The Aspire Archives
November 21, 2008
So I saw the midnight show of Twilight last night. I liked it more than I thought I would. It was surprisingly good for a movie adaptation of a book, and I think most people would be satisfied with it.
I like going to the midnight shows, because you know people who go to them are just as excited about the movie as you are, and they (theoretically) understand it. Also, they usually have funny dialogue. I'm pretty sure the guy sitting behind me with his four other female friends was gay, which made for some hilarious comments whenever Rob Pattinson came on screen. He did play a very pretty vampire. Though he does have a bit of wild-eyed scary expressions, which, I suppose are okay for this type of movie...
(Slightly spoilery, I guess...)
Sometimes the paleness of the vampires didn't look real. You could tell they were wearing a lot of makeup. Also, it's hard to put eyeliner on guys and not have it look obvious.
The sparkling? Pretty good. I had an idea of how I thought it would look, and that's sort of what they went for, though I find it amusing at how Bella apparently sees things through soft focus and prismatic filters.
Yes, they cut quite a bit out (the movie is only two hours long) but I don't think they left anything terribly important. They did use lines from the book, thank goodness. The author makes a cameo.
I think there was some acting in the movie. The characters had a bit more life in this than in the book. Everyone was too pretty, even the humans.
I'd probably see it again, if only to look at RP again. He looks very nice, especially when he smiles. There you go, guys, smile at me and I'll think you're nice.
Now if I could only see Quantum of Solace,,,
July 1, 2008
You should see this. It's really cute and sweet and has good music, and it's hilarious, just like that little video above.
December 4, 2007
a very good day
Today is a very good day. Pirates 3 comes out on dvd, Jim Butcher's latest Codex Alera book, Captain's Fury, comes out today, AND I had a 40% coupon for a dvd box set, so I am up to Season 5 of Buffy.
Jen is a happy girl. If only work wasn't in the way. I'll still probably finish Captain's Fury before the day is over, regardless.
And maybe Saturday, a Pirates marathon at Mike-of-NaNo's apartment. Whoo!
August 14, 2007
What do you think? (x-posted at LJ, because that's what I had open first...) You've got 12 days to decide if this is me (that gives you to the 26th, btw). Click and see it change, I guess.
One of these days I've got to read the books. Annoyingly enough, neither of the libraries in town have the series in one volume. Since I've already got a backlog of library books to read, I'll have to wait and request each separately.
July 11, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Whew! Another fandom midnight movie premiere. Saw HP and the OotP last night (with friends! finally!) and enjoyed it. The Post-Dispatch reviewer gave it a B+, and that's probably what I'd give it too...there was an awful lot missing (when you have to distill 820 pages into a 2:18 movie, of course there will be) but I think they did a good job at editing.
Daniel Radcliffe is still too cute for his age. His acting is better in this film than the others, though he was pretty good in Goblet of Fire. However, his acting is almost all we get to see. The other characters have been pretty much cut to secondary roles. Usually the most is made of any role, however small.
There are some tough scenes in the movie (as they were in the book, and if you haven't read it, I won't spoil you) but they're done well. One of my friends remarked that this one was the first she'd seen where she'd read the book first, and it is a little odd to see it, knowing what happens. I think this one did a good job at keeping the suspense up even if you knew how it would end. Of course, I don't think I've read OotP since the last book came out, so it's been a while, and things had sort of faded into the fogginess of my mind.
I liked the ending (in the sense that it was well done, not the it's-a-happy-ending way), though I wish it could have explored the book storyline a little more. There were some slow parts, and I wonder that they chose not to expand on the conclusion. People would watch it no matter how long it was. It's the shortest movie of the five that are made, yet the longest book. It could be longer.
The music wasn't wonderful. Nicholas Hooper composed it, and while there were a few times of hearing Hedwig's theme reworked, most of it was new. It was very unobtrusive except when there were establishing shots, which I've never understood. Yes, let's have sweeping orchestrals while showing you castle turrets. I'll probably buy it anyway. I miss John William's score, though.
This one won't make me rush out and see it again immediately, unlike Pirates 3, but I'll be happy to go with my parents or other friends.
PS about the car...cross your fingers that a) I can get it in for painting and alignment today (things that they would do anyway, but I bought it from them too fast) b) I can get a hold of my salesman so i) I can get a rental car for the few days it will take to paint and ii) they'll agree to fix the cupholder that they *should* fix, but we didn't notice at the beginning and c) that I really can afford this car...
May 25, 2007
At world's end
Well, I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and I've had a few hours to think about it (after a dream involving Orlando, natch), and I've decided I liked it. There were quite a few funny bits, and lots of clever references to previous movies in the series, and romance (and you all know how much I like that), and some jaw-dropping moments when I could not believe what I saw on screen could possibly be how the movie would go. Yet, it all wraps up quite nicely, even though I didn't get to stay to the end (you should...I will for certain when I see it again), if in some slightly creepy ways. I'm not completely satisfied, and there are certainly some clunker storylines in there that could easily be trimmed. But I only checked my watch once. And I can't wait to see it again. Perhaps not at the Moolah, for while they did have drink specials and I was able to have a Will Turner (vodka or rum, blue curacao, and lemonade), they're expensive and I dunno if the couches are worth it.
Read on for spoilery talk...
First off: Oh, Will. Oh my God. Yes, I am a fangirl and I'm not afraid to say it. But damn he's fine in this movie. I really like Orlando as Pirate!Will. That being said, I just keep finding out that Jack is handsome, odd habits and all. He's certainly not my favorite, but I can't help but like him.
There's a whole romantic scene at the end that had me very disbelievingly staring at the screen, wondering if I had perhaps wandered into a non-Disney movie. Yes, I was happy with it. Sue me.
The "Calypso" storyline wasn't so hot. Nice to know backstory for Davy Jones, though. There are things that I wish I could have chatted with folks on the OB boards, but being without a computer I could not. I eventually found the answers today, but man I wish there was some way of being online last night at 1:30 in the morning...
There's quite a body count in this movie, which isn't so strange, considering that it's supposed to be the end (or so they say, it's definitely open for interpretation). But there are some key figures that head into the blue in this one, and I'll miss them.
Several key points didn't get made in the movie itself, but I've learned through various boards and such, and I'm glad for that. It makes things a little clearer. I wish there was a way to go back in and say, "You should tell people what happens when someone stabs the heart..."
It rains a lot on the sea, apparently. Everyone's drenched, all the time. Of course a wet Orlando is not a bad thing...for me, anyway.
Here's a bunch of randomness that doesn't really deserve full sentences: Poor Norry. Daddy Swann! Daddy Turner! Captain Turner! Will's chest! Marriage in the rain! And that kiss...
I'm going to head home and see if I can pack quick enough to see it again tonight. Yes, I obsess much.
May 24, 2007
off the edge of the map
Here there be monsters...
So here you go. After nearly a year, a new layout. Pirates, again. Sorry for the long wait. Things in RL decided to be more important. Besides, I really liked the old layout. This one isn't so fancy, but I had fun with it.
Tonight I get to see PotC 3 with Leah at 9:30. Yay for advance showings! Will let you know all about it tomorrow.
Boo for my poor little iBook which is currently (hoepfully) on its way to the Apple Depot to get a new logic board. Maybe. It has been acting really funny, but of course it acts fine for the people at the Apple Store. I actually stopped in twice, and neither time did the laptop go wonky. I made them take it anyway. It's still under warranty, after all. Here's hoping it doesn't get erased. At least I have my story file.
March 13, 2007
prepare for glory
I saw 300 a few hours ago. I have to say, wow. That movie is gorgeous. Gritty, gory, really dirty and totally unbelievable, but gorgeous.
And good God, the abs. I am in awe of the abdominal muscles of the Spartans. Most likely computer-enhanced, but anyway. Almost enough to get me out there working out
It was rousing in a blood-soaked way. As long as I didn't think about the masses of blood being shed, it was beautiful. It was a dance, almost, to watch the battle, to see the parry and recovery of an artist of war.
I saw it for purely research purposes, of course. I can't quite figure out how to plan a war for my novel, so I need all the help I can get.
Two people I did not expect in this movie: David Wenham and Rodrigo Santoro. I like both of these actors, but I couldn't get over seeing David aka Faramir bare-chested and blond in a sea of dark-haired Spartans, even if he did a great job as the storyteller. Considering the other roles I've seen him in (Moulin Rouge and Van Helsing) he's not my first thought when someone says, hey! I need a Spartan! And as for Rodrigo, I've only seen him in Love Actually and those Chanel ads, but he is hardly recognizable.
Gerard Butler is very much recognizable, and does well. Though apparently Spartans were part Scottish...
I'm glad I saw it. It was visually stunning. See it if you can stand the gore.
July 7, 2006
yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum
ye gods, am I tired.
But happy. And I haven't crashed yet, so let's see how I get through the upcoming happy hour/farewell to a coworker who's off to (Wash U) med school. Lucky girl.
Anyway, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was all that and a barrel of monkeys. Well, one undead one, anyway. I liked it, perhaps not quite as much as the first, but well enough that I won't be sorry to see it again. The ending is one heck of a cliffhanger that NO ONE in the theater saw coming. Orlando looked fine, though his dialogue wasn't as good as it could have been. Johnny Depp was superb, again, even when he was being wacky.
It definitely suffers from middle-child syndrome, but so much less so than, say, Episode II. It has a beginning, middle, and end, but there are quite a few story threads and it can be difficult to keep track of everyone's shifting alliances. Well, it was difficult for me, but that could just be because I was doing it on very little sleep and between 12 and 2 am...
I brought my hat, but decided I didn't really want to tote it into the theater and risk having to put it on the floor. I should have done, though. There were quite a few other people dressed up. I almost did, but I wasn't thinking clearly enough before I left for the theater to get one together. We lost the softball game (drat, again, and through some errors of mine, sigh) and it was a late game, too, so I didn't have a lot of time to shower, eat and change. Oh well.
Okay, it's time to get happy. Enjoy the weekend!
July 6, 2006
Some of you out there will say I told you so, but I did end up deciding to see the midnight premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest tonight. I bought a ticket yesterday when I bought milk. Ah, the joys of having a theater right next to the grocery store. There's a possibility that my new roommie will come too, but I don't count on it. She's a little flighty.
In case you're somehow reading this on a feed and don't realize the pretty pictures surrounding the entry, I put up a new layout for Pirates. I enjoy it. It's not quite unkinked yet, unfortunately, but that's partly because I got the thing uploaded during the course of several late-night coding sessions. And as much as I know I'm a night owl, I was not thinking all that clearly...
I had a subject not show up today due to sickness, so I got to work early for no reason. At least the subject didn't get lost like the last one did. And there's a softball game tonight, so we'll see how well I do tomorrow, being horribly sleep deprived. Though that's not unusual for me
It'll be a long day...strange to think that the movie is only twelve hours away, but on the other hand, egad. Twelve hours! I think I will at least wear my hat. Perhaps my renaissance shirt, but then I'd have to wear the bodice...not sure if I could stand waiting in that thing! It's supposed to be relatively cool tonight as well. Go figure.
I'll let you know what I think tomorrow
Wish me luck at softball tonight!
June 28, 2006
Look, up in the sky
This time last night I was sitting in a movie theater, watching the premiere of Superman Returns on an IMAX screen in 3D. It was pretty cool.
First off, let me just say that I think Brandon Routh is quite good looking, and it would be worth it to see the movie again just for him. Of course, I say that now, while Pirates 2 is still a week and a half away.
So, about the movie. I liked it, quite a bit. It was probably better than X3, if we're comparing superhero/comic book movies, on par with X2, possibly better than Spidey 2. Eh. Maybe not. I really liked Spidey 2.
I'm trying to remember what I said for the Fanboy Smackdown podcast, but as it's rather late and I've still got a few chapters of the new
It was a visually pleasing show to watch. Lots of interesting ideas and a fair bit of plot for a comic movie. I liked that they managed to make Superman seem human even in his super-ness. I didn't like how the CG artists couldn't quite figure out how to render the superCape, but perhaps that's just me and my odd aesthetics.
The 3D aspect of it was fun (especially the fact that all three trailers--that has to have been the shortest preview section I've ever watched--were in 3D too) but didn't really do much for me. Part of that could have been because we were sitting in the third row from the screen, hence much neck-craning went on. The price you pay, I guess.
Speaking of price, it's finally happened: I paid double digits for a movie ticket. I remember thinking back in 2003 when Pirates came out and I was in CA for Comic-Con. I saw Pirates out there, and paid 9.45 and was appalled. Well, these tix were $11. Sigh. Young, prices were reasonable, nostalgia, etc.
I'll gladly see it again, most likely with the 'rents, since that's the way things go. However, tonight was special, since my parents decided at the last minute that they wanted to see Aida at the Muny. We were actually planning on just sitting outside and listening to the music or seeing if there were any free seats. So we go to check out the free seat availability, and my mom asks an usher if there are any left. He calls this woman over, and she consults a fistful of tickets, they debate, gave us three tickets, two of which were in the same row, another that was just behind.
We start walking towards the free seats, then look at the tickets. Lo and behold they are actually in the paying section of the theater! Sweet! We got good, comp tickets, and it turned out that we could sit together anyway because no one claimed the seat next to my parents.
Aida was good; I wasn't expecting it to be spectacular, since I sort of mistrust anything that advertises itself as coming from Elton John. But it's good. I like the songs and I guess one day I'll get the soundtrack. It was pretty professional as Muny shows go; last year (I think...could have been before that, can't remember) we saw Beauty and the Beast there, and it wasn't nearly as good as it should have been. Yet another movie I'd like to see on Broadway. or at least at the Fox
So who wants to see Superman again before Pirates comes along and knocks it out of #1? *fangirl giggle* There are other things I'd like to chat about for Superman, but not now. It's definitely time for bed. If I'm ambitious, I'll remember what it is that I wanted to say. If I'm lucky, I'll see it again this weekend and have a better angle to present. Go see it and tell me what you think.
November 14, 2005
Waiting for Harry
Yesterday I bought my ticket to see the fourth Harry Potter movie on Friday. I'm begging off work early and will have to leave literally as soon as we finish the second part of the study. Hopefully it will be good, and people will appreciate my costume (I actually like costuming better in the winter...usually costumes are so hot, it's nice to have a reason to wear all the paraphenalia and not look like you just jumped in a pool), and I will get some writing done while I wait for entry. Here's hoping that I can make it in time to get a decent seat. Alas that I couldn't make it to the midnight premiere, as much as I would like to, since I'm being practical and giving myself a few more hours of sleep. And woe that I couldn't make it to an IMAX showing (since when did the theater I'm going to get IMAX?) since it would be cool to see this one in IMAX like I did with the 3rd movie. Though I recall that I said I wouldn't have wanted to see it for the first time on that big screen...too much to take in with such a huge surround screen.
This weekend will be hectic, starting with the fact that the very moment I get out of the movie I'll have to rush over to Parkway South to help my mother set up for her show. (You should come visit us.) Then two, count 'em, two shows on Saturday. And Sunday, right after the writer's meeting for NaNo, I'll have to rush off to P'Way S. again and help with take-down. Joy.
Of course, that's not even counting the sleep-deprivation I'm in for this week, as there are three studies this week (again) and wednesday's will be particularly brutal, given that it starts at 6:45 am. *shrieks* My poor little not-a-morning-person-self. Boo hoo. And the writing. Oh ho, the writing. I'm still about 3k behind where I *should* be, but I ought to be able to make it up. I'm ahead of where I was last year, anyway. Whoo!
Here's a
Happy Monday.
October 17, 2005
So I saw Elizabethtown friday night, and liked it. I went with friends who didn't see it because of Orlando Bloom and had heard it reamed on NPR's movie review just prior to arriving at the theater, and liked it anyway. It was funnier than I expected. It was glorious seeing Orli's face up close like that (and we were close. The Moolah's couches are very close to the screen, and it's a big screen, and we were in the second row. I think my neck is still a little sore, lol) and overall I was happy with the movie. It's no Almost Famous, but it's a worthy effort by director Cameron Crowe. I'm not sure it deserved all the drubbings it got from the critics. I can see some of what they're talking about, some slow moments and a little bit of weird editing, but shoot, Return of the King had that too, and look how that turned out. I wonder what the cut was like at the Toronto Film Festival, where ETown premiered, since apparently it was so bad that CC was forced to recut it.
There were lots of funny bits. There were definitely things I could relate to, like the scene where Drew (Orlando's character) first meets his country cousins. I've had that happen to me before; there's this room full of people who know me, and know me well, somehow, even though they haven't seen me since I was yea-high to a grasshopper (aka a very long time ago), and they LOVE that you're there! It's weird and offputting and strangely gratifying. Seemed like there was a lot of reality in this movie, for all that it's larger than life.
I suppose I can see where some of the complaints came from. Some parts are a little long, true, and some of the scenes didn't quite flow. There were technical questions, like why on earth wasn't test-marketing done on this shoe (Drew is a shoe designer who spent eight years designing this one shoe which turns out, as the movie calls it, to be a total fiasco), and honestly, whose cell phone battery lasts all night? And how exactly did they have Drew getting lost on the way to Elizabethtown (which is on exit 60B, in case you were wondering about the title) when it looks like a straight shot from the airport to the town? But those don't seem like reasons to pan the movie. Just observations.
I kept noticing little moments that reminded me of Orli in other parts...I guess I've seen him so much in his other movies that everything he's done now is overlaid with Will or Legolas or Balian. Which isn't a bad thing. I like him in those movies. I guess it's just that I don't want him stereotyped in my mind. It's a good thing this was a comedy. I laughed quite a bit, and so did the rest of the theater. It was mostly girls (no surprise there) or couples, though there were two older men sitting on the couch next to us, and all of us wondered why exactly old men were going to see an Orlando Bloom movie. Maybe they were just going because they had nothing better to do. Maybe they like Cameron Crowe's movies. Maybe they like Cameron Crowe. Whatever. Regardless, the couches were full and there were people upstairs in the balcony as well. Good. And box-office wise, it came in third behind The Fog and Wallace & Gromitt, which I consider a good showing because ETown was on fewer screens and wasn't rated G.
I wore my only western-style buttondown shirt, because Orli wears one in the scene at the end of the movie. Doubt anyone noticed, but it made me happy. Also making me happy was the toasted ravioli that I had during the movie, even though it was expensive and I had to leave the theater for about 30 seconds to get it. The Moolah is a nice place, and I hope I get to go back soon. This time I'm going to remember to ask for the student discount and get my parking pass validated so I can get a discount on consessions. Ah well. You live, you learn.
On another movie related note, I saw Domino (starring Kiera Knightly and opening wide the same day as ETown) a couple of weeks ago as a free screening from Glamour magazine. It was good, fast-pasted, frenetic. Visually engaging. Not so much gory as gritty. Very in your face and if you don't like it I'll punch you in the nose (which occurred several times). Unexpectedly funny at times. Made you wonder how much of the story was true. I'd recommend it, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it.
I wonder if an envelope from AAMC will be waiting for me when I get's the middle of October, after all, and the MCAT scores are supposed to be coming out about now...Friday and Saturday when I checked the mail there were important looking envelopes that at first glance looked like they could be score-containing, but I was disappointed. Even now I'm nervous thinking about it. Damn stupid college GPA. Why didn't I study harder? Because if these scores are crappy, not only will I have to take the MCAT again, I'll have to take graduate courses, because there's no way med schools will look at my app once they see the GPA. Sigh. Hindsight sucks.
Just a little more work, then I'll be on my way. Go Cards!
October 14, 2005
a heck of a place to find yourself
In honor of the new movie Elizabethtown coming out today, you have a new layout. Lots of new things tried in this design, and it's not finished yet. I hope you like took me a long time to learn the CSS. Please forgive the odd placement while I try to figure out which stupid DIV tag isn't closed. Everything that you remember should be here, it just might be in an odd place. If you see something that you know absolutely cannot be right, comment, and I'll see if I can fix it. And if you notice it, it's most likely that I noticed it too, since it's still being updated. I hope to have an archive page redesign up soon, but it might be a while. I've got a list that's slowly but surely being checked off. If the colors are screamingly annoying, comment, and tell me what colors would be better. I like having my (ahem) fans' input.
Tonight not only do I get to see a movie with Orli, I get to see it at the Moolah Shrine Theater which has couches in the first five rows. Hopefully we'll snag one of those, but it's first come, first served, so who knows?
And it's official...I've got my tickets to Vegas. Now all I have to do is not spend any money from now until then, and I'll be ok...though I really want an iPod Nano for the trip. Wouldn't that be grand.
October 11, 2005
It's a fangirl day
The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. --Frances Willard
Happier note, I found out that I did in fact get 100 on my A&P test, which just rocks my socks. I hope that the next one can be so high. I have a lab practical exam this week, which I suppose I should prepare for...I've probably mentioned it before, but usually I do better in labs than I do in the lecture. Here it's the opposite. Oh well. Study harder. Why oh why didn't I do that when I was actually in college? Ah, hindsight.
Still waiting on those MCAT scores. Oh, and the contents pages (linked above) have been migrated to MT. So there's nothing new, just makes it easier on me to put something new there when I finally do get a chance. Best be off to work.
May 24, 2005
Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.
So how about that $50-million first day Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith posted? I admit I did help that out in my small way. I took off a little early from work hoping that there would still be some space at the theater near my house, and lo and behold, there was. So I waited in line behind this nice couple and their two kids and read my Narnia books for an hour. Well, half-hour, really, since they let us in with 30 minutes to go. And apparently the theater got all fancy and had moving ads on the screen while we waited as opposed to your standard slides, which was cool. It was funny, took a little while to realize what was different.
And they started the trailers early. Which is good, I guess, and I know I've complained about 20 minutes of trailers before, but still, I now have to break the habit of feeling safe when I'm just a few minutes late because the trailers no longer start at the movie time, the movie starts at the movie time. Imagine that. Hey, what can I say, I like trailers. Especially the Narnia teaser trailer. It was great to see it on the computer, but it's even better in a theater with surround sound and a huge screen. Sigh: to have a home theater.
So yeah. The movie. It was good, I liked it, and if asked by someone I would probably see it again. The StL Post gave it two out of four stars, while I would probably give it 2 1/2 stars. The special effects redeem the (still) pretty poor acting, and the story has some flaws. I guess what bothered me the most is they just didn't quite make it believeable that Anakin would surrender so easily to the Dark Side. It happened too quickly. And while he had a valid reason, it wouldn't be what pushed me over the edge, I guess. Whatever. It was a good way to end the series, and I'm sure it's going to last all summer long. Bully for George Lucas.
So the next thing on my list is to learn GarageBand because I really want to write some songs of my own. I have to admit, as much as I want a PowerBook, the fact that an iBook comes with iLife (which includes GarageBand) made the iBook the only choice. Let's hope there are no exploding power adaptors associated with this computer, eh? So I finally got myself a book to help me out, and I've found a couple of places online that look great, like iComposition and MacJams so hopefully one day you too can hear my sweeping soundtrack-like songs. Er. Yeah.
That is, when I'm not studying for the MCAT. The closest I've come to that so far is looking at the instructions for signing up, which I suppose I ought to do soon. Why on earth is a stupid test like that $200? I don't understand why it costs so much when so many people are taking it. Bugger. Maybe the 'rents will help out. It's scary, that your future can sort of rest on how well you perform on an eight-hour test. Oy.
On the upside, Writer's Meetup tonight, and I AM going to go, and hopefully my friend who is Sexier Than A Duck will be there too, so yay. I have to figure out what bit of writing I would present. Eek! Some of the old Moonstone stuff is just crap. I know this, you know this if you read it, but really, I have to get to the end before I can fix the beginning. Seems odd to put it that way but I must move forward. I want to send off a query letter like STAD did
And another upside is that even though Kate doesn't really know if she'll like the renfest, she's going with me next weekend. Yay! Perhaps I'll wear my newly-completed skirt. Or not, depending on whether or not I can stand to wear the bodice for a day. We'll see. I really need to start doing crunches.
Here's to making beautiful music. Or maybe just lunch.
May 6, 2005
Excited; and Do You Like?
Well, today's the day. Kingdom of Heaven comes out. Due to scheduling conflicts I won't be able to see it until rather late (you know I would be out of here in a flash to see it right now, if I could), but at least I'm seeing it, and seeing it with other people, which is a big bonus. And it's going to be at a cool theater (as long as it's not sold out, which would be my luck) that I've never been to. So, yay.
And, how do you like the new layout? It didn't take me very long, more because of lack of time to do it than it was easy. Luckily I've got most of the kinks out of updating MT so that part goes relatively smoothly. Don't forget to check out the archives, which also has a neat new layout, if I do say so myself.
In case you're curious: reviews of KOH from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Riverfront Times. It got three out of four stars from the PD. Yay! I have a feeling this will either be a movie that critics hate but the general public loves, or everybody hates/loves it. Kind of like National Treasure. Critics thought it was horribly formulaic but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Hopefully this will be the same way. I have high hopes.
[edit: for those of you who came by and saw absolutely nothing aside from pretty pictures on this blog, it was purely an error on my part, but somehow a) two of the same entry were posted and b) there was an incorrect tag in at least one of the entries so it crucked up all the actual blog content. Fixed now. Yay. And at least one person likes the should have your say too. /edit]
January 21, 2005
so, who wants to travel?
HP Fan Trips || Where Magic Travels Together
Remember how I said I wanted to go to London? Yeah. Wouldn't this be a great way to do it? lol. Of course I'd like to do the Scotland part as well...bah. what happens to all my money? Boo. Because I am really needing a new laptop now. I've noticed that my faithful little iBook is dropping pixels on the monitor...doesn't bode well for future graphics...and I want a keyboard. The Mesnier (elementary) school music teacher wrote a song for her kids and the high school choir and us alumni in the show (tonight! Tonight is the show! eek!) and she has one of those huge concert-type keyboards with all sorts of neat synth sounds. Of course I realize I won't get one of those, but man, it's neat to hear.
I'll probably head out shortly...I'm so tired from this week and I have to get to the high school early for call. I heard that it's supposed to be a full house, so get there early if you're coming
wish me luck! *shoos away sore throat*
January 12, 2005
all I ask of you
If you go to the official site you can get notes from the Opera Ghost and see a clip from the film
I absolutely adore the opening sequence from this movie. And if I can make it to the MEGA SCREEN (Wehrenberg Theater's line, not mine) at the Chesterfield Galaxy 14, then hey, all the better. Hopefully the screensaver from the site will work on my comp at home after being transferred from a PC to a mac. Silly file exchange.
Perhaps tomorrow, I WILL KNIT! Take that, non-craftyness-persons! Er. Yeah.
(Side note: I can now embed FLASH MOVIES! *confetti*)
August 23, 2004
m15m: Hidalgo in Fifteen Minutes. Noticed that King Arthur has a parody too. These things are great, nearly better than the movies. And she gets to write a book. *is jealous* I know, I know. I simply have to actually *WRITE*. Meh. At least now I have a desk for to be productive on.
Have headache. *aches*
Why am I hungry? I had lunch. *wonders*
*thinks about going to Borders after work* *brightens*
*shuts up*
August 10, 2004
Expecto Paperback-um
Yay! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out in paperback today! As soon as I'm done voting I think I'll head over to Waldenbooks and get my copy
(There's a fun little Lego game here, although it seems to go pretty slowly on my computer. Maybe it's just me.
And if you go here you can read a spoiler from the Goblet of Fire script...exciting! GoF was always one of my favorites of the series. I can't wait to see it onscreen. Yay Harry Potter!
Don't forget to vote for me in the website competitions today...the links are below the post! I really need your help this week!
July 23, 2004
Happy Birthday Dan!
Dan Radcliffe...aka Harry Potter, turns 15 today. Ahh, jailbait. Course, he's the second or maybe even most rich kid in England, so I don't think he'll have a bad one. Just browsing - The Ultimate Harry Potter Site...need more HP desktops. Silly, I know. It's been a while since I've surfed on my laptop so it's sadly out of date.
Sounds like the Calcium Kid and Troy will both come out on dvd around October sometime.
Am I horrible if I really want to see Spidey 2 and HP 3 again? And again? Egad I need a life. Of course, JK Rowling needs to write quicker so we can have a book 6...and I need to wait until August 10 to actually spend money so I can do that silly thing called 'saving'...
July 21, 2004
Spider-man in Lego!
You must click to watch this 4 minute Spidey vs Doc Ock video, with all 'actors' scenes, props etc, made out of Lego blocks! It's well done and quite funny. Yay childhood toys put to good use
July 8, 2004
Another King
Saw King Arthur last night. Saw it alone because once again I've run into the 'need more offline friends' brick wall. Sometimes I hate being a loner. I don't mind that I saw it alone, although it was damn cold in the theater and quite empty for an opening night...thank goodness I brought an extra shirt and a book. Lots of fun imagery, but awkwardly edited. I enjoyed it, but it seemed like there were some parts missing. Had a good score though. Hans Zimmer may be derivitive sometimes but he still writes good music.
Seemed like there were some strange cuts from one scene to's a shot of Woads getting ready for battle, here's a nice domestic scene...or here's the night before battle and then it's dark and suddenly Guenivere is sneaking into Arthur's room...and even though I knew they were separate groups, for quite a while it was hard to figure out who was Saxon and who was native Briton. Guess that's why they went with the super-blue people. Poor Merlin hardly got a mention.
Kiera Knightly is entirely too pretty for words. She looks good even when she's blue. Perhaps not the right accent for her acting region, but at least I was convinced she could be both queen and warrior. sometimes. Clive Owen, now, I could live without him. He's just not my type. Although I did start to like him better towards the end of the movie. He does seem like a Roman officer. I liked most of the knights of the Round Table...Gawain and Galahad were familiar, I knew I'd seen them before, but couldn't place them with all that hair! Gawain's actor also appeared in
Ioan Gruffud is a good looking man, and he uses two swords as Launcelot...kinda like Legolas' white knives. Yay! Unfortunately the friendship between Arthur and Launcelot isn't really developed and there is nonexistent romance between Launcelot and Guenivere. I heard that Jerry Bruckheimer (producer) was pushing for an R but this ended up with PG-13, so I bet a lot of the romance got cut so there could be more 'violent' fighting sequences.
Warning: there's a spoiler ahead.
Launcelot dies! Damn them! Stop killing off the cute ones!
Silly reason, I know, but I really wanted to see a movie that opened on 7-7. Being that 7 is my favorite number, how could I refuse? Eh. I guess I should be used to going to work tired after movies by now.
Still wanna be an actor. Medieval costume drama anyone? I need a sewing machine so I can start working on all those patterns I bought last year. Merph.
Found out yesterday that
Softball tonight!
June 30, 2004
does whatever a spider can...
We interrupt your regularly scheduled blogging to let you know that fictionary is up. Go read and comment. And submit something of your own!
Now back to your blogging, already in progress.
Ok...saw Spider-man 2 last night at midnight. Yay! Good stuff. I don't know if it surpasses the first one overall, but it was quite fun and I came out smiling so that is definitely worth two thumbs up. Following are the random thoughts that I came up with around 3:17 am last night so I would remember something to write today
CAUTION! There will be spoilers. Go see it! Then discuss.
*Peter gets the girl this time! Although wtf with the last image of the movie being MJ's depressed face?
*Gooood kiss at the end. Aha! Requited love! and blast, police sirens...
*Re: ripping fabric during the train-stop scene...wouldn't shoulder joints tear first? Eh. Silly biology. Love that the gloves are still pristene after holding onto all those webs under such pressure.
*So does John Jameson's leap there at the end mean anything? I've heard rumors about ManWolf...
*Squee! Shirtless!Tobey! haha.
*Poor Harry. He spent the movie getting drunk and pissed off at Spidey. Understandable I guess, but there's only so much emoting you can do while drunk...and wtf hearing voices now? I've heard he takes up the Green Goblin mantle which is clearly forshadowed here, but let's face it, even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign. Ha. And thank goodness the movie didn't end with him picking up one of the performance enhancer tubes! And eek! re: Murderous!Harry. Not so keen on killing your best bud, are ya?
*MJ's wedding dress...fluff much? She looked a little like meringe.
*Tobey Maguire is good at earnest faces. I can't quite decide if I think he's cute or just good with emotions.
(Spidey holds up an wall made entirely of I-beams and other random metal objects, thereby saving MJ from a particularly nasty death by squishing.)
"This is kinda heavy."
MERF! Hah. Not really a time for small talk, eh?
*I'm glad I watched the Today show interview with Tobey yesterday because Matt Lauer explicitly said Spidey would lose his powers, and Tobey said why...he was stressed out and not sleeping/eating enough, etc. I guess I could have missed it but I didn't really feel like they explained why he was suddenly webless.
*It's painful to watch Spidey/Peter fall, get punched, sliced up, etc. Or at least it was for me. I think this is good because it means you're really relating to the characters!
*Doc Ock's "I don't want to die a monster." But...he did, didn't he? Still had those arms at the end...
*Peter's reveal as Spidey. Good stuff! Each character/group that saw it reacted differently but appropriately. I love how he got his mask back. Amazingly resilient stuff, that spandex...apparently capable of sealing itself around his neck. It's the amazing invisible seam! And the I-can't-see-so-I'm-taking-off-my-mask works until he puts it back on and the eyeshields are magically clean again. Maybe the kids cleaned them off.
*Yay for telling the truth to Aunt May about Uncle Ben's death. Well-acted scene.
*So Peter's behind in his rent for the whole first part of the movie and then it never comes up again. He hasn't been making any money, so...? Ah well. Continuity sucks sometimes.
*Er, Russian Rent Girl...sorry, but there's nothing there. Thanks for the cake, though.
*The big-lips girlfriend from "24" was one of MJ's friends.
*Lovely look with the sliced up spidersuit. If he had to take that one back from JJ Jameson, what's he gonna do now? And where does he get all that spandex and rubber from anyway?
*Evil Dead moment, anyone? Per se, the hospital?
*Yay PissedOff!Peter after the deli scene. Good imagery with the fisting hand.
*Definitely some adrenaline rushes and startling moments. yay!
*Will Peter ever finish college? Will he ever get a job that pays him to websling? Will he ever write his paper on fusion, now that his subject is at the bottom of a lake?
*Poor Jilted!John, actually left at the altar by Meringe!MJ! haha.
*Eeek! Barbed Wire! Ha! I laugh at you, Barbed Wire, you mean nothing to me. I shall break these bonds in front of Harry because I can!
*Hah. J Jonah Jameson: "Call the caterer. Tell her not to open the caviar."
*I loved the reverent catching of Spidey when he's about to fall off the train after saving it. Awww! NY'ers really do care!
*Giant-web-spinning!Spidey...guess it's easier to set up than a hammock, but wtf anyway? It just looked a little silly. But Tobey did look good up there.
The characters seemed real, relatable, reasonable in their decisions, even if they were awkward or hard or strange. People you'd be friends with, as long as they weren't madmen. Peter does seem to make enemies easily. Good thing there's going to be another one. I adore the gymnastic poses Spidey has when he's (momentarily) stopped. I find it somewhat ironic that the good-evil struggle was between Spider-man, who it would make sense to have eight limbs but only has four, and Doc Ock, who is supposed to have only four limbs and ends up with eight, and whose name is ingeniously poised to accept that. Whatever.
I loved the opening credits. They essentially recapped the first movie in a series of great watercolors, except for a few headshots of MJ, until the last scene where a painting morphs into a billboard with her face on it. Man I wish I could paint like that.
June 29, 2004
anything but ordinary
Just waiting...
amazing how long the day stretches out before you when you're anticipating something. Tonight the gang is going to the midnight premiere of Spider-man 2...and long do the hours seem until then, even if it's only twelve hours...odd sometimes to think about where you'll be at some certain time in the future and to know exactly where you'll be...sort of like being clairvoyant. Or not.
I'm really liking the
Surprisingly one of the better songs on the ST is from Train, who I normally don't like, but this is a pretty cool song: Ordinary (where the title of this entry came from
) and there's a really good one by a band called Yellowcard that was obviously written just for the movie: Gifts and Curses. It's about a girl named Mary and how the guy wants her but 'has a purpose' and can't be with her.
and my worst pains are words I cannot say
still I will always
fight on for you
It's also got a wonderful instrumental bridge with piano and violin. Yay! Good investment on my part. Can't wait to see the movie and discover which songs are actually in the movie as opposed to those 'inspired' by it...
waiting sucks. guess I should do work to pass the time.
ETA: Just doing my part to help... Interrobang. Thanks Leo
June 28, 2004
what's behind the door
Remember when I told you about the new JK Rowling site? Well, that damn door finally opens. I had quite a bit of help from Alice, whose instructions I repeat here, under the extended entry for those of you who don't wish to be spoiled...because it has to do with the title of the sixth book
Go visit Alice, who is the first person to actually make use of the PLUGBOARD! Yes, that means you. If you have a button, as long as it's 100x35 or smaller, please post it! Yay traffic (small but subtle) increase for you
Who wants to know the title for Harry Potter book six?!
1. Go on
2. Click on the hair tie next to the key
3. Click on the door (in case you didn't know, it's been locked for AGES)
4. Right, from here it's irritating. There are five bricks you can click on, and you must click on them in a specific order.
First - 7th row, 4th brick
Second - 19th row, 4th brick
Third - 5th row, 2nd brick
Fourth - 22nd row, 3rd brick
Fifth - 3rd row, 4th brick
5. The wall should move. Click on the fan, and the papers on the desk will move and tell you what the new title is.
Or if you can't be bothered to go but still want to know (ha, rhyming), highlight the following text: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.
Be warned that this might not in fact be the new title, as this was the rumoured title for CoS many years ago. But isn't it intriguing?
Inappropriate laughter
Saw The Chronicles of Riddick this past weekend with Alex and Leo and Kris. Wasn't going to go originally...but there wasn't much drawing me home (sorry, 'rents). I apologized afterward, because there were just moments throughout the entire movie that were just hilarious to me, and I couldn't help but laugh. Mind you, some of the moments were funny. Most of them weren' was more, as Kris put it, crappy dialogue laughter...and the indescribably funny image of Karl Urban in funky huge armour, eyeliner and sporting a mohawk. To remind you, KU plays Eomer in the LotR trilogy...blonde haired dude that rides a horse, remember? Anyway, I'm quite familiar with what he looks like in real life, and this was just funny. Do a web search and you can see what I mean. There was definitely an overabundance of eyeliner used in this movie. I guess dark-circled eyes do project an aura of menace, but everyone just looked either a) really tired or b) really tricked out for Halloween. Ah well. I will admit it was a fun summer flick. But it didn't make me want to see it again, nor ever, really...possibly made me want to see Pitch Black, but I don't think I missed much not having seen it before I saw CoR. It's no Harry Potter
It did have good music though. Slightly strange when a silly movie like that has a good score.
Saw the Last Samurai last night...
and it was also pretty good. I loved the costumes and the swordplay visuals. I knew someone would have to die at the end, and sometimes it struck me as truly heartbreaking. A small bit of peace indeed. Hans Zimmer is still a pretty wonderful composer...I had actually bought the
Speaking of soundtracks. I hope I can pick up the
June 11, 2004
there's a time-waster
J.K.Rowling Official Site - Harry Potter and more
Oh, I had fun at this site today. It's been up for a while but I just now got to take a look at it. You'll probably spend a while there, as there is plenty of interactivity. It mostly only makes sense if you have read the books, and beware the spoilers...but it's fun to click around the site and find the special content for dedicated searchers
I'm not going to tell you how to get them unless you ask nicely, to avoid that lovely spoiler-y goodness that you silly non-book readers hate
That's what you get for not having much to do on a friday.
Voting and going home!
June 10, 2004
PoA in 15 minutes
m15m: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Fifteen Minutes
If you liked the one I posted for Troy a few weeks back you'll like this one too. Warning: spoilers and coarse language, but damn is it funny! Thankfully I have a room to myself so I can laugh as loud and long as I want to at work and people don't think I'm crazy. I suggest you find a private place of your own or else Madame Pince will have your hide.
Harry storms off into the night dragging his trunk, apparently having left his owl to the Dursleys' tender mercies.
CORNELIUS FUDGE: *has a Ministry of Magic office in the middle of a tavern for some reason*
SCARY SHRIVELED HAND: *pulls open door*
DEMENTOR: *dements*
RON [in his sleep]: Spiders! spiders! Spiders want me to tap-dance and I don't wanna tap-dance, Harry!
HARRY [looking up from map]: You tell those spiders, Ron.
NOTHING: *is funnier than that line*
SOMETHING: *rustles in the bushes behind them*
HERMIONE: What was that?
HARRY: Nothing, just a plot point. Come on, we've got to get out of here!
HERMIONE: Hey, didn't it used to be on a totally different part of the grounds?*
HERMIONE: If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us first!
LOTR FANS: What are you, new?
*I just loved how they had the Whomping Willow so promently displayed in a TOTALLY different part of the grounds, especially when there's a WHOLE SCENE showing the location of the tree in the second movie...but I did love how Harry's hair was continually messed up, like it's supposed to be. Green eyes! Although how does a kid with a green-eyed mother and a brown-eyed father end up with his mother's green eyes when brown eyes are dominant? I didn't learn much from genetics, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen...ah well, plot device...
June 9, 2004
Wow, his face is huge


Anyway, if you didn't know, the OMNIMAX is an IMAX theater which basically shows movies on a huge, wraparound screen. It's a little disconcerting if you don't know what to expect, but the sound is WONDERFUL! I love being in that theater, it's sort of like your own private place because the seats are set on levels far enough apart that you don't see anyone else (when you're looking up, of course
) I did manage to kick some guy in the head accidentally, because unfortunately we were in a row where my feet were on a level with his head in the next row down. Most of the rows aren't like that; I was just lucky.
I'm glad I saw it on a regular screen...there are actually quite a lot of shots where the action is to the side, and with the huge screen you really have to turn your head to see it, instead of just your eyes. That got to be a bit annoying. I don't guess I've noticed it on previous IMAX viewings, but those were only an average of 40 minutes long
HP needed to be longer. There's more they could have put into it. Maybe they're just storing up for HP 4
Yay Goblet of Fire! And when is Order of the Phoenix ever coming out in paperback?
Btw, you can check out the Aspire Bookshelf and see some of the books I enjoy...there'll be a better navigation system soon, that's very much a work in progress. Yay books!
June 7, 2004
Hooray for Harry Potter
I saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban last night. That made me very happy. This is one case where I like reading the book first. I like knowing what's going to happen, I like seeing how they visualize the characters and the scenery. Yes, it was darker, yes it was a little scarier, but it wasn't so much different than the others. Just little touches that showed it was directed by a more eccentric director than the first. And some things were completely changed, like the location of the Whomping Willow, and everyone looked just slightly more than a year older, but it had me smiling and laughing and cheering silently that I could overlook those things. Daniel Radcliffe is pretty cute for all that he's only 14, and I do like his green eyes even if they're only contacts. Yay werewolves (even if a little disappointingly rendered) and yay for time past. Kudos for actually learning some defense against the Dark Arts, and for some really funny moments. Rupert Grint is quite a good comedic actor. Emma Watson is just too pretty for 14. But she acts smart and gets to punch Malfoy which makes me laugh. I think the story adhered pretty closely to the book, which is always a good thing. And I'll look forward to seeing it again with my parents. For all you spider-phobes out there
there aren't any here! Whee! Go see it.
On a totally unrelated note, my softball team won its first game last week, 10-4. I wasn't sure we were winning for a while, but I guess that's ok because it makes you want to play better. One thing I will never understand is how people can drink beer while playing a sport. Well, how people can drink beer in the first place is a mystery to my anyway, but it just seems like your stomach would rebel when you actually get on base. Maybe that's just me. And I really have to learn how to field ground balls with my glove and not my shins. Ouch.
It's another hot one...yay st louis summer.
A man walked into a bar, sat down, and ordered a beer. As he sipped the beer, he heard a soothing voice say, "Nice tie." Looking around, he noticed that the bar was empty, except for himself and the bartender at the end of the bar.
A few sips later, the voice said, "Beautiful shirt." At this, the man called the bartender over and said, "Hey, I must be losing my mind. I keep hearing these voices saying nice things and there's not a soul in here but us."
"It's the peanuts," answered the bartender.
"Say what?" replied the man in disbelief...
"You heard me," said the barkeep. "It's the peanuts...they're complimentary."
January 25, 2004
Happy Birthday Corey!
My cousin's finally the same age as me again She spent the day driving to New York and sightseeing. Lucky for her with the sightseeing...not so fond of the driving part.
It SNOWED! And I got to SLED! Whee! Jen is happy. I'll probably be more sore tomorrow what with having to walk back up Art Hill after sledding all the way to the bottom, but it's worth it. And the new sled I got, while it did split up the middle on the bottom, worked wonderfully. Nothing a little duct tape can't fix! It was a pretty even snow, not so much accumulation, but icy. It took quite a while just to get the ice scraped off the car...hopefully it won't refreeze so I don't have to spend more time scraping the car tomorrow morning! Maybe I'll get into work on time. Last friday I somehow managed to turn off my first alarm but sleep through my emergency second alarm. So I woke up about ten minutes before I'm theoretically supposed to be at work, even though I never get into work until 15 after anyway. Darn walk from the parking lot gets me every time.
Anyway, after sledding Alex, Leo and I saw the Butterfly Effect. Interesting movie. While there were some horrifying moments I'm not disappointed I saw it. Ashton Kutcher is sort of a cutie, especially when he's clean-shaven...It's a good concept, and I think it was well done. It's just not quite up there. Eh. I guess my standard is pretty high now, what with the LotR movies...shoot, they even influence how long I feel a movie is. Anything under three hours is a short movie now, haha. But yeah, about TBE...I'd recommend it, I guess, it's pretty suspenseful. It's not a movie you could see again very readily though. Part of what made it good was that you really didn't know what would happen. So here's my ambivalent-with-a-nudge-to-go-see-it vote.
And speaking of LotR...watched the end of the golden globes tonight so I got to see RotK win Best Original Song, Director and Motion Picture Drama (!!!Whee!!!) RotK also won best Original Score which means they won all the awards they were nominated for. Go RotK! At least the Hollywood Foreign Press got it right. Let's hope the Academy are taking the hint.
I like snow.
December 17, 2003
more random RotK thoughts
Are you a LotR Expert? Hee. I am and some interesting statistics.
Spoiler thought...
At Aragorn's coronation, he communes with the remaining members of the fellowship, and you get to see Lego in a crown...of sorts. Makes him look a little poncy, but I was like, hey, Prince Legolas of Mirkwood! And then he does this cute little eye flick and directs Aragorn's attention to a banner behind him...and lo and behold there is Arwen, with Elrond the proud pappy looking on. Now this sounds cheesy, but it works.
You see all the people of Minas Tirith on the Spike of Ecthelion (er. I think it's the Spike) and Aragorn passes Faramir and Eowyn...they look happy, standing close together, but I wish they would have put in a little of the romance for the two. But I guess that will come with the Houses of Healing sequence. That just makes the EE a must-see. And what about the seedling of the White Tree? I hope that gets addressed in the EE as well.
I cannot wait to see this again. I didn't really care for the beginning, what with Smeagol and Deagol, but I suppose it's nice to see how Smeagol became Gollum, so that's sort of a pain to sit through, but once you get past that, it's spectacular. A spectacular piece of cinematic history.
And yes, I wore my costume. I did have a coat on outside as it was in the twenties and very windy. But once we got in the theater I had full costume...minus a belt. I can't believe I forgot the belt! Luckily we didn't have to wait outside long...they let us in over an hour before midnight, good thing. Maybe they felt sorry for us There were some people in costume, a lot of people in cloaks, mostly at the beginning of the line. You could tell some people had been camped out there a while. We should have gotten there a half-hour earlier and we would have been closer to the front of the line...but we got good seats anyway. We sat in the fifth row this time, not the third...still a little bit of a crick in the neck, but right in the middle of the theater. Good stuff.
You WILL have to go to the bathroom at the end of this movie! It's amazing how three hours and 20 minutes taxes your bladder
Some more questions that need answering (there's been an influx of questions in the last few days...I guess I'm showing up on some weird searches...but feel free to ask anyway!):
Q: Sound track the return of the king. A: If you want to know where to get it, check out or
Amazon. If you want to know my opinion...I'll have to listen to TTT again, which I think is my favorite, but I've been listening to the RotK soundtrack for at least a week straight, so it's my favorite right now. Sweeping sounds, reprises from the first two movies, beautiful symphonic stuff that makes you want to be a composer. I would have to say the LotR music as a whole is my favorite soundtrack work at the moment...Howard Shore is still not my favorite composer, though he's high on the list. But behind Hans Zimmer and James Horner still, I think. I highly recommend the RotK soundtrack. Of course, I also highly recommend the FotR and TTT soundtracks as well. Spring for the deluxe versions if you can get it. They're just a little more fun.
Q: Trailers before RotK. A: There were a couple of not so good trailers and a few interesting ones. Spiderman 2 and The Butterfly Effect are trailers that stood out...I assume you know what I'm talking about with Spidey2...if not, search the web and I'm sure you'll find the trailer as it went online on Monday. The Butterfly Effect stars Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart, neither of whom I think are great actors, but the movie sounds not half bad. There was a sort of stupid teaser for the 2nd Mask movie. Something about a baby born with the Mask's powers? Eh. Go see the movie. I liked the trailers but that was not why I was there
The credits of RotK are pretty neat. For each actor's name there's a pencil sketch next to it of the character they play. I didn't stay for the whole thing but I will next time. I want to hear the whole "Into the West" song in theaters. Sigh. Theoretically I might still be able to make it to a show tonight, but that's probably pushing it. I want to see RotK again! Right now! lol. At least I know I'm guaranteed at least two more showings, possibly three...and I'd have no problem with that at all.
Today is the 100th anniversary of the first flights at Kitty Hawk. Whee! So glad the Wrights were smart
I'm sure there will be more later.
Well, I'm back...AND I HAVE SEEN IT!
Here's my review that I submitted to TORn. You can read it here and see how I rated things, or just read the text below...
The word that describes my viewing of the midnight premiere is 'breathtaking.' Even though I've read the books several times before and knew what was going to happen, I still felt myself carried along with the story and waiting (or dreading, depending on the mood) to know what was going to occur next. The way the story is told is original...using the book as a guide, but done in its own way.
First off, a few gripes...I realize that with a story with so many different characters and arcs that there's going to be a little discontinuity, but some of the jump cuts were disconcerting. This bothered me in the Two Towers as well, but it's something I can live with. Sometimes Howard Shore's beautiful score was drowned out by the action onscreen, but that's not a terrible thing either. I miss the Faramir/Eowyn relationship and the Houses of Healing. I want to see Aragorn work the magic of the King. But at least they'll be on the dvd.
It was interesting to finally see the promo stills and trailer clips in their proper context, strange to see how they had changed since we first saw them.
Now the highlights: I'll admit my fangirl status by saying Go Legolas! His taking down the Mumakil singly got the loudest cheers during the whole movie. And a funny part to boot. Thank you PJ for listening to the fans. And he's knowledgeable about the Paths of the Dead, eh? lol. And finally making note that he's a prince of the Woodland Realm...good stuff.
Aragorn. Wow. Viggo, my hat's off to you. Aragorn seems so real, so human, I believe I would follow you too. Gandalf: nice to see you for most of the movie. I'm glad you got to kick butt with your staff and stave off a couple of Nazgul. Pippin! I love the accent, and the lighting of the signal fires was a wonderful cinematic moment. The soaring music and sweeping of these days I'll go to New Zealand and see it for myself.
Eowyn/Merry vs. the Witchking! Yay! Women/Hobbit power! Don't those bad guys ever learn that just because 'men' can't kill them they can still be killed? The battle scenes! Huges shots of the armies coming together, when you know that it's hopeless...they're willing to make the ultimate sacrifices just for the chance one small hobbit will make it to the Cracks of Doom. And the final fight between Frodo and Gollum. That part stayed with me from the book, and I will always remember it from the movie as well.
I'd heard this one could be a tearjerker, and there were some times that I almost cried. This is pretty impressive, because I never cry at movies. But everything just feels so realistic, so immersive, that you can't help but emphasize with the characters.
I was worried at the beginning with the slowness of the movie, but I got into it quickly. I never looked at my watch the entire 3 hours and 20 minutes. I do remember thinking just about the time when Frodo and Sam were at the foot of Mt. Doom that there was still a lot to go...but I'm glad they wrapped it up. I'm glad the Hobbits got new suits.
I was sad to see it end (for real, after the several fade-to-black frames), and a little numb. What an amazing experience. I'll need to see it at least two more times to get the full impact. Thank you PJ, cast and crew for making such a wonderful, touching, moving, action-filled, workout-for-your-subwoofer film. Hannon le.
Final analysis: I loved it, can't wait to see it again, so-THAT'S-what the silver frock is supposed to look like, yay Lego in a crown, Aragorn: the fans have found their captain, Arwen: ok, she's very pretty and not as silly in this movie as TTT, read the last two pages of RotK, and walk out smiling. I'll be listening to the soundtrack all day, and coming back with more thoughts as they come to to work, now for wrath, now for ruin and the world's ending! er. Still excited.
November 6, 2003
From the future to the past
aka seeing Matrix Revolutions last night to the trailer of Troy that came before it...which of course takes place centuries before the Matrix
The Troy trailer looked pretty cool (watch it here), and of course I was absurdly pleased to see Orlando on the big screen again. I think it will be a pretty exciting movie, and I'll try to read the Iliad (or at least part of it, anyway) before then, cause you know me, I love to read the book first. We'll see if I can make it through classical literature, what with it taking me an absurdly long time to read Quicksilver. Ah for the days when I could read 50 or 100 pages an hour, depending on the book and various other factors. Don't get me wrong, I can read very fast when I want to, and believe me, I want to. It's just that this book actually makes you think. Go fig.
And have you heard about the new Peter Pan movie? Could be cool too. Also one of the classics that I've never read and I really should. Thank goodness for the internet where you can read just about any classic piece of literature online...but you can also watch neat little trailers like this.
And I guess you were thinking I might delve into the mystery that is the Matrix? Well, I can definitely say one thing. That movie exhausted me. I guess I'm really susceptible to musical cues, but there was a good twenty minutes in the middle of the movie where I was seriously having to remind myself to breathe. It just keeps going. I guess I have to say that the ending wasn't quite what I didn't seem to summarize very well. Keanu still looks pretty cool in black, some things happened which I had deduced from the trailer, some really gross moments, some pretty heartfelt moments (some of which were too corny for words; action movies should stick to action and not emotion). I'm very glad I watched the previous movies right before I saw this one...I pity the person who has not seen the second movie or you'd miss a lot of things. Some of the imagery was great. I suppose the special effets were pretty good and the fight scenes were pretty extrordinary...I did keep thinking this is definitely not as good as RotK is going to be...
Oh, and apparently Orlando is set to star in another movie which is, once again, like nothing he's ever done. Whoo, I think...and check out this interesting picture from the upcoming King Arthur movie with Kiera Knightley...bit of a switch from her previous engagement, eh?
A bit odd when I'm more excited about the trailers before the feature presentation. Ah well. You should always have something to look forward to.
November 5, 2003
Omnio fieri possent
Whichever language that is...probably latin, but means 'anything may happen,' which is a really cool sentiment for today. Let's hope that the experiment I'm doing works out alright and I make it in time for dinner before Matrix Revolutions. Yes, it's another movie premiere! Whoo! It should be exciting Not quite as exciting as December 17th will be, but you get the idea. Thank goodness for dvds. I love knowing what happened before. I understand, kemosabe! er.
October 8, 2003
Although why he was at the site I'll never know...
Was he just looking around for old links? I don't know quite why people visit the site and then criticize it without looking to see if the error was fixed. Whatever. Thanks to Jay who pointed out that *both* the lyrics and the translation for Imana Nushif, the original song from the Children of Dune soundtrack, are wrong. Of course, you have to note that the post in question was from just after the show aired and no one had proper lyrics yet...much less the site I borrowed them from. Eh. Still a good song. From Brian Tyler : Children Of Dune
Inama Nushif, Music and Lyrics by Brian Tyler
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Hatt al-hudad (Through the tempest)
Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand)
Ay-yah idare (A singular voice)
Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali (one that cannot be equaled)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings)
Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound)
Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift)
Al hudad alman dali alia (that Alia will one day equal)
Inama nushif (She is eternal)
Al asir hiy ayish (No malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless)
Zaratha zarati (Perpetually bound)
I repeat, I did not make the earlier translation, I knew it was written in the fiction language of Fremen from the Dune books, I know the composer did all the male vocals and world percussion, etc etc. Stop correcting me on this one!
September 25, 2003
Vampires, werewolves and elves
Well, saw Underworld with Jess last night. It was dark. And it was late, and the theater was near empty...but the sound was cool. It gives you the little shivers with the transformations...not quite as good as say, Anita Blake books, but eh. Books are always better with that. Some gripes, like the transformations were a little sloppy and you couldn't understand that Kraven guy (who did not look like he could *ever* be the leader of the vampires...and what's with that weird accent?). Odd that the vamps didn't seem to have too much of a fixation on blood, but maybe I've just been reading too many horror novels.
Not enough romance for my taste, but then again that's why I'm attempting to write Decadence. There were a couple parts when I was saying, eh? and then I wondered what happened to the blond vamp later in the movie...but it's so obvious that there is going to be a sequel, what with the way it ended, and indeed, empire online reported today that there is going to be a sequel. Well and good, I suppose. I'd probably see it again if I had people to see it with, just for the fact that it's vamp/werewolf. Makes me very in the mood to write more of my fic.
Jess thought it was going to be sort of anime-ish. Needless to say she was surprised. It's got some gore in it...but maybe I'm inured to it because it didn't bother me. Rather I laughed disbelievingly at the ickiness of it. Ah well.
Did I mention how it's a little odd to try to write a story with a character that's quite different than me? I mean, I'm never really angry, I don't have any werewolfish qualities...not that I know of anyway
and I'm certainly not in love with someone from the wrong side of the tracks who I'm supposed to hate. So that's my excuse for writing Decadence slowly.
And re: the elves...yes, I did go to the Renaissance Festival last weekend. My parents let me have the new van, which was an experience...never driven that far or that long before. Thank goodness for cruise control. We drove down saturday night and stayed at Jess' friend's new apartment, which was nice. Two cats and a very late night later, we got to the festival much later than planned, but ah well. I wore my Legolas outfit because above all I love comfort, and that tunic and frock, if badly sewn, are much more comfortable than a corset. Although I do think I look quite fetching in a corset. People apparently quite liked the outfit; I had several compliments like 'that looks familiar' or 'how elven' (from the people who work there, who, to stay in character, can't let on that they recognize Lego, as this particular representation is from a movie, which certainly didn't exist in that time period, but they have an entire fairy forest, so elves are quite welcome) and a few people asked where I got my vambraces. One man asked me where I got them and when I said I made them, he was quite surprised and said how he was getting married soon and he and his fiancee were having an elven theme. Now perhaps I should have offered my services, but I didn't really want to subject myself to painting more at work
And someone else liked the embroidery, which I always feel a little weird taking compliments on, because it's just machine sewing. Albeit machine sewing that took much time and effort, but I would never try to hand sew something like that. But yay. People liked the outfit. One of the workers even asked if I worked the fest, and I had to say no. I wish I did. Unfortunately KC is much to far away from StL to make it worth it. Perhaps someday...
It rained on us a little bit, but nothing so hard as to drive us away early. We shopped, watched some of the shows, and walked between the raindrops. I bought some perfume that I'd been wanting for some time (Voodoo Charm and Carnival, which you'll have never heard of unless you visit Majikah Perfumery) and some incense that I'll finally be able to burn at the new apartment since it will be free of the motherly indict against burning anything at home.
Of course, the rain got worse on the way home. Sometimes it was quite hard and then it became foggy, so visibility was crappy. We got home later than we wished and I didn't get to cruise nearly as much as I wanted to. but overall we had fun. Saw a sugar glider nestled in someone's cleavage. Some very funny shows, some very good shows, neat shops. More time would have been nice, perhaps getting there earlier, but ah well. There's always next year.
I think I'll go attempt to write some more of Decadence now.
August 29, 2003
Stretch your mind
Thank you May for the birthday wishes and sending me on a quest:

The Da Vinci Code Quest
It's fun, really. And you can find the answers, I swear. If that whets your appetite (which it should) go get the book. It's highly recommended and reads quick! I even felt like I figured out things before the protagonist Great mystery. Read it!
August 1, 2003
Oh dear, there went the excitement meter
I've seen the teaser trailer for RotK that's been nosed about...I've got it, let me know if you want it, but I'm taking the link down for now.
and eeg! Pirates screencaps!
Did I mention how when he said "The tang is almost the full width of the blade," I just died? Isn't that silly? But it means he knows his trade. And then the sword flip and his little bow, and that look on his face when Governor Swann told him to pass his thanks on to his master...ahhh. I would see that movie again in a heartbeat.
June 13, 2003
Have you ever heard of this movie?
There's a new fantasy movie called Ancanar supposedly coming out sometime this's an independent movie but it features a search for the elves...sounds interesting...and it's got some great trailer music! Check it out. I've never heard of it before, but it could be interesting...
May 19, 2003
Whoa. Redux
So I saw the Matrix Reloaded on saturday...yay! What a cool movie. Now you might have heard how it's somewhat lacking in plot and other things of that nature. EW gave it a B, but the local paper only gave it 2 1/2 stars. Personally, I don't pay too much attention to reviews. If I want to see a movie I see it, reviews be damned. And I definitely wanted to see this one. It sort of popped up on me unexpectedly; I was a little more interested in Pirates and of course Return of the King, which as you can see in the sidebar are quite a ways away. But then I finally saw the trailer for Matrix in front of X-Men 2 and I just got all hyped up. So. I was peeved that I couldn't see it opening night, but at least I got to see it I think it definitely rates a second viewing. If I can get my parents to the theater, I think we'll see it...
So. My impression. Seemed a little long-winded at times. I couldn't understand the french guy all the time when he spoke (tut tut, there goes my six years of french classes). The pep-talk/rave/sex scene was indeed sexy, if a bit drawn out. Arm plugs, ew. Too much vinyl on Trinity. I want a coat like Neo's (as well as his sunglasses). Missed some of the computer/programming logic conversations. Liked the tv screens when he's talking to the Architect. Like the Twins. I wonder if they come back? There is no spoon.
But it's time to leave, so maybe I'll get back to you after I go do my Superman thing.
December 18, 2002
It's been about twelve hours since I walked out of the midnight premiere of the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers at the Esquire theater. And I can't stop thinking about it. If I could leave work right now and see it again I would. But I've got an experiment I won't.
There may be a few minor spoilers here and there in this's probably all I'd ever get to cause I'm lazy that way. But I wanted to get something up for TORn (review #264, under CalenhÃril). So here it is...
I truly enjoyed this movie. It was a near-constant barrage of action and adventure, and I think even if I hadn't seen the midnight premiere I would be tired after seeing it! The settings were, as before, wonderful. The music just swept you into Middle-Earth and is even better than the score for FotR.
The acting on a whole I think was more cohesive in this film, but some of the script was a little forced and predictable. But even when you knew you were supposed to laugh, it was funny.
I appreciated the effort that went into making Gollum and Treebeard. Gollum was well done, but there were just times when you could see that he was cgi. Treebeard was a bit of a disappointment, and there were definitely times when you could tell it was JRD's voice. The whole Merry/Pip/Treebeard story could use a little work.
Helm's Deep was amazing. The effects were wonderful and you really felt the action, and the emotion. The jokes on Gimli's stature were a little annoying after a while but did lighten the mood of a very dark and slightly scary part.
I loved the flooding of Isengard. Triumphant Ents, what can I say.
I'm very pleased at how they wove the three stories together--just about the time you were wondering "what happened to..." they cut to that group. And I have to put out my shoutout to more lines for Legolas
The love triangle was not in as much evidence as it looked to be, and while the alternate Frodo/Sam ending was a little weird and completely not canon, I think it fit in with what PJ was trying to do, and I accept it.
Overall a very good film. I think it was better than FotR. More action, superb effects, and a year of experience only serve to enhance the movie. Go see it!
one thing that is quite spoilerish that disappointed me...(scroll down)
Legolas doesn't kill the Uruk that's going to set the fire for the blowing up of Helm's Dike! He hits the shoulder, then reaims and gets him but it's too late... and the Dike goes BOOM! I suppose someone had to do it, considering that the dike really does fall, b-b-b-but why did it have to be cause Lego's shooting wasn't spot-on at that moment? Bugger.
(end spoilage)
Aside from that , all was wonderful. We got there about 10, waited for a while until Alex came by with the tickets...I could have worn my cloak and no one would have laughed. And we weren't the first. And had we gotten there any later we wouldn't have gotten a seat near the front and near the it was we were at the right end of the third row...not ideal for your neck, and needless to say I'm paying for it today. My neck and shoulders are very sore. But it was worth every minute of waiting and craning. I loved it.
I know there are things I forgot in the review, like how the beginning just hits you with a load of beautiful scenery and snatches of dialogue and then we see the fight with the Balrog. One phrase I can use to describe the movie is boom-boom-boom. The images just keep coming. There isn't a long Hobbiton sequence to bog down the first part of the movie, you don't have to wait till the middle of the movie to meet more characters. Legolas is there all the time
And he does more of those "oh-Valar-my-heart-just-broke" looks. Damn that is one fine elf. No Legolases from the costumed moviegoers. Not as common as it should be, lol. Next year I will wear a costume. It better be done by then!
More elvish. More action. Some things are totally different but it still makes a good movie. And that's what I went to see: a good movie. And that is what I got. Many OMB moments.
I'll probably be back for more, when I remember. Feel free to comment
September 30, 2002
once again I thank you
Please keep voting...
yeah, so my PCR didn't work. Erm. Doing it again with other dna samples. faugh.
Watched a history channel special on Braveheart: 'History vs. Hollywood." So some of my illusions were shattered, but I learned some things too...for instance, did you know that a typical Scottish claymore was 5'6" long? Good grief. Taller than me.
Waiting for midnight so I can download the hi-res version of the TT trailer I am such a dork :look: