The Aspire Archives
May 2, 2011
Something to think about
I'm conflicted, I suppose. Happy he's gone, but not liking that I'm happy. Maybe this will make life a little safer. Maybe some of the restrictions on travel will be eased. Maybe the troops will be able to come home sooner.
But maybe nothing will change. There are still crazy people out there, and there are plenty of other agitators in other places, and that also depresses me. But you can't live your life waiting for the sky to fall. So I'll rejoice that a bad man no longer can inspire hatred in his followers, and I'll hope for good things in the future.
September 11, 2008
Patriot Day
As much as I hate the name, today is a day to remember those lost seven years ago. Seven years. How could it be that long ago?
Today is also the day in which a large white sheet is covering the in-progress building across the alley at work. We think they're fireproofing things, and the sheet is to keep our building from getting inadvertently sprayed. But it looks like it's snowing out there. Looking out the window just gives a blank view, and it's very disconcerting.
Today is also the day of our last regular season make-up of a rainout of a rainout softball game. As my coach put it, nothing short of biblical will stop us from playing, so I forsee a soggy evening on a muddy or grassy field. Maybe my cleats are dried out from last week...
July 26, 2008
RIP Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon who died yesterday from pancreatic cancer, the same type of cancer that my uncle died from. He gave two very moving, inspirational lectures and wrote a book and gave many interviews. He lived strong and filled his last days with whatever he could, and I can have nothing but respect for him. The world has lost a good man. We need more heroes like him. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
"The Last Lecture" and "Time Management" after the cut.
July 14, 2008
Farewell to the King
It's a sad day when a huge part of St. Louis becomes owned by a foreign company. Anheuser-Busch is now Anheuser-Busch InBev...
I don't even like beer. If I've been to the brewery it was long ago, way before I was able to enjoy the tasting at the end. But I do love the Clydesdales and the dalmatians and the many events and destinations that Busch is a part of, and they are a huge part of St. Louis culture, and indeed the US. Sure, the mean people who bought the company in a hostile takeover say they'll keep sight of A-B's standards, but that's what they said when May company bought Famous-Barr. I call ballocks. And who thought that the Belgians were so rotten?
I wonder if it's still going to be Busch Stadium in a few years. I hope so. I always liked that name. I realize it is actually product placement, but it's been Busch for so long, it doesn't seem that way. Maybe the Busch family can keep their names on some things.
Bye bye Busch. I hope you stay the same, but I bet you won't.
Oh yeah, happy Bastille Day.
July 11, 2008
Morning Yearning
Heath Ledger directed this Ben Harper video. It's quite pretty. RIP, Heath.
January 8, 2008
you should read this
A soldier's last words, posted after his death in Iraq:
December 10, 2007
well, ballocks
Somehow I managed to delete my entire Pictures folder off my desktop. It's at least three years worth of photos, and that was just what I downloaded specifically to this computer. There was stuff on there from at least 2000, though, from my previous computer, and possibly even older files from my very first computer in college.
Blast, annoying as all hell, but it's only data. I don't think there was anything important in there, unless you count all the *ahem* Orlando Bloom photos (hi-res, too, some of them), photos of other hot guys I crush on (juvenile, yes, but a girl's got to have something), movie stills, LJ icons, Lord of the Rings manips, banners...I could go on and on.
At least my digital camera photos are stored in a different place, so they weren't touched.
The galling thing? This happened somehow when I was backing up my files onto an external drive, so I could free up space on my comp. I must not have been focused on the right window and somehow picked the wrong file to delete. Well, I certainly cleared out some space. I've got a gig more than I used to. Ballocks.
*goes off to troll the internets for pictures
September 11, 2007
I remember the call from my mother, and the absolute blue of the sky, and wondering, how?
March 22, 2007
I think it's rained every year since
Uncle Johnnie, we miss you. Three years, my God.
November 7, 2006
Please get out and vote today. It is your right as an American, and you CAN affect the way the country is run. Please take advantage of this opportunity to make your desires heard.
And if you care about Progress and Improving the Quality of Life, you'll give serious consideration to voting for Claire McCaskill and supporting Amendments 2 and 3 with a YES vote. Missourians, this is important. Wouldn't you rather open the door to hope instead of slamming the door on progress?
September 11, 2006
I just sent off my med school application, and paid an entirely outrageous amount of money for it. Let's see what happens next...
hopefully this was not an inauspicious day to do so.
Five years. Don't they go by in a blink.
August 25, 2006
waiting for the world to change
It's almost time for a birthday
There's been rather a lot going on here, but it's kept me busy. Beware my loquaciousness.
Last night was my last regular softball game, because I'm signed up for Biochemistry on thursday nights. Hopefully I'll be able to play some make-up games, as long as they're on another night than thurs...why is everything on thurs. nights? Anyway, after we won (and I didn't make a single hit--I struck out, how fair is that, in my last game?) we headed over to this pub called Harry's. Normally it has good, if simple, food and relatively fast servers. But last night we were there for at least 15 minutes before the waitress even looked at us, then another 15 or so before she brought beer, for those of us who drank it (not I). Some more time goes by, and variously the members of our party either went to find the server/manager, or went to the bathroom
It took about an hour for the server to tell us there was only one cook in the kitchen and they were swamped, but we should get food soon. Another quarter hour later the manager comes out with a free pitcher of beer and says our order ticket had been lost, hence the no food. Perhaps 20 minutes after that it finally came. By that time one guy had left, since he had to be up early. We got to the place about 8:20 pm and got our food a little after 10 pm. And yes, after all that, everything was free.
The other big story is that my most recent roommate moved out. She decided that she needed to be closer to school (and to be fair, she doesn't have a car and has an 8 am class, so it would suck a little to have to take public transportation every day). I probably would have tried it for a while, but she was only here two months or so. She also wasn't satisfied with our relationship, but then neither was I. I feel a bit of a failure, though, like I didn't try hard enough to make it work. Regardless of why it happened, I'm back in the roommate hunt. I've had more offers than I expected, esp. with school starting next week, but this weekend will be sort of crazy, with the aforementioned birthday...
I spent so much money at the grocery store. I hope people come by and eat things. Though I guess it would be amazing if I actually ran out of food, because that would mean I have enough friends to do so. Oy. I get paid next week, which is very good. However, next week is the last week of August, and I have not yet submitted my med school app. Hopefully once this weekend is over, I can get it all ready to go. Keep those fingers and toes crossed, folks.
One of these days I've got to go through all my stuff and figure out what I can sell. You'd think with all the people needing to get rich quick that there would be an easy way to do so. Eh. And genies really do live in lamps.
April 5, 2006
Pain... the wallet, that is. Your public service message for the day is: Never spill acetone on your glasses. They will crack. And your wallet will cry.
Perhaps finally I will be under only one boss here at work. I'm still not quite sure who I turn my paycheck into, though. Sam Klein (the head honcho) is a nice, nice man, even if he's a little intimidating, being so scientifically famous. Which is odd (the intimidation, not the famousness, he's terrifically smart), since he looks like someone's favorite uncle.
And aside from the hurtful events to my bank account recently, I now have
What do you want to be?
March 23, 2006
two years
Two years ago my uncle died. It's an odd thing to think about. And even odder, that I didn't actually think about it on the day he died, but rather earlier in the week. And then I feel guilty because I didn't recall it until my mom asked me if I remembered.
It still doesn't seem right, that my uncle isn't still at the house on the hill, that the youngest of them was taken first. And I really can't relate to how my cousin and aunt, and my mother, even, can deal with it. It's like if I don't think about it, it's not real. Isn't that silly?
At the risk of slipping into melancholy, I'll run back to work and forget about this for a while. I'm not depressed, just busy, honest.
Do you ever just think,
"I'm fooling everybody"?
You have no idea.
March 5, 2006
As I was driving home tonight, I came across an accident under the highway near the trainyard. There was at least one wreck, smashed front bumper facing our direction of traffic, never good. It must have just happened, because there were no police, no ambulances yet, but there were people on the side of the road, surrounding someone lying on the ground.
I followed the car in front of me around the wreck, making sure there were no other cars coming the opposite direction, and felt horrible for not stopping. There were quite a few cars that didn't look as if they were involved in the accident, so perhaps they stopped. There was nothing I could have done; I don't have a cell phone to call for help, and I'm not a doctor, not yet and not by any stretch of the definition, however much I would like to be. But I still felt awful.
I stopped at the gas station just down the street, as that had been my goal all along, and saw an ambulance drive past (rattling, natch) from my hometown, without its sirens going. It's never good when the ambi goes in the direction of an accident without the sirens; means there's no rush to get where they're going. I hope everyone is alright. Maybe it wasn't going to that accident, because I heard nearby sirens after that.
Sigh. Really, what could I have done?
On the upside, I got my new printer today. Snazzy. On the downside, I missed meeting someone, but God works in mysterious ways, so perhaps we can find that connection again.
January 28, 2006
All hail the blue bird
Say goodbye to Sapphire, my little blue parakeet. He's off to the big bird place in the sky
Sapphire was close to thirteen years old. We're not sure of his exact age because he was a few months old when I got him for my thirteenth birthday, along with the albino hamster Ruby (Yes, I had silly naming conventions when I was younger). He used to do one trick when he was younger: the Turnaround. He'd cling to the corner of his cage and flip his upper body through his legs.
In recent years he'd really taken an interest in the bell of the circular roost than hung from the top of his cage. He could ring that bell for hours, and often did. He also imitated the "leave your message after the beep" beep of the answering machine.
I'm sort of amazed that he lasted this long, but it was sad to see him so sick. I bet the cold weather didn't help, and the fact that I was seriously sick while at my parents place recently probably accelerated things.
I hope you're happy wherever you are, pretty bird. May you have unlimited seeds and a big bell to ring.
September 23, 2005
hostage situation
This morning a 15-hour hostage situation ended in a house just a block away from my apartment. Apparently a guy had robbed a bank (although I'm not sure that's really true) and was followed by police to a place near my building, where they tasered him. He got up, though, and ran into his house where his grandmother and young nephew were. He had a gun (or possibly three) and shot into the walls and in the direction of the police. They found out that the guy is mentally unstable and probably off his meds, so they didn't think he would really be that violent and were willing to wait him out. Which they did.
Last night when I came home from anatomy lab (where we dissected a mouse, yawn) the main street to turn down to get to my place was blocked off by yellow tape and about five police cars. Luckily I know the neighborhood enough to be able to get through the maze of one-way streets that comprise it, so I was able to get to my apartment, but there were some streets blocked off that I bet had a lot of wrong-way driving going on, since the proper direction entrance was blocked. Cece and I went out on the porch and could see the SWAT team running up to the house. It was funny because they looked all serious and determined as they ran up to the house but then they just stood there in the doorway. Maybe they were waiting for the guy to let them in. The SWAT guys didn't want us out on the porch though, they waved at us with a 'get out of the way' sort of gesture, so we went back inside. Didn't want to get hit by a bullet.
That's pretty much what happened all night, they had negotiators trying to talk him out, until this morning when I got up. I went into the kitchen to see if anything had changed, which it hadn't, and that's what the news stations reported. My mom wanted a picture, so I retrieved my camera from my room to take a shot, and when I finally got the house in view, I took the picture without even realizing that the police were leading someone out. So I actually got to see the police take custody of the guy. I also didn't realize that my flash was on, so I hope they don't come storm the place because I distracted someone with the flash
It was funny because they had literally just reported that the situation was still ongoing. Sounds like everyone was ok, and that the police had encountered this person before. Hopefully this time he can get some psychiatric help.
Just thought you'd like to know about wasn't really all that exciting. I missed all the gunshots and just saw the police barricades. Though it was interesting to see the guy walk out in cuffs, he looked like a normal person. Be safe out there.
And now it's time for a PSA: Please make sure that if you're out driving this weekend you YIELD to pedestrians in the crosswalk, even if they are there illegally. Pedestrians, YIELD to oncoming cars and use the crosswalks. The police are going to be giving out tickets, in hopes of lowering pedestrian-car accidents. Be careful out there!
this is just some filler because I'm trying to see why this isn't working.
June 10, 2005
'scuse me while I cry now
...because I just signed up for the MCAT in August. There goes $200. Ugh. I decided to do it today because I got paid and I might as well do it now before I lose my nerve. It's probably not so good to feel so wishy-washy about going to med school. I think I will do well, but it's scary! And I don't know exactly what I would do yet...possibly something neuro-related, but I don't know how comfortable I'd feel cutting into someone's brain. But all that neurophysiology/ethology that I did in school (well, took classes for, anyway) was quite interesting and it would possibly let me do research on Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, which my mom tells me I should do. And wouldn't it be great to be the person who finds a cure. Or even part of a cure. I must admit to a certain amount of influence from 'er' and 'grey's anatomy.' And while I know that real life is not like a tv show, I still think those are interesting enough, once you strip away the soap opera.
Then there's the sports medicine/exercise physiology part, which is not so much med school as grad school. But then there would probably be the chance for working with prosthetics or orthotics, possibly getting back into the athletic swing of things...
and there's still that little voice saying, really, you sucked in college so why are you even attempting this? I still wonder if the three years of working will be worth anything. *is full of self-doubt* I would love it so much to get in here at Wash U but that's such a reach. Why couldn't I have fallen in love with a nice inexpensive public school? Noooo, I had to go for one of the most expensive schools in the region. It's sort of scary to think about, what might happen in a year...
I suppose a year from now I'll know if I'll still even be in the state. I will admit a certain apprehensiveness on my part about leaving "home." Because while I value my independence, I really like being near my parents and the things I've known all my life. What can I say? I'm an only child, and I was loved, so I never had to fight for things, didn't feel the need to strike out on my own. That and the fact that both my parents are super cooks.
Guess I should really start studying, huh. Too bad the MCAT book isn't nearly as exciting as
Jen N's wedding tomorrow! *crosses toes that a cute available guy is there*
March 22, 2005
It's fitting that even though this is the first week of spring, today has been dark and rainy and will continue to be, since he loved the rain. A year ago today my uncle Johnnie died. I still can't believe it's true. It doesn't seem possible. But it is, and it's so sad to think about. So mostly, I try not to. But there's always that little niggling thought in there. Every time I pass by the hospital where he died, I remember, every time I visit my cousin or my aunt at what I still think of as 'his' house, I remember. I know that he's so much better now, where there is no pain and much love, but I miss him. I pass by the cemetery that he's buried in every time I visit my parents, but I've only been there once. I'm not even sure where his grave is. God. It's hard.
Family is coming in today. I hope we can get things taken care of, like the website, which has, unbelievably, taken this entire year to work through. Hopefully we'll get it all worked out. Also hoping to get off a little early from work so I can see them earlier. There's nothing I'd like so much right now than a hug from my family.
On the upside, Luigi asked if I could stay on at work until May, which is a good thing, though I still need to find another job. Haven't heard anything from the person I talked to last week, but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Here's hoping that I find something soon.
April 20, 2004
It's an anniversary but it's not happy...and those crazy calorie restriced people
Today is the fifth anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton Colorado. I can't believe it's been five years. I hope that the people out there have come to terms with what happened. My deepest sympathy.
And yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. It doesn't seem like it happened so long ago. - Families observe Oklahoma bombing anniversary as Nichols trial resumes - Apr 19, 2004
And on a slightly lighter note...Luigi just had his first big paper come out in PNAS (which is a really important scientific journal) and he has been fielding interviews all over the place. Now you too can know what I work on. Er, sort of. I didn't actually do any work on this paper, but I'm happy for him anyway. He was interviewed for the Post-Dispatch which you can read here, and for many many other publications and/or shows around the world, which you can search here. And that Tina Hesman you see as the author for a bunch of those stories...she's the medical reporter for the Post. Yay, StL! And the Post Weatherbird 'bird line' refers to the (below the fold, but!) front-page story. Heh. Like the Weatherbird needs to lose some weight
Heh. I just got a call from WGN radio in Chicago...they wanted to talk to Dr. Holloszy who is my ultimate boss. Whee! National coverage is fun. And yes, if you were watching channel 2 news last night, that was in fact my boss
March 29, 2004
uncle johnnie loved the rain
which is fitting, I suppose, because it rained during his funeral. Today, I cried. Hot tears that hurt as the forced their way past my lashes. Too many people were hurting to not be empathetic. My mom was shaking so hard I was scared something would happen to her. And Nick...he just stands there like a talk dark shape and just looks heartsick. I can't even imagine how Aunt Roberta feels, with her empty bed.
But I know he was loved. The visitation last night lasted four hours and it had to. There were people there the whole time. Nick's friends from school came. Old teachers came. Friends from his work. From his older work. He touched so many lives.
I believe...that my life's gonna see...the love I give...returned to me...
and you know how strong emotion can lead to excessive creativity?
What's the weather like in heaven?
I bet it's always perfect.
Down here it's raining.
But you loved the rain, so maybe that's perfect too.
I hope one day to meet you there, and we'll have more to talk about than the weather.
of coures, to be talking to you at all would be all I need.
I can't check the weather in heaven--
but I hope you can see the stars.
Keep an eye on our weather.
you know it likes to change.
and wehn the sun comes out again,
we'll know you're smiling at us.
I think I'll go play in the rain.
I miss you, Uncle Johnnie. We all do.
{Ed. Note: this is last friday's entry. x-posted from my LJ because my server was down last week. Deal.}
March 25, 2004
I'm feeling a little angry today
Today is my uncle's memorial. It'll also be a rather busy day, which sucks. Hopefully I'll be able to leave in time to make it to the funeral parlor. I don't even like to think about that. But I noticed that I was annoyed at little things on the way to work. And someone nearly rear-ended me during the drive. Wouldn't that have been a great way to start the morning.
Does it make me a bad person that one of the first things I thought about after I was told that he died was, who's going to do the website? It's terrible. At least I feel a little better because I wasn't the only one thinking of that. Luckily we were able to figure out who hosted my mom's site (and the gallery site that my mom, aunt and uncle were going to set up) and hopefully there is some way we can get them to give us the information so we can keep them going.
sigh. I guess I should get on that busy work day...I'm already late as it is.
March 23, 2004
Johnnie Franklin Asher
Rest in peace.
My uncle is dead. I've repeated that to myself so many times today you'd think that I could believe it. But I don't. People in our family don't die. He was the youngest of my grandparents' children, only 48. Always the one with a joke filled with dry humor or a funny face during thanksgiving dinner.
Forgive me if I take a quote from the Two Towers, after seeing my grandparents:
No parent should have to bury their child.
He was there and then he wasn't. He was never fine, after the pancreatic islet cell cancer was diagnosed, but he wasn't gone. He was still joking about how horrible the food was at the hospital and as soon as he got off the clear liquid diet he wanted some strawberries and cream Edy's ice cream with some Famous Amos cookies. I asked him which kind and he said, oh, get 'em all.
Into the West made me cry.
Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms
You're only sleeping
What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All Souls pass
Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don't say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping
And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the West
I'm so silly, aren't I? And yet again, I don't seem to have tears. Why don't I believe it? I felt for sure that he would wake up and say, ha, it's all a joke. He had the equivalent of nearly three people's blood in him sunday/monday night alone.
They're going to donate his corneas. Someone else will be able to see because of him.
Thank you for the hugs and well wishes. It means more than you know.
Say a prayer for Aunt Roberta and Nick for me. And Grandma and Grandpa, and Mom and Aunt Carol...he affected so many lives. Keep watch over us, ok? we love you, we miss you.
January 19, 2004
I was thinking the other night as I drove home from my parents' house how so much of our life is built on trust, and we take it for granted. We trust that our cars won't break down, that the wheels will grip the road even if it's raining, how our parents will be there (until they die, which we don't think about). We trust that our home, apartment, dorm, whatever will be there when we get back and that our car will be in the same place as when we left it that morning. We trust that the car will start even in freezing temperatures. We trust that the grocery store will have milk and orange juice and that the gas station kiosk we stop at will have gas in the octane you need or paper so it can print your receipt.
We trust that our harddrives will store our information and start up the next time we hit the power button. We trust that we will still have a job when we get to work the next day and that there will be someone to talk to. We trust that things will work out. We trust that God or whoever you believe in has a plan for us and that it's all going as it's supposed to. We trust that we are right and they are wrong.
Where does this blind trust come from? Sometimes I wonder at how much we trust that everything is alright. I trust that someone is reading this journal and that just maybe someone appreciates it...otherwise I'm just doing this for my own glory.
Anything that makes you go hhmmm?
November 26, 2003
That's sad
This is sort of random, but if you read this article you'll find that actor Jonathan Brandis killed himself a few days ago. You might remember him from Seaquest DSV...and the Neverending Story 2 He was one of my first crushes, and I liked his show as well. Probably because he played a brainiac. He was only 27. Hadn't heard much from him in recent years, so I wonder if that's why...but it's sad to find out someone you really liked didn't like life enough to continue...hmm.
In the good news category, tickets for the midnight premiere of RotK are on sale today, so I'll see if I can make it by the box office...or someone can...hint, hint
November 14, 2003
Chalk this one up to life experience
Get ready, this is gonna be a long one.
Early thursday morning (around 1 am) I was mugged (technical term: strongarmed) right outside my apartment. I had just gotten out of my car which was parked a little farther away from the building than I liked. I sat in the car for a bit after I parked because I had picked stuff up from my parents' house and had to gather it out of the passenger seat. When I got out and shut the door, I heard leaves rustling and looked towards the other side of the street, where a black man had just come out between two cars. I thought he was just going to a car, but started getting my key to the apartment ready in any case. I was wearing gloves which made it a little more difficult, and a hat which might have been why I didn't hear him cross the street until he was right behind me.
He grabbed me from behind and I (in total disbelief that he actually did it) started screaming-loudly. Somehow he pushed me to the ground as he tried to shut me up, and kept saying, 'where's the money, where's the money.' At one point he forced my chin up so I couldn't open my mouth (and nearly couldn't breathe) but I guess I moved enough that he pushed me onto my back. I tried biting his hand but I don't know if I actually got anything...but it got him angry enough that he pushed me down...and left my legs free. So I kicked him in the head. Or at least something in that general vicinity Now while this sounds wonderful, it made him mad so he clocked me just above my ear. This understandably slowed me down!
Luckily by this time some neighbors had heard me screaming and called the police. A guy who lives across the street came out with a baseball bat when he determined that it really was a mugging (as opposed to just a friendly wrestling match, which I totally understand) and the guy ran off. I curled up on the concrete for a short time just to make sure I was ok...realized the guy broke my glasses, which pissed me off. A girl who lived in my building had heard the commotion but didn't (understandably) want to come out, in her pjs, alone, against a rather bigger man. She didn't have shoes on, and I remember telling her to get off the concrete and realizing I was still lying on same. The police came very quickly after that, and I gave a report, and the policeman walked me back to the apartment. I called my parents and told them the news...they took it pretty well, all things considered. Then I called Leo and Alex and asked them to come over from Alex's because I didn't want to be alone that night. Realize that it was close to 2 am by that time. Thank you guys for abusing your sleep time for me
Now for the ever-growing experiment in irony that is my life...
Bear with me, these get long, but they do have points.
Irony #1: The day had been very windy, windy enough that the power went out at the apartment. The main reason I had stopped by my parents' place was that I had to drop off a book I'd just finished (remember Quicksilver?) that was two days overdue. Because of the aforementioned power outage, I had to read the last thirty pages by candle- and flashlight, making me late for home and later returning to the apartment. Now, I know I've mentioned how loquatious Mr. Stephenson is...the book is 900+ pages and has a good heft...I actually weighed it: 5+ pounds. It was too big to fit in my bag, so I had been carrying it from my car to work and vice versa, always thinking that if anyone did try to jump me I'd have a ready weapon to bash their head in. So of course when I did get jumped, I had just returned the book. Sigh.
Irony #2: Earlier in the day I had gone home to be there when my Josh Groban cd arrived (see previous entry), enjoyed it, and had it in the cd player in my car. I got it out of the player when I got back to my apartment (which was part of the reason I was in the car so long...I suspect the guy saw me sitting in the car getting stuff and assumed I had something of value, which I guess I did, but...more on that later) and had it and a flyer and a pair of jeans I'd left at home in my hand. Now if you know me you know that I have only a few of the characteristics of my zodiac sign, Virgo, one of them being a slight analness about little things, like spine-cracking on books and scratches on cds. Well, obviously, the cd got scratched in the scuffle. It looked worse than it was at first, as the cd seems to play just fine in all my players. But still. 12 hours before it had been pristine...point being that I'd had it for such a short time and it was already messed up, and it was just the sort of cd I didn't want messed up. I stepped on my Two Towers soundtrack last year (on the way to a Two Towers screening--how's that for irony, eh?) when I was so desperately trying to keep it nice...and here goes another cd. Meh.
Random bits: I was a bit embarrassed because I could have easily sprinted to my apartment, being a track star, don't you know. But then I think that even if I'd made it to the door, I'd still have to unlock it, and that takes time, most likely enough that the guy would have caught me anyway. I was worried at one point afterwards that he had taken my wallet, but it turned out to just have fallen out of my pocket, and I remember thinking (when I thought it was lost) 'aw man, there goes that cute new wallet (I'd only had it a few months)' and then I was like, 'aw crap, I have to get a new driver's lisence, debit card,' &c. And you know that thing about just giving them the money...I didn't even think about that, and I know it would have galled me to do so, so I suppose it's for the best that it fell out I didn't know that I could scream so high or so loud...guess those years of choir helped me out...and now I know what it feels like to be punched, or elbowed, or whatever it was he delivered to my head. It didn't really hurt that much, to be honest, it was just suprising, another thing to add to the list of 'I can't believe this is happening.'
I spent yesterday getting new glasses (and to be honest about that, I'm not sure if I broke them or he broke them, all I know is that they somehow ended up in my hands with one earpiece bent totally to the side and both lenses out) which left me a couple hundred dollars poorer and slightly weirded out, because it's been at least six years since I had a new frame. It takes some getting used to, you know, different frame color and different shape to the lenses...Of course, even though I went to Lenscrafter's which boasts 'Glasses in about an hour' they didn't have my power of lens so it took rather longer than that. I had entertained the idea of going into work for a little bit but I didn't have to, and I ended up back at my parents' house sleeping in a chair in the living room. Needless to say I was a little tired after that!
I've got one of those alarms that you pull to make a really loud noise on my keychain now, and you can be sure I'll have my keys ready when I get out of the car. Who knows if the guy will ever be caught, but I hope I did get him in the head and I hope he has a lump somewhere on his noggin too. I still can't believe it happened, to me...I mean, it's almost funny. And all the what-ifs and 'if I had done this, would it have been better'...I keep thinking about it, but you know what? I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm gonna get on with life. The apartment is too nice to give up (and I really don't want to break my lease), and honestly, it didn't even occur to me to get out of the area. I like it and don't want this incident to ruin that. Ah well. Three cheers to Girl Scouts and all the people who showed me how to defend myself. I'm rather proud I prevailed...and the guy didn't even accomplish his objective. So I'll learn from this, and pass my knowledge onto you (and if you've read this far I commend you)...Look around you, especially late at night. Give them the money (if you can remember where you put it), have your keys ready. Run like hell if terrain and circumstances allow it. Try to remember everything you can about the attacker. Got that? Good.
Thanks for caring. Feel free to make me feel better by utilizing the links to my wishlists
September 9, 2003
Playtarot -Playtarot Reader Go visit. Good for a laugh and to make you think. And I just bet you wish you had a cool toy like this.
I'm working on my Legolas layout as we speak...hopefully it will be done by the end of the week.
Kitt, I dl'd Bliss...I'll listen to it in a minute. We'll see if I can get any Pirates I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop for the past few days...I'd really like to see it again. But absence makes the heart grow fonder... The new John Mayer cd comes out today, you know. You should go buy it. I'm waiting for mine...I'll probably get it tomorrow as the thing was still in transit the last time I looked. Ah well. You can't beat free fact, the whole order was free because my auntie Carol was so nice to me for my birthday
If only there was such a thing as free *fast* shipping. Meh.
Onto lunch, folks...
side note: my uncle has now had nearly a person's worth of blood pumped into him. Bleeding is bad. Keep praying.
September 7, 2003
I never could cry
My uncle spent the weekend in the ICU. He's still there. They're going to transfer him to Barnes or SLU hospital to see if a radiologist can find the source of some internal bleeding. My aunt and cousin came in from Joplin and my grandparents made the trip from Richland. It was tough on them to make the grandpa's hip has been hurting for a while and my grandma has had a headache for three days. Aunt Carol and Corey were coming up anyway for the St. Louis Art Fair, so they brought my grandparents up. We all visited at various times during the weekend, and you could just see when my uncle was in pain. It hurts to see someone you love in pain. Makes you wonder why it happens.
Thing is, obviously this is hard on everybody. Little things make people start to cry. Like Corey and I noticed that my Aunt Roberta's (Uncle Johnnie's wife) brake light was out. Aunt Carol had just told us how my cousin Tim had just bought his first car battery and installed it and his car is working again, and Aunt Roberta said, Oh, I'll have to have John get that light fixed...and you know, everyone tears up. Even Nick, stoic Nick, little cousin Nick who's now the tallest in the family, and looks just like his daddy John did at that age. And I can't summon a tear. I feel bad that I can't cry. I don't know why. You might have read about how I teared up at the Lion King musical. That was HIGHLY unusual. I mean, of course I'm sad. Of course I feel the pain of someone I love being sick. But I guess I can't show it. I can comfort, I can hug, but no tears will fall...and it's not like I'm trying not to cry. It might be nice sometimes. Makes me feel callous not to.
Dear God, don't take him from us yet. We need him.
September 5, 2003
There are only a few of you out there that know this, but my uncle has cancer. He didn't find out for sure until about a month ago when his stomach felt so bad he couldn't eat. By the time they checked it the cancer was very advanced (stage IV) and had spread to other areas. He's fighting it as he can, but they can't do surgery. I think he was going to have chemotherapy but I'm not sure there weren't some complications with that as well.
But we got a call this morning that he'd been rushed to the hospital last night because he felt so sick...and he's still there. I don't know what's happening because callous as it sounds, I had to get to work. My cousin is staying home from school today. My mom was crying on the phone.
I don't know what to do, how to feel. I don't want to think of him dying, because that would be pessimistic and I try not to be. I want him to stay with us. His family needs him...we need him. But I don't want to be totally unprepared for shock. People don't die in our least, no one I'm close to has yet. I don't want a trend to start. Prayer is a good place to start, I suppose. But then I get into that 'am I right with God' feeling that always makes me uncomfortable. Sheesh. I don't think there's a comfortable way to feel about this.
He got those tickets to the Lion King because he was working for someone who found out he was sick. Usually I love irony, but not this much.
July 27, 2003
Summer Sickness
Around Thursday afternoon sometime I realized my throat was a little raw. So even though I'd had a pretty big lunch I had some clam chowder I'd brought along, and that made it better...but then Friday came along and I definitely had a sore throat. Saturday I was coughing too, although not so much that I annoyed fellow movie-goers as I finally got my parents to see Pirates with me. Sigh. Today I had a stuffy nose. Still do as a matter of fact. Wish it weren't so. Silly sicknesses. I don't know if this is some bug I picked up at work, a bug my dad picked up at his work (he's not sick but a coworker is), a bug I picked up at Comic-Con (probably the most likely) but whatever it is it sucks. As I said, I saw Pirates for the third time, so the weekend wasn't a complete bust...finally got my copy of the soundtrack as well, so that was nice music to work with during my next attempt at a Will Turner portrait, based on this picture (which I'll attempt to scan sometime when it's finished...need to find a scanner that works with this old a version of Mac OS) and played a little bit of guitar. Badly, realize. Still very much learning. One of these days.
Since I've got a slight fever of 100, I'm heading to bed shortly even though it's only 11 pm. I hate being sick. Really. I also hate spam. No spam! It sucks! Goodnight...and don't forget to comment on the layout! What do you think of the first Orlando-less design?
June 10, 2003
I don't believe it
Well, it's official, I've had *my* first car accident, on my way to work. Not my fault. It's rainy and slippery today and I was stopped at a stoplight in the right-hand left turn lane, with cars to the left and a median to the right, and a Jeep Liberty sliding toward me in the rear-view mirror. Eeek! I had enough time to think that car isn't stoppi--oh shit!
Irony no. 1: This is my second week being a full-time driver with my own car insurance (nothing should happen to it as it's not my fault).
Irony no. 2: The accident occurred in front of an old auto repair shop with a sign reading "Collision repair center" directly across the street from where it happened.
Sigh. And here we were hoping that the Saturn wouldn't need any repairs while we got the new car paid off. The trunk is bashed in on the left side and won't open, but miraculously the taillight casings are intact. The left one is loose, but intact. The left passenger door could be a little sticky, but the car is driveable if you don't mind the rather gaping hole where rain could get in...Thank goodness it wasn't my fault (and I didn't hit the car in front of me) and thank goodness for seatbelts and thank God I'm ok. Nothing broken except the car; I can't tell if I'm going to be sore because of nerves or because of the accident. So worry not, I'm ok, just a little shaky. But I'll take your gifts or monetary donations or Amazon wishlist fulfillments joyfully
January 28, 2003
losing the farm
Children: don't stop dancing...
you can fly....away
--Creed, Don't Stop Dancing
A couple of weeks ago I learned that my grandparents were being bought out of their farm down in Richland Missouri. This is really saddening and disheartening, as I wanted to be able to take my kids there. Course, it's probably better for my grandparents, health-wise, but this means that most likely they'll move down to Corning Arkansas where the rest of their relatives live. Farther away from us and no more near the Gasconade river. There's so much there that I'm going to miss. All the memories, all the places. I'm not sure how much longer they have down there, but it's not long enough. I love my grandparents.
Nothing I can do about it, though. Life sucks. I still need a job, and this is my last week at the Nolta lab. Ah well. Anyone knowing of job openings, let me know. I should just apply to Borders and school myself to temperance.
December 17, 2002
Seven Hours...
Now I'm just bored. But if you go to this site every day (after you vote for my site of course) and click on the logo you can make them give $1 to Toys for Tots. Go for it! And don't forget about and other such things...hopefully it makes a difference!
November 22, 2002
39 years ago...
John F Kennedy was assasinated. I remember when Beauty and the Beast came out it premiered on the 22nd of Nov, and how it was sad that such a great movie came out on the same day as such a tragic event. I was 10 or so, already thinking deep thoughts, lol. Of course, there were several music cds, etc, released last year on Sept. 11, and it's always a little wrenching to see that as the release date.
On a lighter (or darker, as the case may be) I've been writing more on Decadence and TMC. Decadence is already getting gory. Definitely an influence of the books I've been reading I hope I can actually go through with it.
I finally developed the pictures from graduation and this summer and this fall...course it's only three rolls. There are some pretty wacky pics in there. You can see some of them here, don't laugh too hard.
I want advance tickets to TTT, damnit! All the sites I've tried don't seem to have them for this area. Phooey. lol. I'm not obsessed, really. Only 25 days left!
September 11, 2002
I can't believe it's been a year
This time last year I was still in school, hadn't started either of my blogs, hadn't started running the best track season I'd ever have, was still freaking out about Transport phenomena, and didn't know to wish Coach a happy birthday.
I'll light a candle later tonight. Never Forget was the Club 101 phrase of the day. And there's no way I ever could. I guess every generation has its "Kennedy moment" but I wish this one didn't have to be so horrific.
I have deep regret that I never got to go to New York before the towers were destroyed. But I do hope to someday make it to the memorial. I saw it on tv once, the two shining columns of light streaming up to the sky. Never Forget indeed.
life is precious and fleeting: make the most of it. much love to all of you, and my prayers and compassion for the victims and their families. God Bless.