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February 29, 2004

Oscar Countdown

Happy Leap Day! Those of you with birthdays today...I'm sorry ;) Couldn't let the day pass without commemorating the once-every-four-years day...

So the Academy Awards are about to start, and you know what movie I'm rooting for ;) I hope LotR wins all the things it's nominated for, unless Pirates wins something in the categories they're head to head in...and wouldn't it be great if Johnny Depp won? btw, Angelina Jolie looks really good tonight. Wonder if Orlando will be there?

I realize things are all wonky with the blog layout, but I'm working on it. Feel free to comment on what you want me to do with it. At least I got Movable Type working. There will be a new layout sometime soon, probably getting ready for the next Bloom movie, Troy ;)

Hostees, I'm still working on the ftp bit. Please let me know how things are going with your site! I hope people with email addys through me are getting all their mail. Let me know if you aren't!

*fingers crossed for LotR: RotK* Here goes!

file under: miscellany

February 27, 2004


:) :( ;) did it work?

file under: webetcetera

by halves

Er. I was just trying to be clever. It's my half birthday today ;) Yes, in 6 months I'll be the ripe old age of 24. Seems a little scary, and every so often I have to remind myself that I am actually 24, living in the real world with a real job and I'm not in college anymore. Doesn't make me delusional...just imaginative.

And I apologize again for the funkiness of the layout. I'm working on it.

file under: miscellany

February 26, 2004

Who does Bush think he is?

So Bush is backing the amendment to ban gay marriages. Why does he think that's right? Just because two people happen to be the same gender they should be denied the right to have a legally recognized union? That sounds silly to me. I know a few gay people and they're nice folks...and I want them to be happy.

We were talking at work the other day about how the religious right would most definitely not be so in control of the country if Bush wasn't in office. I believe that. Though I wonder, with Kerry the Democratic front-runner being a Catholic if he'd be the same way. Eh. I'm still out in the cold with the stem cell issue. I guess I should just move to Europe and people won't be mad at me.

file under: politics

Just so you know

I'm switching over to Movable Type as my blogging software. So be prepared for some glitches ;) and hopefully there will be a new layout up soon.

file under: thoughts

Guess what?

It works today smile Whee! Thank goodness the cache was refreshed or something. That means I can get back to working on my site! Now if only I could figure out which email is going where wink Those of you who had email addy's through me...I'll get to you in a sec. I just hope all my hosting stuff is going ok! You'll get your ftp login/pass soon...please email me so I know that you got my message!

file under: webetcetera

February 25, 2004

It's back! Sort of.

Well, welcome back to etoiline.com. I hope things are working more or less as they should, though the 'dreamer,' 'content,' and 'realm' areas of the site are not up and won't be until I get a change to rewrite the php which caused the lovely downness of this site in the first place. And would you believe that I CAN'T SEE MY PAGE ON MY COMPUTER! This is not the normal computer I work on. Sigh. Quit caching my page, dammit!

Today is going to be hell. It was gonna be hell before I learned that our newly part-time tech Mark (the semi-cute guy) was sick today and won't be in. Now it might be slightly less hell because we might not do a part of the exp since there's one fewer pair of hands, but I've still got two different isolations to do today and Luigi can't help since he's busy upstairs. sigh.

Lovely to have a rant on the first day back, eh? By the way, Kate, if you see this...the Moonstone Chronicles are back up, as are the Decadence chapters smile

Anyone out there have trouble with installing Movable Type? lol. I feel disloyal typing that in Greymatter wink

file under: webetcetera

February 13, 2004

My dad knows his birthday

was yesterday and that I celebrated with him. I just thought I'd mention it here. You know, because not everyone shares a birthday with Abraham Lincoln.

Are you superstitious? It's Friday the 13th wink

Did you hear that after 43 years Barbie and Ken are breaking up? Apparently she wants to pursue a more independent life, and go out with Blaine, an Australian boogie-boarder. Yeah. And what was Mattel thinking?

It's really cold here. But not snowing! Sigh. This always happens. I'm somewhat unprepared for the cold weather and snow then I get prepared and it doesn't snow again. Bleh. Snow! I want to go sledding again! Of course, our local groundhog was too scared to even come out on Groundhog Day much less to come out and be scared of his shadow...so it looks like winter is gonna be around for quite some time.

Kate (Leo & Alex's friend) wants to do something for Valentine's Day as we're the single ones in the bunch. Maybe we'll go out and get drunk. I don't know. We don't really have plans yet wink Any ideas? Happy early Heart Day hehe

file under: celebration

February 10, 2004

I got a new mouse today

Not a live mouse, silly, a computer mouse. It's a Logitech optical mouse which makes me happy, though I think something was messed up originally so the comp was being a little wacky. And (mostly) unrelated to that, some of you might have noticed the site being down a bit in the last few days. This is because I was trying to use a referring script that was working for a while and then suddenly stopped...so I played with the htaccess for the main directory but alas apparently I can't do that anymore.

Those of you who have changed hosting providers...what's your experience been like? I think I'd really like to change providers and I'll probably go with Moll's, Surpass but I'm not sure. Anyone have good ideas? I've still got a few months with my current host, so I'm not concerned, yet...what does concern me is that apparently while I own my domain, I can't administer it. I think this is because I bought the domain through my host, so they set it up...but in order to keep my domain name if I transfer hosts I'll have to change things and I hope my current host won't bitch about changing if I do decide to change. I should...I'd get more room, more bandwidth, for about the same price. Eh. I guess we'll see.

ATTENTION! The Aspire Exchange is all new! I totally redid the layout, but no one's joined recently so there's not too much to do with content. I thought about switching to a PHP banner exchange to automate signups but when I tried to install it weird things happened. So it's still a javascript exchange...if you have a button, or you'd like to make you a button so you can join, please please visit the link above and sign up! Thank you smile

Apt. update: for those of you who didn't already know, we got a couch for the apartment! It's old and used and didn't have proper cushions but we fixed that. We got a slipcover that didn't fit, then a slipcover that had water stains, then the proper size. Yahoo Target. Yeah. So now hopefully Leo will watch more movies with me wink I'm such a lazy bum. All sorts of other things I could be doing... but I have all these movies to watch! I've been a bad girl and spent lots of money at Borders and Best Buy on good dvds...good news is that I should get a pretty nice tax refund. Bad news is it should all go into my savings account so I don't spend it! Money for grad school anyone?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE!!!! I need all the help I can get this week. Vote links are under each post or on the sidebar...thank you thank you big grin

file under: webetcetera

February 3, 2004

Superbowl Hangover; and Primary Issues

Or at least that's what they called it on the radio yesterday. If you know me you know I'm not a big football fan, but the Superbowl game was pretty darn lively. Poor CBS...the Janet/Justin breast-bare, the second-half streaker, and Richard Hatch's tush on Survivor...not exactly family-friendly...although I didn't mind. At least it was entertaining. And once again the team I was sort of rooting for, though they made a wonderful attempt, lost. Yes, even though the Carolina Panthers beat the hometown Rams in the NFC I still cheered for the blue and white. That was even before I remembered that Vinatutu or whatever the jerk's name is and the Pats beat us a few years ago. Whatever. I had to go with the fact that I love panthers/cougars the animals...since I didn't have a better reason to cheer for one team or the other.

And now for something completely different:

Today is the Missouri Primary for the presidential election. While you can rest assured that I will vote Democrat (remember how my mother said she'd rather vote for a monkey than have Dubya in the white house again), I'm not sure which Dem I'll choose. I've got it narrowed to two: John Edwards and John Kerry. I think I like Edwards better...he's younger and seems a little bit more optimistic and 'for the people' but Kerry seems to have better electability. He takes more of a hard-line stance on the issues, which I guess is good. He doesn't seem quite as much of a people-person as Edwards. They've both got good sounding plans, but there are pros and cons to each. I feel bad because I really wasn't up on the issues before yesterday...I mean, I knew that they were running but I didn't even see campaign commercials for anyone but Edwards. I feel like I should be better about knowing the issues. And I wonder if I'm really gonna vote tonight. I should, because it's important, but I worry that since there's such a glut of candidates that it's going to be split among them all and we'll end up with Howard-YEEEEEAAAAAGGGGGH-Dean up against Bush, and I'd really rather not vote for him. But, recall the monkey. Yeah.

My mom mentioned that the big ticket would be Kerry for president and Edwards for VP. That could very well rule, and let's hope that things work out that way. I sort of miss the Clinton-Bush 1992 race...we had to do an eighth-grade civics class project on it, and I was so happy that Clinton won...even made a last minute entry on election day showing early returns. On very few things do I like or even want to be political on, but we just can't be a GOP-controlled country anymore.

So here's my stump: Vote today (if you have to, or vote whenever you have to), an' if it please ye, vote Democrat. This country really can't take another four years of Bush. And if you'd like to know more about my two top candidates, check out :: John Kerry for President - 100 Days to Change America :: and John Edwards: Reak Solutions for America. Your country will thank you.

file under: thoughts