Washing hands means good
Laboratory practice
But really dry skin.
#ouch #lifeinthelab
Washing hands means good
Laboratory practice
But really dry skin.
#ouch #lifeinthelab
Now why didn’t that experiment work? #sciencemystery #lifeinthelab #repeatexperimentcomingup
I had a third of a preparation unit today, sigh. Go go gadget sugar solutions! #lifeinthelab
I posit that bench work makes you at least somewhat ambidextrous. It would take so much longer to do things with just one hand. #lifeinthelab
Well, this has been a day of science mystery, solved and unsolved. #lifeinthelab
Power outage #2. I am not pleased. #lifeinthelab
#lifeinthelab I would really like it if one day I could just remember the damn C1V1=C2V2 formula and how to use it when I have to make a dilution.
The folks from NIGHTLINE came and filmed B-roll in our lab. Be on the lookout for Dr. Klein (and maybe some familiar hands 😉 ) #lifeinthelab
This batch of glass tubes has ripples and ridges so it looks like I’m viewing samples through a curtain of water. #lifeinthelab
This batch of glass tubes has ripples and ridges so it looks like I’m viewing samples through a curtain of water. #lifeinthelab