The Aspire Archives
December 29, 2007
that's...sort of fast
Happy Christmas and all that I got invited to a New Year's party, for once. Small world, innit, when a college roommate shows up as the dance teacher at one's second cousin's wedding reception because her partner is in the wedding party...
Hope you all have a wonderful 2008. I can't believe I have hardly written a word since before Christmas...knew I wouldn't, what with all the stuff going on, but it's still a little sad. Oh well. One can only hope that this situation shall be remedied in the coming year...
May 28, 2004
Gettin' dirty
How You Doin'?
Friday, May 28, 2004
1. How are you feeling right now? Bored but pleased.
2. What made you feel like that? I fixed up the ASA gallery website. Yay access! But there wasn't anything to do today, really. Web design is good.
3. What could improve your mood right now? Seeing Troy. Rather, seeing Orlando Bloom in Troy, for purely aesthetic reasons, I assure you.
4. What do you do when you're feeling really down? Read a good book and mope.
5. Who's someone you can depend on to make you feel better? My dad.
April 29, 2004
Goodie Two Shoes
::Goodie Two Shoes::
Onesome: Goodie-- What is your your favorite "goodie" you treat yourself to when you've finished a project or maybe even just survived a long day? Ice cream? ...a long bath? ...a good book? A good book, definitely. Usually tv watching as well.
Twosome: Two-- Quick! Two things that make you smile! No thinking, just write! Reading a good book and working out a problem with web design so it looks all pretty.
Threesome: Shoes-- ...and how about your favorite pair of shoes? You know, the ones you look for an occasion to wear! (Yes, guys that ratty pair of tennis shoes does count...) I love my new mocs. They're so comfortable...but they're not completely waterproof so I have to make sure it's not going to rain before I wear them. And they're still new enough that they look good as long as I'm being relatively casual.
April 26, 2004
Dr. Phil's Test :Test Results ...
Your total score is 46
Interpretation of Results
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
ETA: this is just a random wonder, but does anyone know how to get a layer to ONLY have overflow vertically? I am really peeved that I can't just use auto because for some reason it's adding a horizontal scroll bar and I don't think it needs it... ah well, something else to figure out.
April 22, 2004
Thursday Threesome
::A geek in the family::
A geek-- Hey, who handles tech support at your place? You? ...the six year old? ...or someone from outside? ...and how about in your web space? No, we're not looking for techs; we're just curious . It's usually me. My parents are clueless...and now that my uncle is gone, no one else in the family does web design like I do...and I actually kind of love setting things up. Shoot, I connected one of the lab computers to the Internet today, and set up a was fun, until the thing started going sooooo slow...
in the-- computer? Just a curiosity for the designer types: what Operating System are you running? ...and which browser? Since sites can show up differently in different browsers it's more than a casual question. I love my Mac. I will always get a Mac, given a choice. But I do admit that pcs are better for gaming, and the internet does seem to be faster on them. And they get the cool little scrollbar effect that doesn't happen on Mac IE *pouts* And as much as I hate bowing to Bill Gates, IE is the only browser I use.
Family-- Do any family members read your place? Do they care? Do they have a clue? ...and how about your 'off line' friends? ...or do you supply a little bit of separation there? My dad just told me the other day that he read some of my story online, which is cool. Then he asked me how long it was gonna be. I told him I had about seven chapters so far, and he said, oh, so about ten? I laughed. My aunt has checked out my site occasionally, and I'll probably help her out when the Asher Shew Ackelmire Gallery goes online. If we can ever get the various issues surrounding the fact that Uncle Johnnie didn't tell anyone how to get into the hosting accounts, and now he's...dead. Yeah. So if any of you out there know how to transfer ownership of a domain from a person who's died to someone still living, please let me know
(I'm doing this here because I want to try out that TrackBack thing.)
April 21, 2004
The Daily Dirt...a first
1. What shows do you watch? Day by day, starting with Monday: The Swan (unfortunately) and CSI: Miami; 24; Smallville and Angel; Tru Calling, Survivor, CSI, Without a Trace, and ER; nothing fri or sat; Sunday: Cold Case and Alias.
2. As a child, which shows/cartoons did you always watch? Fraggle Rock, the Smurfs, Sesame Street
3. Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching TV? I'll refer you to question one for that answer.
4. What kind of shows do you like to watch? (reality/cartoon/soapies etc) Mostly shows with substance. A little reality, mostly crime-dramas or sci-fi/fantasy.
5. Do you tape any shows?Most of the time, because I'm never sure if I'm going to be home to see them when they're actually on.
December 8, 2003
People asked...I answer. sort of.
Q: What's the highest mountain in Ireland? A: According to Ireland -, the highest point in Ireland is Carrauntoohil, which is 3,414 feet (1,041 m) tall. Carrauntoohil is located in southwestern Ireland, near Killarney.
Q: Where is Legolas' dress up game? A: I'm assuming you mean the one at the Orlando Bloom Files...? At any rate, that's the only thing I can think of...
Q: Merry Christmas in Chinese? A: If you mean the translation, here it is:
Sing Dan Fae Lok (Cantonese) or Shen Dan Kuai Le (Mandarin)
And whoever asked about 1975 pop culture...I wasn't alive then, so I'm probably not the best person to expound about high points of the hippie to your mother.
October 31, 2003
Sneaky Treats
Even though I own not a Livejournal I can still have fun with the memes. Hee! Tricked ya, program! I DO have LJ friends! Er. Only three, but you know, it still works...
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
Etoiline goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as an Elven Archer. |
Supergirlhero gives you 15 white banana-flavoured hard candies. |
Tesseract gives you 5 red pineapple-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. |
punzerel tricks you! You get a broken balloon. |
Etoiline ends up with 20 pieces of candy, and a broken balloon. |
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
October 17, 2003
May rules
because she posts fun things like this.
Wheee! Divine inspiration
July 28, 2003
I should live in Sheboygan?
Sheboygan, Wisconsin Wisconsin�s Jewel on the Lake
Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Black Hawk Country
Kankakee, Illinois The Midwest�s Rising Star
Las Vegas, New Mexico Heart of the Santa Fe Trail
Brattleboro, Vermont The Hub of New England
Hmm. There's more than just those...apparently I'm supposed to live in Wisconsin.
June 30, 2003
A Love Story
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived; Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself."
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder. "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."
-- Author Unknown
Thank you to my website competition voting buddy Janice.
January 24, 2003
Rings Thing...a little late
**Of the characters who continued from FOTR, who did you think came off the best as a character, not necessarily as a performance) in TTT?
Did you think anyone got really short-changed?
Did you favorite character(s) change from FOTR to TTT?**
(see the rest of the Ringers... beware of popups)
Well, I do think they developed Aragorn's character more. And they gave Legolas more lines so I'm happy. He's no longer just the elf with the bow, he's got Skilz! I think Faramir did get (short)changed. Probably for the good, we'll have to wait till we see RotK. I don't like how he was portrayed but I understand the reasons that PJ and Co made the reversal in character. Legolas changed, of course...he got more screen-time! And he got that nice looking armor and the I can't wait till the extended version of TTT, where hopefully we'll see more of Ginsu Elf and perhaps more orc-killing action? lol.
So I'm working on this blend for the new layout of this site. I guess it looks pretty good. Trying out colorizing and things. But you'll have to wait for a while till I can get it online, as cleaning my room currently takes up all my time.
For any of you wanting to join the AATE clique: rest assured I got your submission, it's just gonna be a while cause I'm gonna make a new layout for that site as well. Yay, layout ideas! There's gotta be someone out there who wants to give me a web design job...maybe once I learn PHP...or not...
December 20, 2002
Random LotR thoughts, etc
from Christina
1) You, Legolas, alone in one room. What do you do? Ask him to show off his bow
2) You, Arwen, alone in one room. What do you do? wonder how she got Aragorn
3) We sadly lost 3 when he fell into....ummm...ok, we just lost him.
4) What gift would you ask of the Elves? to be one of them
5) What race would you most like to be: Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Hobbit? see #4
6) Honestly...would you keep it secret, and safe? Yes.
7) If you would keep it secret and safe, would you be the ring-bearer, or would you swear to protect the ring-bearer? Protect. I'd like to stay sane, thanks.
Ok, you are the ring bearer, who makes up the Fellowship with you (of your friends) and if they�re enough like a character, say who they�d be: and here's where I feel crappy cause I don't think I have enough friends to make up the fellowship. Or that would have any interest in being part of it.
9) Ok, you�re not the ring bearer (but you are in the Fellowship like above), who of your friends would be the ring-bearer? Sheesh. You know I'd be Legolas, but apparently I'm more like a dwarf with my lethal sprint speed...see #8. I honestly have no idea who could do this.
10) Are you evil? Evil enough to become a tool of Sauron? Hell no. I am a nice girl!
11) If you had to be one of the nasty/evil creatures (i.e. the Balrog, the Cave Troll, an orc, Ring Wraith, etc) what one would you be, and why? Ringwraith. Such a cool name.
12) If you didn't know the ring was The One Ring, but you knew it made you disappear and such, what would you do with it? Hide from coworkers.
13) Pippin and Merry- are they really ok guys, or just big nuisances? Cute hobbits. End up being better in the book than the movie makes them out to be.
14) Who kicks the most ass; Gandalf, Legolas, Strider, or Gimli? you have to ask? Legolas, of course. Seven shots, seven orcs, the white knives, punching out a few Rohirrim...
15) Would you rather be an Archer, Wizard, or Ranger?: Archer, right now, but Lego uses a sword too...haha! Two-for-one deal!
16) Who's your favorite character? Legolas, all the time.
17) Who's your favorite hobbit? Tie between Merry and Frodo.
If, for some odd reason, Aragorn and Legolas were to get in a fight, who do you think would win (and why)? Heh. Long-range? Legolas all the way. Can't beat his archery prowess. Up close and personal? Tough to say. Andruil would probably break the long knives.
19) Do you think the race of men is weak? well, yes. But then I would be putting down myself, and we can't have just less strong-willed than the elves.
20) Does it make you sad to know the Elves are leaving these shores? Yes. I want to go with them...
21) React to this: Frodo lives! lol.
22) If you've read the book and seen the movie, did you like both, or do you think one was better than the other? I enjoy both. I like having the movie's visual when rereading the books. And the books just get better with each rereading. Like the movies get better with each viewing.
23) Do you think the movie was an insult to Tolkien's genius? Oh for heaven's sake. It's just a movie. PLOT DEVICE!
24) Any problem with the cast? Well, there is absolutely no reason for Liv to have such a prominent place in the publicity, but I like the cast. I think they work well togther. Wish I could be a part of something like that.
25) you think Liv Tyler did a good job as Arwen, or are you glad she's in the movie just because she's hot? She is great as an elf, but I don't personally like her that much. The movie would have been fine without her (Why no Glorfindel?)
26) What do you think of the choice to cut out Tom Bombadill? He would have been interesting. But alright considering the amount of material they DID put in.
27) Was the Balrog all you had hoped for? Honestly wasn't hoping for too much. Glad it turned out as it did.
Any other changes from the book to the movie that irritate you? Arwen's role in FotR and TTT...Missing Merry/Pippen moments...Faramir being a jerk.
29) How about that special-edition dvd, pretty cool, or no? Hot damn, baby. Among the top reasons to spend $60. Others being to buy books or cds.
30.) Lastly, what was your favourite bit of the movie? FotR: Moria/Amon Hen. TTT: Helm's Deep/Casting out of Saruman and parts leading up to it. And that damn flying elf
there's the link!
last book you read: Whole book: The Two Towers for the third time. Part of book: Blue Moon by Laurell K Hamilton. It is the full moon, after all.
- last movie you saw: The Two Towers, for the second time.
- last movie you saw on the big screen: See above.
- last phone number you called: Sarah
- last show you watched on TV: Providence, cause it was on
- last song you heard: one of the myriad LotR songs off the two soundtracks
- last thing you had to drink: milk
- last thing you ate: Pasta house for dinner
- Last Time you showered: before bed yesterday
- last time you cried: a week ago, when I found out I will be losing my job Feb 1st
- last time you smiled: when Todd's new fuzzy rug got delivered to the lab
- last time you laughed: see above
- last person you hugged: Mom
- last thing you said: I won't be watching it
- last person you talked to online: Alex
- last person you talked to on the phone: Someone who wanted to talk to Todd
- last thing you smelled: Linguini with clam sauce
October 15, 2002
Two for Tuesday
1. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had any kind of ghostly encounter? Yes and no. I think it could be possible to hang around, but I've never had any reason to believe it.
2. Do you like scary movies? If so, name one movie that genuinely frightened you. Actually, I hate scary movies. I just don't like it when they choreograph it so you're set up to jump at certain moments. Therefore, I tend not to watch them. The closest I can remember is when I watched 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' with James Larsen, it was a sort of date and we held hands, luckily, cause I was scared and needed someone to hold on to. Sounds silly to admit it about such a cheesy movie, but I guess I spook easily when I see it. If it's a scary book, I can just read faster or not visualize the images.
sad thought though: James is dead. He died in a car accident when he drove his car into a tree. He had epilepsy, but it hadn't occured in long enough that they let him get a driver's liscence. But it came back while he was driving... I miss him. Everyone liked him, and he was nice to me even though I think I was laying on the flirting pretty thick. He was a freshman when I was a senior, and he was my only date after Chris. Sigh. I still can't believe he's dead.
That was morbid, I'm sorry. I just can't believe he's gone.
I'm so tired of being alone, so hurry up and get here and take my mind off that.
September 9, 2002
Rings Thing
LOTR merchandise--where do you stand? Have to buy everything? Nothing? Just
the cards, toys, jewelry... Just what relates to your favorite character(s)?
What types of merchandise do you think they are overdoing? Any they're not
doing enough of?
I don't like the fact that I'm going to end up with three editions of the same movie (the vhs that has nothing but the movie, the widescreen dvd with some cool extras, and the future special collectors edition with the bookends) because I had to (the collectors ed will have my name in the credits). I wish I could buy the Toy Biz Legolas doll, just to say I have one. I have the art book cause it's damn cool, but I most likely would only buy other stuff relating to Legolas. Like the box of trading cards I bought just because it had Legolas on it. They'd make a killing if they sold official recreations of the costumes. You know how many people would buy Legolas or Arwen costumes?
August 8, 2002
Ring Thing
In honor of people moving this week's topic is about weblogs. (Next week will be about the DVD
again, of course.) How long have you had a weblog? Do you have more than one? If so, how do you divide what you write in them? How did you decide which program or service to use, and are you happy with it? Bonus question for those who care to share: What's your philosophy of blogging? Every thought that crosses your mind? Only very selected items? Somewhere in between?
I've had this blog/site/collection of ramblings since April 24, 2002, incidentally my parents' 26th anniversary. My other blog, Aspire II is really the original Aspire, as it was started back in Nov of 2001, just when classes were starting to get hectic, Thanksgiving and the annual trip down south to Richland to visit the grandparents were right around the corner, and I was really starting to get excited for Lord of the Rings. Aspire II uses Blogger, because it's free and I'm lazy. This one uses Greymatter, which I'm very happy with. Both have their idiosyncrasies, but then again, so do I. I try to write regularly... my record for this blog was last week, I think, when I blogged almost the entire week in a row. Then I went to the John Mayer concert and didn't get back until the next day, lol. I have no idea what my record is on AII.
I write whatever I want to. I try to put in interesting things, links that have caught my eye, but basically it's my place to express myself, and typing is a helluva lot quicker than writing it all out (although I'd like to have a use for the lovely LotR journal that Alex gave me...) Besides, all you fine people get to discover far too much information about me that you'd ever want.
See what I mean? Ramblings.
July 31, 2002
This or That...
1. Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton?
Keaton, only cause he could do that trick with the building falling on him but he's standing in the window space so he doesn't get hurt.2. Laurel & Hardy or Abbott & Costello?
Abbott & Costello... who's on first?3. Marx Brothers or Three Stooges?
I hate slapstick.4. David Letterman or Jay Leno?
Jay Leno.5. "Saturday Night Live" or "Mad TV"?
SNL, although I hardly watch it.6. Adam Sandler ("Mr. Deeds") or Mike Myers ("Austin Powers")?
Mike Myers. I don't like Austin Powers though.7. Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Romano ("Everybody Loves Raymond")?
Raymond. I don't like seinfeld, he's too abrasive.8. George Carlin or Bill Cosby?
Bill Cosby. I grew up with the Cosby show.9. "Monty Python's Flying Circus" or "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In"?
Monty Python.10. Gone but not forgotten...John Belushi or Chris Farley?
Belushi, I guess. Animal house, baby!July 22, 2002
More than you wanted to know, probably
1.) LIVING ARRANGEMENT: Now that I'm out of college... yes, I did move back home. Just the 'rents, me and one parakeet.
2.) WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW: at this exact moment, Dennis L. McKiernan's Once Upon a Winter's Night, also going through a romance phase, cause as you all know there is none in my reality
2b.)WHAT CD IS IN YOUR CD PLAYER: a cd that I made with relatively current music like hero, somewhere out there, The Remedy, Where are you going, etc... and John Mayer (gotta get ready for his concert
3.) WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD: an animation of the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas being demolished and rebuilt. (Yep, that was a freebie)
4.) FAVORITE BOARD GAME: If you can call it a board game, Volcano Island or whatever it's called cause you get to set up the little "volcanoes" so they roll all over the board. Kind of like Mousetrap. That's a good one too
6.) FAVORITE SMELLS: bread, chicken & dumplings, apple pie
8.) FAVORITE SOUNDS: The Hallelujah Chorus. Water.Thunder. My mom & I harmonizing.
9.) WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: not knowing the answer to a question posed by your boss, or realizing that you made a huge mistake (occasionally in front of your boss)
10.) FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP: do I have time for the snooze button? or you've got to be joking.
11.) FAVORITE COLOR: forest green. silver.
12.) HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE: at home: 1, cause that's how long it takes to show up on caller id; at work: as many as possible. I hate to answer the phone there cause a) they're usually speaking Korean and you have to try to understand and b) it's never for me.
13.) FUTURE CHILD'S NAME: boy: Brandon, Jonathan, Lucas; girl: Ariel, Lauren
14.) WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE: making a dream come true.
15.) FAVORITE FOODS: Pasta, pizza, pineapples... strawberry tarts, apple cream cheese puffs.
16.) CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: usually vanilla.
17.) DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST: hell yeah! but I'm trying to avoid my first speeding ticket.
18.) DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL: unfortunately, yes.
19.) STORMS- COOL OR SCARY: used to be scared, but love 'em now.
20.) WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR: not one of my own yet, but I usually drive a Saturn.
WOULD IT BE: One of my actor crushes. Just once! I'd take anything
22.) FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: strawberry margaritas
24.) DO YOU EAT STEMS OF BROCCOLI: didn't used to, now I do
WOULD IT BE: a web designer for a biomedical engineering company with my own design company on the side and a part-time job as a broadway actress/dancer
26.) IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR: Probably just a little redder.
28.) FAVORITE MOVIES: Lord of the Rings. Braveheart. Titanic. Legends of the Fall. Harry Potter. Most Disney movies.
29.) DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: occasionally. Thank God for instant messenger, it taught me how to type
30.) WHATS UNDER YOUR BED: good lord, I have no idea. Some shoes, random papers, and a helluva lot of dust bunnies. It really needs to be cleaned.
31.) WHATS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER: 27. anything else with 7's.
32.) FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH: basketball.
33.) THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: I stole it off Punzie's blog... she's an Orli freak just like me
..:Have You Ever:..
1.Jumped off a bridge: No.
2.Gone bungee-jumping: no
3.Jumped off a cliff: no
4.Laugh so hard you cried: yes
5.Have you ever tripped over a Port-O-Potty: excuse me??
6.Have you ever went to the bathroom in the woods: of course, what else are you supposed to do when camping? Hug a tree, baby!
7.Got eaten by a turtle: oh, of course, he swallowed a computer too, that's how I'm typing this...
8.Jumped in a lake naked: No.
9.Sniffed a flower and got high: umm, no
10.Jumped out a window: climbed out the second story window onto the roof of my grandparents house...
. ..:Favorites:..
13.Drink: milk
14.Animal: Parakeet: Sapphire, but I want a cat. A cougar would be nice.
15.Sports: Track & Field
16.TV shows: Roswell (sniff). Buffy. Angel. CSI. Alias
17.Flower: stephenotis. Calla lillies.
18.Season: spring (b/c of track) and summer
19.Color: Green!
20.Person: I'm supposed to choose??
21.Radio station: 101.1 the River.
22.Animated character: Belle. She's exactly like me.
24.Ice cream: Pevely's Chocolate Chip cookie dough, and strawberry, always.
26.Memory of the past week: nearly freaking out over a possible radioactive spill at the lab.
28.Perfume/Cologne: Bath & Body Works Happiness. Whatever my mom uses.
29.Song: Right now? Where are you going, by DMB.
30.Band/Group: NSync. I don't care if you laugh.
31.Singer: John Mayer. Ricky Martin. Enrique Iglesias.
32.Book: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Wayfarer Redemption, The Forever King, Rhapsody... I could go on and on and on...
33.Word: sweet!
34.Phrase: yeah, baby! or amin irma na edhel
36.Time of day: whenever I'm reading or on the internet or doing something creative.
37.Favorite Subject: fiction
38.Favorite Teacher: no teachers anymore!
39.Favorite Grade: well, I know I had a damn good time in third grade...
41.State: Missouri, of course.
42.Computer game: Snood or Solitare
43.Video Game: I...don' never have.
44.Computer Brand: Apple, baby! Macs all the way.
45.Airline: erm. Southwest, just cause they're cheaper... but AA is good too.
46.Shampoo: Pantene.
47.CD: just about any soundtrack.
..:Which Do You Prefer:..
49.Love/Lust: Love.
50.Phone/AOL: phone
51.TV/Music: music
52.Brunette/Blonde: brunette
53.Cat/Dog: cat
54.Mud/Jello wrestling: jello
55.MTV/VH1: MTV Hits
56.X-mas/B-day: Birthday. Not quite so stressful. Although it sure doesn't have a chance at snowing on my birthday.
57.Tape/CD: cd.
58.Night/Day: night.
59.TV or radio: radio, cause I can't work with the tv on
60.Computer or phone: computer
61.Outside or inside: outside
62.Sandals or sneakers: sneakers. it's tough to run in sandals
63.Tank tops or tee shirts: tees, just cause it gets too cold in the ac with a tank, and we couldn't wear them in high school...
64.Shorts or pants: shorts
65.Sweat pants or jeans: jeans
. ..:Yes Or No:..
67.Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
68.Have you ever been in love: yes
July 15, 2002
Ring Thing
You occasionally hear the charge that FOTR is, in essence, "an action movie" dressed up in Middle Earth garb, and lost the epic scope of the books. There is also the opposite charge: that there isn't enough action in the film, that people got a bit restless in parts. *Any* truth to either?
Well, I don't think FotR is strictly an action movie; rather it's just trying to tell a story, which is, for the most part, action-filled. I think it did a pretty good job of keeping the "epicness" of the book, while explaining it to new fans. However, there are parts where you wish it would get a move on... although I noticed that more in the second and third books, not necessarily in the first movie.
I just wanted to see more Legolas, so of course, any scene that he's not in is too long.
I'm not really that shallow. I just appreciate a good portrayal of Elves.
July 2, 2002
Ring Thing for the week...
Do you have a favorite race among the denizens of middle earth? If so,
which, and why? Do you identify with that race? Is there a race which you
either dislike, or have no feeling for or don't feel you understand
sufficiently? If you are a writer, which do you prefer to write (if any)?
This one is almost too easy. If you know anything about me you know that I am in love with the elven race, that I want to be an elf, or at least have the pointy ears. I want to spend my days in the forest, walking silently but moving like the wind, I want the power of the elements, and I want to be immortal. Well, not really, but you the idea. And I have to say that I'm not all that fond of the dwarves, although Gimli turned out to be a pretty ineresting fellow...and if you've ever felt need to wander over to moonstone you'd realize I have a penchant for pointy ears. And believe it or not, there will be an elf coming sometime soon. For the etoilines are elenohtars, not elves, if I may mix my languages there. (car'etol and quenyan, I think ) Eventually it will all get written down. Sigh. So yes. I love elves.
and I'm an engineer. I realize life loves to be ironic.