's one of the few artists that sound just as good if not better live as in studio. JM definitely inspired me to try to learn guitar. I would love to be able to make music like that, to inspire someone else to express themselves...someday. Someday I'll soar.

file under: music

August 4, 2003

If you want something to read

Reason: Back to the Future: The nostalgic yet progressive appeal of wizards, hobbits, and Jedi knights

This kept me busy for my lunch minutes...

(btw...try right-clicking on that trailer link and saving it...)

file under:

August 1, 2003

Oh dear, there went the excitement meter

I've seen the teaser trailer for RotK that's been nosed about...I've got it, let me know if you want it, but I'm taking the link down for now.

and eeg! Pirates screencaps!

Did I mention how when he said "The tang is almost the full width of the blade," I just died? Isn't that silly? But it means he knows his trade. And then the sword flip and his little bow, and that look on his face when Governor Swann told him to pass his thanks on to his master...ahhh. I would see that movie again in a heartbeat.

file under: movies , orlando