a weird week.
Monday was a good day. Tuesday was a slightly weird day. Wednesday was a tiring day, and Thursday it snowed. A lot. Today, I'm just tired, though quite happy that Narnia comes out today. Too bad I won't be able to see it until at least tomorrow...
First, to whomever appropriated my blue and green knit hat, affectionately known as the 'fungus' hat by some of my friends, may it keep you warm. I cannot believe that I've managed to lose both the hats that I've knitted for myself over two winters. Sigh. I had actually started crocheting a new one the day before I lost the previous, but it won't be done for a while, even if I figure out how to go faster. Sigh. I hope this doesn't turn out to be a yearly trend. Luckily I have more yarn, so maybe I'll be able to make replicas. Sheesh.
Monday was a pretty good day. I had to study for my final A&P test of the semester (not a comprehensive final, thank goodness) but work was not too demanding so that was good. On top of that, I received the soundtrack (selected cues were used in the Seabiscuit trailer) and on DVD (which has a great soundtrack by the same person who scored A Knight's Tale, though it's not available commercially) which, for some reason, has its opening titles in French. The rest of the movie is in English, so I'm not complaining. Then came the test, and because of the fantastic professor, I know that I only missed one, which is better that last test's two wrong answers. Yahoo. At least the lecture part of the class is going well.
Which sort of leads me to Tuesday. Tuesday was a study day (read: early), which didn't go horribly, other than the fact that the subject's veins kept moving when the IV was being placed (ew). The weird part was that two emails had been sent out to the WUMS community asking for volunteers for ongoing or future studies. The one on Monday asked for obese men, and has lots of time requirements, so we didn't get an overwhelming response. The one on Tuesday, however, was for lean women, and apparently a whole lot of them want to be part of a research study. My phone literally rang the second I walked in the door. I hung up on a few people before I realized how to switch lines, as there were several times when potential volunteers called at the same time I was on with another subject. Oops. Did I ever tell you how I don't like talking on the phone? I always feel a bit discombobulated, especially so with this because *so many* people called in such a short time, and we only needed one (ain't it always the way). With the large amounts of volunteers, we filled that spot quickly, but we'll have a new study early next year, so yay built-in subjects...
All those subjects meant that even though it was a study day and I could leave earlier than I normally do, I couldn't. And of course, I had somewhere to be...at the lab for the continuing dissection of the cat. Oh joy. What is it about the preservative solution that makes everything smell like it for the rest of the day? Ugh. Thank goodness it's almost over. My lab partner and I have one more meeting to label the thing, then our lab practical on Thursday, and that's the end of the semester. Whee. Until next year, unless I can't come up with the extra $250 lab fee. Stupid cat, costing me money...Maybe I'll win it in Vegas
Mustn't forget about the fact that there was a water main break near the apartment tuesday night. When I got home from lab and HAD to go to the bathroom, there was no water, and thus nothing but red sludge in the toliet. Luckily I could go home and get dinner from my parents AND use their water. What a deal. Thank you, thank you to the wonderful folks who had fixed the main by the time I got home.
Wednesday, I was reading YASRN (yet another stupid romance novel) since I have none in my life, and lo and behold, it not only has reference to Harry Potter (Voldemort) but to LotR (Legolas). Huh. Strange little coincidences. Anyway, the hump day was tiring because I got up early for a study that had been scheduled the previous day, and then it turned out that the guy decided he wouldn't be able to come, nor would he be able to participate in the study. Sigh. And the people were still calling, so that made the day interesting. I was getting really excited for Narnia, watching the supertrailer several times
The soundtrack is by Harry Gregson-Williams, the same guy who did Kingdom of Heaven's soundtrack, and there are definite similarities, but this one is exciting and different
I found out today that one of the stores in the area will get the special edition in store, but ONLY ONE. So I'll try to go by this weekend and reserve it if I can.
Thursday...thursday it snowed. SO COLD! It was a pretty snow but damn was it a bitch to drive in. And come on, people, just because you have an SUV does not mean that you can drive like the roads aren't covered in snow. Turn your lights on and drive like a responsible person! Sigh. St. Louis drivers really aren't very good with bad weather. Still people calling.
Today...would you believe that it took me about a week to get this entry written? I kept not being able to finish it, so I tacked on another day
Today wasn't so bad, but for the early morning. Another study day, but even earlier than usual. DAMN it was cold this morning. I had a really hard time convincing myself to get out of my warm bed. But I made it, eventually.
Tonight the 'rents and the aunt (who just signed the papers for her house! Yay!) will head over to the Art Museum to see the 'Treasures of Ur' or whatever it's called, and then tomorrow hopefully we'll catch Narnia. Maybe with a friend
It's very cold, with negative windchill temperatures, but tomorrow it's supposed to be in the forties. Gotta love St. Louis weather.
Stay warm, all of you, and think happy Christmas-tree thoughts! (Hopefully I'll get one this weekend
I remember doing phone screenings for studies. I despised it.
Yep, Snow sure is beautiful. I was inside from 10 yesterday morning until 5:30, and it was wonderful when I got to leave :-)
Posted by: your former roommate | December 9, 2005 9:11 PM