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April 30, 2004

all in the name of science

I'm going to complain a little here about having to trek from the Yalem building up to the 9th floor of the CSRB so I can spin something for six minutes. But it's ok, it gives me exercise...and it's ALL FOR THE GOOD OF SCIENCE! I have to keep reminding myself of that. Ah, the lovely grunt work that goes along with the glory...alas, that's what the tech (read: me) is for...

and how unfortunate that it's raining for WILD. I'm just not in the mood for getting wet however much free pizza they give out. And Live is playing...never really been that huge a fan, except for the one song that the movie The Beach used in their ads...eh.

I want posters for my room! I want the elven and Rohan banners from lotrfanclub.com and I want the ned kelly poster and I want some OB posters...I can't believe I've been in the apartment for...*counts* nearly seven months and I haven't put nearly enough posters up...I want the Troy 'For Love' poster... *whine* Stupid IRS. damn you for taking my money. Ah well.

I need to write more. At least those silly 4- and 6-minute spins gave me some time to think. The notebook is getting fuller...I'll need a new one soon. The cover's almost falling off this one.

Happy weekend! Wahoo!

file under: rants

April 29, 2004

Mythology is cool

OVID: THE ART OF LOVE (Letters from Paris to Helen and vice versa, and more classics from Ovid)

Paris in Greek Mythology

Myth Man's Paris and Helen, part I and Part II (Funny stuff. Yay ancient literature gone arwy!)

And yes, I admit all this excitement is spawned by the anti-hero Paris, but deal. If Orlando is playing him I will be interested in him.


file under: thoughts

Goodie Two Shoes


::Goodie Two Shoes::
Onesome: Goodie-- What is your your favorite "goodie" you treat yourself to when you've finished a project or maybe even just survived a long day? Ice cream? ...a long bath? ...a good book? A good book, definitely. Usually tv watching as well.
Twosome: Two-- Quick! Two things that make you smile! No thinking, just write! Reading a good book and working out a problem with web design so it looks all pretty.
Threesome: Shoes-- ...and how about your favorite pair of shoes? You know, the ones you look for an occasion to wear! (Yes, guys that ratty pair of tennis shoes does count...) I love my new mocs. They're so comfortable...but they're not completely waterproof so I have to make sure it's not going to rain before I wear them. And they're still new enough that they look good as long as I'm being relatively casual.

file under: memes

April 28, 2004

Good for a laugh

eBay item 4146756343 (Ends 28-Apr-04 18:37:01 EDT) - SIZE 12 WEDDING DRESS/GOWN NO RESERVE

One of my VE supporters sent me the link to this. I hope it's still up by the time you see it. But I laughed my tail off. Enjoy!

file under: funny

April 27, 2004

Read your palm

get a palm reading

Your Life Line reveals that you like to travel, but will always return home. You need a lot of space which is why you prefer spending time outdoors. You tend to have strong romantic tendencies.
Your Head Line reveals that you are over-confident and at times brash. Your independent nature often causes you to make impulsive decisions.
Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.
Your Fate Line reveals that you felt a lack on independance in the early part of your life and are less certain about your career plans. Your career start is more restricted and not utilizing your full potential. Throughout your life, you will maintain a strong connection to your family.
You have a Water hand. You are a person who is quiet, reserved, dreamy, insecure and intuitive. Your optimal career choices are to work as a nurse, psychiatrist, chiropractor and psychic.

That was a little spooky. Try it out...is yours accurate?

file under: miscellany

April 26, 2004

Dr. Phil's Test

ShaneMcDonald.com :Test Results ...

Your total score is 46

Interpretation of Results
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

ETA: this is just a random wonder, but does anyone know how to get a layer to ONLY have overflow vertically? I am really peeved that I can't just use auto because for some reason it's adding a horizontal scroll bar and I don't think it needs it... ah well, something else to figure out.

file under: memes

Love your blog(friends)


Today is Love-in 2004, where you go around to blogs you like and show your love. Hopefully there will be some love shown today... Alex and Leo I'd love to comment on your sites but I'm not going to get a Xanga. I love you anyway...But I'm going to try to head to other sites and send some love.

Even though the link says 'snazzykat' for some reason that site is down, so I'm referring you to the site that told me about it...

ETA: Take a look at this. It's now three hours later and I still haven't gotten around to giving love. Sigh. I'm working on it. As well as individual entry templates, the linkme page, and that bookshelf blog...

file under: celebration

April 24, 2004

Happy Days for...things

If you've read any of this at all you know that today is special for two reasons: it's my parents' 28th wedding anniversary and Aspire to the Stars turns 2! Now, if I were really up to speed I'd make a cool graphic like I made last year but alas that is not to be. So I'd love it if you'd leave a comment and tell me how ATTS has changed your life, or lack thereof...comment on the new layout, anything, really. As long as you don't spam me. I hate spammers.

Enjoy your day...soon I'll go back to scraping wallpaper off the walls of my aunt's house. whee! eh.

ETA: Kate turned 23 today! See, good things all around. Happy birthday, babe :)

file under: thoughts

April 23, 2004


WP: Describe division 3 ways, drawing on a different sense each time.

At the end of the night I was dizzy, the alcohol dividing my sense of sight from the reality. When I knew I was looking forward, but my brain persisted in thinking that the world was swaying. The darkness behind my lids was comforting. I thought my friend was split in twain when I opened my eyes, but I knew the truth when we gripped palms. The birdsong of early morning shifted from one side of my head to the other as a robin exchanged one branch for another. The bed was too persuasive to ignore. I'd leave the division for another day...perhaps when I woke things would have multiplied back to normal.

not so good, eh? that's what you get for writing at midnight. :(

So you like the new layout? It still needs work but at least you can see the pretty pictures :) Please comment. And look for the new little features :(

file under: webetcetera

April 22, 2004

Thursday Threesome

::A geek in the family::

A geek-- Hey, who handles tech support at your place? You? ...the six year old? ...or someone from outside? ...and how about in your web space? No, we're not looking for techs; we're just curious . It's usually me. My parents are clueless...and now that my uncle is gone, no one else in the family does web design like I do...and I actually kind of love setting things up. Shoot, I connected one of the lab computers to the Internet today, and set up a printer...it was fun, until the thing started going sooooo slow...

in the-- computer? Just a curiosity for the designer types: what Operating System are you running? ...and which browser? Since sites can show up differently in different browsers it's more than a casual question. I love my Mac. I will always get a Mac, given a choice. But I do admit that pcs are better for gaming, and the internet does seem to be faster on them. And they get the cool little scrollbar effect that doesn't happen on Mac IE *pouts* And as much as I hate bowing to Bill Gates, IE is the only browser I use.

Family-- Do any family members read your place? Do they care? Do they have a clue? ...and how about your 'off line' friends? ...or do you supply a little bit of separation there? My dad just told me the other day that he read some of my story online, which is cool. Then he asked me how long it was gonna be. I told him I had about seven chapters so far, and he said, oh, so about ten? I laughed. My aunt has checked out my site occasionally, and I'll probably help her out when the Asher Shew Ackelmire Gallery goes online. If we can ever get the various issues surrounding the fact that Uncle Johnnie didn't tell anyone how to get into the hosting accounts, and now he's...dead. Yeah. So if any of you out there know how to transfer ownership of a domain from a person who's died to someone still living, please let me know ;)

(I'm doing this here because I want to try out that TrackBack thing.)

file under: memes

Happy Earth Day

Yahoo! Celebrates Earth Day

I saw a Toyota Prius the other day at the med school. I have to say it looks a little odd, but I guess if it's better for the environment...

There's a big deal for Earth Day going on at the Botanical Garden today and tomorrow, and there's supposed to be a big party down at Forest Park this weekend. I remember when Earth Day was a big deal...when I was younger the Girl Scouts would always do something for it. We really need to get a recycling bin for the apartment.

Regardless, the Earth Day stuff at the park looks fun... Alex & Leo, wanna go? lol.

file under: thoughts

April 21, 2004

My dad's style...and two anniversaries

I don't get that many emails from my dad, but I got one today reminding me to make a card for my parents' anniversary on Saturday. He doesn't capitalize anything. I don't really care what he does with punctuation, but he uses the 'luv u' and stuff like that. I guess it's just because he's not used to the internet yet or something like that. It just always suprises me when I see how he writes...

and speaking of anniversaries...ATTS will be two years old on Saturday as well. Can you believe it? I think you should comment on how much you love this place. And I've got a new layout ready, if not coded, so possibly that'll be up in time for the birthday bash ;) Keep your fingers crossed!

file under: thoughts

The Daily Dirt...a first


1. What shows do you watch? Day by day, starting with Monday: The Swan (unfortunately) and CSI: Miami; 24; Smallville and Angel; Tru Calling, Survivor, CSI, Without a Trace, and ER; nothing fri or sat; Sunday: Cold Case and Alias.
2. As a child, which shows/cartoons did you always watch? Fraggle Rock, the Smurfs, Sesame Street
3. Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching TV? I'll refer you to question one for that answer.
4. What kind of shows do you like to watch? (reality/cartoon/soapies etc) Mostly shows with substance. A little reality, mostly crime-dramas or sci-fi/fantasy.
5. Do you tape any shows?Most of the time, because I'm never sure if I'm going to be home to see them when they're actually on.

file under: memes

April 20, 2004

Toasting. Or trying to.

April 2004 WP: Write about a car trip.

The one thing I remember about my youth group trip to Colorado (other than the insanely long drive in a hot van) was that my walkman batteries conked out on me about halfway there and I didn't have enough money to get new ones (until we got there, of course). And to top it all off, by the time we got there we couldn't have any electronic devices with us on the actual hiking trip...which included watches. So I spent the entire week wondering what time it was...until we were in the middle of nowhere reveling in the glorious country God provided. And I suppose that was the purpose of it all...I miss going camping, such like that...amazing how thinking of a road trip can remind you of things like how I was scared to be 'too secular' and not understand things the leaders were talking about. How I could spend an entire night solo, singing to myself and writing in my journal and actually reading the Bible. I keep looking at the Outward Bound site and wishing.

One of these days I will have to stop wishing and start actually doing.

Moonstone got a couple more paragraphs two nights ago...let's hope that continues. Dad asked me how long it was going to be after I told him I had about seven chapters written: "...so it's going to be around ten?" Hah. Hah. I have no idea how long it's going to be. I don't even know how it's going to end, unlike JK Rowling. Go read it.

Thank you and goodnight. I'll try to do the TC prompts more often.

file under: writings

It's an anniversary but it's not happy...and those crazy calorie restriced people

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton Colorado. I can't believe it's been five years. I hope that the people out there have come to terms with what happened. My deepest sympathy.

And yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. It doesn't seem like it happened so long ago. CNN.com - Families observe Oklahoma bombing anniversary as Nichols trial resumes - Apr 19, 2004

And on a slightly lighter note...Luigi just had his first big paper come out in PNAS (which is a really important scientific journal) and he has been fielding interviews all over the place. Now you too can know what I work on. Er, sort of. I didn't actually do any work on this paper, but I'm happy for him anyway. He was interviewed for the Post-Dispatch which you can read here, and for many many other publications and/or shows around the world, which you can search here. And that Tina Hesman you see as the author for a bunch of those stories...she's the medical reporter for the Post. Yay, StL! And the Post Weatherbird 'bird line' refers to the (below the fold, but!) front-page story. Heh. Like the Weatherbird needs to lose some weight ;)

Heh. I just got a call from WGN radio in Chicago...they wanted to talk to Dr. Holloszy who is my ultimate boss. Whee! National coverage is fun. And yes, if you were watching channel 2 news last night, that was in fact my boss ;)

file under: serious , working

April 16, 2004

grr, argh

I swear, yesterday the sidebars were in the right place. But now they're not. silly css. one of these days I'm going to get them to work. Probably not before I make a new layout though ;) I'm sure there's something in the old default css that's screwing it up but I just...can't...find it. eh. I promise, when the Troy website goes up it'll be fixed. meh. then I'll figure out how to use the Amazon plugin and the rest of the lovely php things that happen when your page extension is php.

[end rant for the day]

file under: webetcetera

April 15, 2004

website stuff

I'm not a very good coder. I'm a terrible programmer, since I never really learned how. But I can have fun with html and php and such, and hopefully make the site look better. You may have noticed how the sidebars finally sit where they're supposed to and some misc links have been fixed. Some of them, anyway. Does it look better? Bet you can't really tell. But I know.

Do you need hosting? Now that I have this new hosting provider I have lots of space. Yay! Oh. need to remember to change my mailing list. And re-add the ask me anything feature.

Here is my Geek Code, for those of you curious...

Version: 3.1
GE/FA/MU/S/TW d- s: a-- C++(+)>$ U@ P+@>+ L@ E--@ W(++)$@>+++$ !N !o K--? w--(+)@> !O M+>++$ V? PS+() PE Y PGP-@ !t !5 X()@ R>+$* tv+>+$ b++++>++++$ DI-- !D G e++>+++$ h r>++ x-

Get your own here. Decode it here.

And the whole reason I started this entry... Visit Blog-Fu and read the funny coding silliness. Of course the actual articles this particular entry are taken from are pretty much over my head anyway, but at least the ones highlighted are funny...yeah.

file under: webetcetera

Two truths and a lie

You guys have heard of the icebreaker game Two Truths and a Lie, right? It's pretty simple. I tell you three statements and you have to figure out which one isn't true. Find more at DNW 2Truth1Lie!

Before you read this entry, check out this picture of me so you know what I look like. For those of you who know me pretty well (or can read this website), this won't be hard to figure out.

I actually did this icebreaker when I was a junior in college living in the new (at the time) Nemerov dorm. All the students living there got together in the huge lounge and we did a couple of these things...of course, we all forgot the people on other floors' names as soon as we went back to our own, but it was a good idea at the time... and I have to say, no one figured it out.

So here you go, my three statements:

1. Both my parents are artists and work in the art field.
2. I majored in Biomedical Engineering.
3. I am half Cherokee Indian, half Caucasian.

(See why I had you look at the picture?)

Number 3 is the lie. I am only a very small percentage Cherokee...my mother is the last person genologically to qualify for the American Indian scholarship, had she done so, and she's something like 1/256 Cherokee ;) I'm actually half Chinese, half english-french-irish-scottish and the tiny bit of aforementioned american indian. You'd have probably figured this out if you read the sidebar information...but no one at that icebreaker could wrap their minds around the fact that the daughter of two artists would major in BME, a super-scientific field. Well, I did, and here I am not using it ;)

Aspire II has been updated. Fixed that silly picture "x" as well. Still need to work on the mini pages. Need to fix stuff on the Dreamer pages. Need to add content, cd list, dvd list. Eventually.

file under: reallife

April 12, 2004

11 months and a paper

Heh. So it only took most of a year, but I'll finally have my name on a scientific paper. Kitt, you still want an autographed copy? Or do you want to wait until I'm first author, lol. Yes, second author for Jennifer L Shew, BS. lol. Seems so silly to stick that title after my name. Ah well. Makes me want to go to grad school.

So yeah, been here at the Holloszy lab for 11 months today. Seems strange that I've been here almost a year...of course, it still seems strange that I haven't run track for WU in two years.

(until I get a permanent place for this banner, it'll have to go here...keep looking for that new layout, right? lol)

file under: working

April 6, 2004

Don't forget


Click once every day. Make sure there's still some left whenever I get a chance to visit. Be sure to click for funding for mammograms too...


file under: thoughts

OMB what a day.

Well, I just got done with the salad part of my lunch...sheesh. A busy day. I love it when random things just come up...I did almost everything I do normally all this morning. Whee. *sarcasm*

And now the internet is being selective and not always working. Weird.

And another project got sprung on me today for tomorrow...maybe the subjects will cancel. Er. Is that bad that I'm hoping for less work? well, not really, see...I had something I was going to do, but now I can't because of this other thing...blah.

Good thing: I'll admit it though it makes me sound like a dork...I get to see Riverdance with my aunt next week. Cool! I don't care what people say, Irish dancing is pretty neat.

file under: rants

Don't you hate it when...

...you come to work all prepared to work your butt off on something boring yet important *just keep thinking, you'll get a paper out of this* but then something comes up so you have to switch gears and do something else equally important AND equally boring? Yeah.

John Mayer presale tix on sale tomorrow....finally a fan club that actually makes sense to join. Yes, I am now a card-carrying member of the JM club...or will be whenever they send my membership kit.

BUT! Argh. Apparently I owe upwards of a thousand bucks in taxes from 2002 (!) because the job I had out of college didn't report my income as part of the rest of the income that I made from WU. Bleagh. Lovely. A year of interest on top of what I owe. Stupid IRS, silly payroll. And I was all ready to buy a new laptop. Hah. And I love the 'you can pay on an installment plan....but we're gonna charge you interest while you do it.' Sigh.

One of these days I'm gonna get this blog a new layout and switch it to php. I've also got to get my Roswell site back up.

Cross your fingers that we might go to Orlando next month :) That's my happy thought for the day.

Please comment. It makes me feel lonely when no one's out there...

file under: rants