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I wish...more than anything...more than the moon

I'm quite happy since I finally saw the musical 'Into the Woods' performed onstage again. Alas I wasn't it it, more's the pity. But the WU Performing Arts Department's performance of the musical was quite good. The sets were minimal but well-done, most of the singing was just as it should be, and the Princes were great. I was hoping that it would be good, since I remembered Into the Woods fondly from when it was performed at my high school freshman year (I was almost in it, until I realized that I didn't have enough time to practice the piano music to be in the orchestra, man that was a blow). But happily it lived up to my expectations. Yay.

I'm not happy because today's experiment in lab just left me drained, and I didn't finish some of the things I had to do. It's a three part lab, where we have to identify three unknown organic products. At least I have two weeks to finish it, and I know what class my compounds are in, but jeez. I still have to find melting and boiling points and do a Tollen's test, which might be pretty since it's supposed to indicate the presence of an aldehyde by precipitating silver on the sides of the test tube (yes, actual silver, the metal) but I don't think I have an aldehyde, so it might not be. boo. And my Hinsberg test while not a bust was quite 'flaky' to quote my professor. sheesh. I hope it ends up working.

Last week at work was a bit stressful since on tuesday I had an ELISA just fail on me. No results at all, not even bad ones. So of course we have to troubleshoot that. There is a chance it's something that I did, but I'm in the region on 98% sure that I followed the instructions properly. Of course the tech support people at the company don't want to say it might be their product, but this kit was among the first of a lot so it's possible that something's not working on their end. Of course, it seems that the only way to test the possible culprit is to do the test over again, the whole long test, which is a pain and also hard to justify because it would take up wells that we need to use for sample later. sigh. at least I finally have a transfer interview with human resources so I can get on finding a new job.

I'd like to be able to stay at WU, they have wonderful benefits and I really want to keep my apartment nearby. But obviously I need to have a job first before I can keep the apartment, but if I do find a job, I need to find a roommate as well, since Olga wants to move out to California with her boyfriend. (What is it with me and the trend of having roomies leaving to move in with bf's? same as me getting let go because there is no money, I guess. ah, irony). And the lease comes up in June, so I have to get on things. boo stress!

I still have to see Robots and Sin City. But we're closer and closer to Kingdom of Heaven! Yay!

listening to  Josh Groban: Remember Me ( )
reading   , Carol Berg
file under: muses


I'm sorry!!

Into the Woods is a fun musical - Webster U had performed it about 5 years ago. Great presentation and the sets and costumes were very well done.

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