nothing all that interesting...
...just a few bits of goodness.
Free php and perl scripts has a good php guestbook. The cgi one I've got has been spammed lately (only a little, compared to the comment/trackback spam I get on the blog, thank goodness for MT-Blacklist) but it would be nice to have a better (php) book.
Find out how fast you type, from Beccary. I think I might put this little module on my site, sometime...
I got things set up on our new account for the family website. So hopefully (before my mom's show this weekend, anyway) all will be well and I can stop thinking about that and start thinking about orgo test and report, resume, new job, new roommate. Perhaps not always in that order.
I did find out that my job actually lasts until May 30th, so that's a very good thing...and the first paper to ever feature Jennifer Shew as an author is now out in the Archives of Internal Medicine. If you've got access to medical journals, why don't you check it out? Luigi Fontana is first author. Still makes me feel weird that while my name is on the paper and I did do the substantial job of data acquisition, I didn't actually write the paper. it's a little odd. But exciting
I don't think I'll ever get an actual copy of the journal, but I do have the pdf. Yay for the electronic age.
Yay for you, famous Jen!
Posted by: your former roommate | March 29, 2005 6:49 PM
PHP's awesome.
Too bad i'm so dumb with the whole CHMODing thing that I don't know how to install scripts yet (or at least that's what i'm experiencing with Smart FTP hahaha, maybe I should change to.. err...)
Missed you!
Posted by: Stella | April 4, 2005 4:48 PM