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November 30, 2005

Conquering NaNo, 2005

Say hello to Artist of Heaven. 50723 words and counting. I'm almost done with it, and I'd like to think I'd finish it tonight. Done just a few hours earlier than last year ;) I'm happy with this one, it's got some gaping plot holes and some inconsistent characters, but it all worked together quite nicely.

NaNoWriMo Winner 2005!

Now all I have to do is study the massive amounts of muscles in the human body for the quiz tomorrow...

file under: celebration , writings

November 29, 2005

two days

Two days until the end of November. 3100 words left. Do you think I can make it? I might even be "done" with the story then, since I don't think I have all that much to tell. Think of that. A complete story in one month. It would be nice.

Of course, it would be even easier to do if I weren't suddenly interested in a series of books by Piers Anthony, written back in the 80s/early 90s. I'm currently on number 3 in the Incarnations of Immortality series, and they've been very satsifactory so far. Check them out. Wish me luck.

At least it's getting cold, so I have no desire to be out and about.

reading  With A Tangled Skein
file under: writings

November 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

...so I'm only a day late. Hope you all had lots of turkey and mashed potatoes. Sooo much food, as usual, at my grandparents' house.

Since it is actually the 25th, Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.

And in writing news...you knew there was going to be writing news, didn't you? I'm three-quarters (well, 76.76%)of the way finished, with 6 days left. Let's see if I can write 11k + in the next week, shall we? All while learning the numerous muscles of the body. Oh dear.

Family is in town so hopefully we'll get to do lots of fun things and I will avoid spending too much money, because unfortunately rent is due soon. Can't wait to see RENT in theaters and Wicked! this weekend. Whee!

Somewhere in there I'm going to have to figure out when to write. Wish me luck...and let me know who you think should be the winner of a fight between the archangel Gabriel and the Devil.


listening to  Ben Jelen, Give It All Away
reading  Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
file under: celebration , writings

November 18, 2005


(here's a fangirl moment: HARRY POTTER! Squee! And yes, I will be dressing up for the showing. How much so, I haven't determined yet, since it will likely be cold. But dammit, I have a costume, and I'm going to use it! I made a skirt, for heaven's sake. Only twelve hours before I get to see it...)

I just thought I'd inform you all that I have passed the halfway point for NaNo. I'm actually 52% finished, and it's only two days past the Ides of November...this weekend will be pretty crazy, so I'll be lucky if I get anything written tomorrow (must remember to bring the laptop to type while waiting in line for the movie!) but hopefully I can make pages (to quote Laurell K Hamilton) later in the weekend when I'm not helping my parents out with the two (count 'em, 2) art shows this weekend. Eek! Gladly I will accept your ideas about angels and put them in the story, no charge. I've already plundered my apartment and garden and Forest Park for the story, why not your ideas?

everything's going to change, isn't it? Brownie points to those who know what I'm talking about.

{ETA: I forgot to mention that, surprisingly, I aced my latest lab practical! Largely due to the fact that I got all the bonus questions right, but it's always a very happy thing to see the 'X correct out of Y" with the X bigger than the Y. At least I can remember some things...}

listening to  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire soundtrack
reading  "Sunshine, Robin McKinley
file under: writings

November 14, 2005

Waiting for Harry

Yesterday I bought my ticket to see the fourth Harry Potter movie on Friday. I'm begging off work early and will have to leave literally as soon as we finish the second part of the study. Hopefully it will be good, and people will appreciate my costume (I actually like costuming better in the winter...usually costumes are so hot, it's nice to have a reason to wear all the paraphenalia and not look like you just jumped in a pool), and I will get some writing done while I wait for entry. Here's hoping that I can make it in time to get a decent seat. Alas that I couldn't make it to the midnight premiere, as much as I would like to, since I'm being practical and giving myself a few more hours of sleep. And woe that I couldn't make it to an IMAX showing (since when did the theater I'm going to get IMAX?) since it would be cool to see this one in IMAX like I did with the 3rd movie. Though I recall that I said I wouldn't have wanted to see it for the first time on that big screen...too much to take in with such a huge surround screen.

This weekend will be hectic, starting with the fact that the very moment I get out of the movie I'll have to rush over to Parkway South to help my mother set up for her show. (You should come visit us.) Then two, count 'em, two shows on Saturday. And Sunday, right after the writer's meeting for NaNo, I'll have to rush off to P'Way S. again and help with take-down. Joy.

Of course, that's not even counting the sleep-deprivation I'm in for this week, as there are three studies this week (again) and wednesday's will be particularly brutal, given that it starts at 6:45 am. *shrieks* My poor little not-a-morning-person-self. Boo hoo. And the writing. Oh ho, the writing. I'm still about 3k behind where I *should* be, but I ought to be able to make it up. I'm ahead of where I was last year, anyway. Whoo!

Here's a reason to stay up late, though. Lord knows I did. I rejoice in fast, but good, reads, and this fit the bill. It's an inspiration for NaNo, I tell you *sighs at feeling the need to justify staying up too late to finish a book*

Happy Monday.

file under: movies

November 7, 2005

Bye, Bye, Busch

They started the demolition of Busch Stadium today. Apparently it was a bit anticlimatic since not much of the actual wrecking could be seen. It was decided that the stadium couldn't be imploded for safety reasons. It would have been spectacular. Ah well. Better safe than sorry.

I'll miss the old beast, even if I didn't really spend much time there. It was just such a quintessential part of St. Louis, and soon it will be gone. But out with the old, in with the new, etc, etc.

I wore my "I write books" pin (courtesy of the folks at NaNo) and no one noticed...until I was walking down the hall to deliver the tracers for the study tomorrow, and who did I encounter but one of the fellow StL NaNo'ers. Small world, innit?

My blog is worth $10,161.72.
How much is your blog worth?

did you ever get the feeling
that we started in the middle
or have you ever have the sense
that we were lying just a little
i mean come on
its not like we knew ourselves that long

listening to  Tracing, John Mayer

file under: muses

eight thousand

I'm somewhere in the vicinity of 8000 words right now. Depending on which program I'm using, I have 8400+ or 8500+. At home I have more. I like that counter better. I'm still behind, though. I should have been at 10k last night, so I need to work harder. I did write almost 3500 words last night, though, so it can be done. I just have to get my butt in gear and do so.

I have a new computer at work. It's very pretty, for all its PC-ness. I had to remember all my passwords and programs that I had on the old one, but wow, it's fast. And in eight months it will be obsolete. Wow.

Guess I should get home and write some more...it's sad to see my potential progress go down on the meter, so I would like to make it go up...

see you on the flip side. (11 days to HP 4!)

file under: writings

November 2, 2005

i-b-o-o-k spells relief

Yay! I got my iBook back yesterday instead of today (or later in the week) and it was just fine. They said the main logic board had failed, and was replaced, and since it's still under warranty, it didn't cost me a thing! Sweet.

Of course, the silly thing is, even though I got the laptop back last night, I still only wrote about 730 words. Unfortunately that's less than half of what I needed. Behind already. Alas. But I'm working on it. I have more ideas still! I was just busy studying...you know, for that class I'm taking? We have a quiz tomorrow with twice the questions that are normally on the quiz, and that means I have to know all the parts of a skull. I'm screwed.

Oh well. I'm just glad that the comp is back and in working order. Of course it came back fine, but I don't trust my luck enough to not worry about it. And man was it weird to not have access to one for the weekend.

This week starts off a very busy month at work...lots of important studies going on. Unfortunately I can't take off work the day that the fourth HP movie comes out, nor can I attend a midnight premiere the evening before. Because while I can live with three hours of sleep, it's probably a bad idea the night before wielding sharp instruments. I might be able to finagle it so I can leave early and catch a matinee showing on opening day, but that night I have to help my parents set up for the big Parkway South Craft Show. Saturday I'll be at one of two craft shows, if my mom gets into the second one, so I might not be able to attend that day either. Sigh. I know that it's silly to be attached to a fandom like this, but I really do want to see it, and I hate waiting. Did I mention how I'm very much pro-instant gratification?

Wish me luck on NaNo. Bad idea to fall behind on the first day, but at least I've got the time to make it up ;) I must remember to actually cook something for dinner tonight, though. It's been too long. Pasta here I come!

reading  The Lunatic Cafe
file under: celebration , webetcetera

November 1, 2005

So it begins

Another year, another November, another NaNo...With my lack of computer, I only wrote some outline-type things last night after midnight. Hopefully I can stick with this story...don't know how it's going to work out, but I've got some good ideas. Feel free to hop over to Artist of Heaven and check things out...but you'd have to comment if you want to read the good stuff ;) Well, I hope it will be good.

Unfortunately I could only go down from my stellar performance on the first A&P exam, but I only missed two this time, so yay. Still good. I should have studied levers more carefully.

And any of you liberals out there who are PO'd at Bush's stupidity and malleability, please go sign this petition. The Supreme Court should not be dominated by any one political party.
end soapbox */

file under: writings