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As Winter comes

So in a half hour it will be officially winter, though it's been making a pretty strenuous case for moving the date earlier, as cold as it's been. I hope you are all staying warm and have gotten all your Christmas shopping done. I think I made it...think I have all my cards sent out...now all I have to do is save, save, save until I go to Vegas in January. Strange how we made plans for this so long ago and now it's here. I wish I could feel secure in the knowledge that I'll win some money down there, but as I'm not going there to gamble, it's a pretty foolish desire. Yeah, yeah, I know, Vegas=gambling, but I want to see the sights, not give up my money in some venture where it's highly unlikely that I will get it back.

I wonder if I will get a raise. Silly to not know, I suppose, but I'm not exactly in a job where I can say, yeah, I deserve more. It's just a stupid cost-of-living concern, really. Darn gas going up.

Random thought: There's going to be a Dresden Files series on SciFi (darn not having basic cable! Couldn't pay for it anyway) that I just heard about today, and I wanted to find the books at home. I found all that I have minus the first book in the series...it's disappeared and I can't think where to. I did, however, find the rebate receipt for Star Wars Episode III that I forgot to mail off. Alas.

One of these days I'll talk about how I liked the Chronicles of Narnia so much that I saw it twice (once with Ross, yay!) and would see it again, possibly with the 'rents during my upcoming time off (thank the Lord!), my thoughts on Harry Potter 4 (which I saw opening day, in costume, natch) and the various fun things (insert sarcasm here) going on at work. But not tonight. You'll have to deal with my random drivel for a little while longer until I think of something pertinent to say.

At least my room smells pretty: thank Heaven for Pier 1's O'Tannenbaum candle. It's green and piney. Whee.

file under: muses

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